Recommendation wanted: Cherry tree variety, source

Madison, MS

I would like to add a flowering, fruit-bearing cherry tree for a sunny spot in my yard in Madison, MS. Please recommend a suitable variety for Mississippi sun and a valued source? Thanks.


Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Are you wanting a fruit like you buy in stores or just any fruit? Black cherry is native to MS and looks nice but has tiny fruits.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

The thing you'll want to look out for is chill requirements--you'll most likely need to look for low chill varieties. Many cherries require more hours of cold weather than you probably get in MS so that'll be the most important thing to look for. I'd do a little searching to see if you can find out how many chill hours you typically get in your location and that will help when you look at cherry varieties.

Madison, MS

Thank you, ecrane3 and JCalhoun. I am looking for a landscape specimen tree, not necessarily for fruit. Of course getting any edible fruit would be a bonus! Just want a nice looking addition to my yard. I'll look for the number of chill hours in MS but not sure where to find such data. If anybody knows where to find chill hours or a specific variety or source for a cherry tree suitable for MS, I will thank you.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's a link to a chill hour map:

And a site that lists chill hour requirements for a number of different cherries:

Also note that if you are only buying one tree and you want fruit, you'll also need to look for one that is self-fruitful.

Saraland, AL(Zone 8b)

Also, cherry trees like many other trees are sometimes prone to pests and illness. You may want to do some reasearch into that as well.

The southeast has it's fair share of them.

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