Question about dividing?

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Is there a general number of fans a plant should have before dividing? I'm just wondering if it'll set my plant back if I divide it when it's at 6 or 7 fans or should I wait for it to increase more? I'm asking because I'm wanting to do some trading and selling this spring.


springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I have divided them like that before. It won't hurt the plant, but don't expect a lot out of it this summer. Generally if I want to divide a plant that isn't very large I just 1. realize I won't get much action this yr. or 2. wait til fall, like September or so. that way you won't set back the blooms, but it still has time to establish some before hard winter freezing heaves it up!

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Maybe the ones that are 6 or 7 fans, I should divide them this fall and line them out for next spring then? I really don't want to set some of these back. Some of them took a while to settle in anyway.
I have plenty that have increased to very large clumps. I'll just trade and sell them. Thanks Frilly!

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