My 2nd year daylilies are Popping through....ohhh, no!

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Today it was actually 69 degrees here in Iowa, and I was out in the garden, and saw my daylilies coming up!

Since last year was my first year with daylilies, should I do anything to protect them, or leave them be?

Lindenhurst, NY

Hi, isn't it exciting when they start growing near springtime?
I don't know what zone you are in? I'm zone 6b and i don't do anything to protect mine when they start to grow....but others might? I think it might depend if they are dormant or ev?? Not sure. Lets see if one of the more experienced growers chimes in.

What zone are you in? And 69 degrees sound very nice!

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

We got to 69 degrees today too. But last night we had a bit of snow and then it froze on top of it. Unheard of around here for this time of the year. My daylilies have been up and growing for nearly a month now, but it didn't seem to hurt them in the least. Not even the evergreens. I'd think that unless you got some real cold weather that sticks around for a long time, they'll be ok. Of course this is coming from someone in a warmer zone. So I may not even know what I'm talking about! LOL

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)


I am in zone 5. Today, it will be in the 60's again, with some light rain. For the next week, it will be in the 40's/50's in the daytime, and aound 30 at night.

I am so excited to see all the daylilies are looking vigorus, as some were dormant and some were evergreen, but we still can get freezes for at least another 6-7 weeks. I don't want to lose any future budding!

I have a John Davis rose in the garden, and even it is sending up green shoots!

This has been such a warm winter for us, that I think the plants don't know if they are coming or going.......

Springfield, OH(Zone 6a)

I am like smack dab on the zone line between 5 & 6. I have a whole lot of day lilies up. Our Ohio weather is so un predictable, over the last few years growing daylilies I have learned to relax quite a bit. Daylilies are tough, part of the reason I love them so much.
I don't protect them, just too many, and I don't mean to sound like a meany, but if they don't make it through the crazy weather, they just don't belong in my garden. I have had to get used to some spring sickness some years. I almost expect some this year. We will have more freezes, I'm sure, I'm not selling or showing my daylilies, so except for maybe some yucky foliage (whiich I will cut off anyway) my daylilies will be just fine.
6th year for me, last year was amazing!!
Have fun, don't sweat it and good luck!

Marshalltown, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks 'crash', this is just my second year with daylilies....I'm a newbie with all gardening, especially the daylily....

The weather here has been really odd for us.....only a couple of really cold temps in Jan., and then alot of temps 40-50 degrees, and 25 at night....normally we have really freezing temps teens daytime, and around 8-0 at night) in Jan. and Feb. then maybe 40's in March...

It's just weird....

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Your winter tempts this year sound more like a normal PNW winter.

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