CLOSED: Birthday Club Cards For March 2012

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The fog was so bad here, I could hardly see my neighbor's house across the road early this morning and forget about seeing the woods beyond our field. Neener, I don't envy you having to drive in it. You're working way too hard for somebody who's supposed to be retired!

After our rains yesterday afternoon, weeding the hosta bed under our cherry tree today was a breeze. I moved a bunch of houseplants outside on our deck that faces North so they can get used to being outside again. Now just watch, after being so warm, we'll probably have a frost and I'll have to slip them back inside again.

Still using hubby's laptop and am taking my tower to my computer guy next week to see if he thinks it's worth fixing. It's been a good one for nearly 10 years and really can't complain. I'm a musicholic and think an iPod wouldn't be bad to keep me motivated while I'm working, inside or out.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Funny I've been moving some plants out a little at a time too. Trying to get the brugs out of the garage so I can move around out there. Forecast seems to be safe, so we'll see.

proud of you all for getting your cards in the mail. keep up the good work!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Good morning everyone and a little late Birthday wish for you Crystal. Hope your day was good and good things will continue for you.
I've been moving plants from the Sun Room to the Patio and like you, I'm thinking now we will have more frost. Oh well, if so, then I'll just have to move them back, gosh what a job that I don't want.
Nita, why do you work so hard? You know you deserve a long rest. And Susan, take it easy, don't get all your flower beds clean, wait for me. Not sure I'll ever finish mine. Going to spend most of this day at the Hospital. Have 2 friends who are in ICU and cause not known at this time.
Ray is doing good. Tube and PICC Line are out. He is still very weak but that's expected.
Love & Hugs.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Two more cards today! Susan and Carolyn. Thank you so much.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Got a braille card today from Michelle. Really neat!! Thanks!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

So glad that folks are sending their cards Crystal. It's fun to get snail mail again isn't it?

Time to think about Amanda s card too. Hers is coming up fast!!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Snail mail IS nice! And getting mail from REAL people is wonderful!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hello everyone! Crystal, I have your card here, and it will go out Monday, I just got back from San Antonio, and visiting my new Grandson!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

We heard about him from Mud Elf. Sweet boy!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Got your card today, Charleen. Beautiful, and very thoughtful. Thanx!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

It seems like yesterday I just changed our calendars to a New Year. Can you believe it's almost April? You're next, Carolyn!

I don't get this crazy weather. Friday and yesterday were so hot and humid, and yesterday we were under tornado Warnings for several hours. Then the rains really set in and are still falling, just after I'd dumped 3-1/2" out of the rain guage last week. Early April showers? The news tonight showed several homes nearby that were damaged by golfball size hail. The siding looked bullet ridden and there were many shattered windows. Once more, that bullet thankfully missed us.

What a chilly rainy lazy Sunday, so mild I wouldn't have minded having a fire in the woodstove. Instead I closed the windows most of the way, put on a sweater and a pair of fuzzy socks, and wasted part of the afternoon half napping / half watching the race in CA that was also called due to rain.

We're all pulling for your Dad, {{{Paula}}}. Please give us an update when you can.

Athens, PA


Please know your Dad and family are in my prayers.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

We had 5" of rain at my house last week. We really needed it and the runoff. Yard was soggy Friday and Saturday, but was not so bad today. 80's all this week with 20% chance of showers Tue-Fri.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I must have missed something. What's up with Paula's Dad?? Freeze warning tonight. Knew I shouldna set out all those plants.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Paula posted on the Spring chat thread that her Mom thought her dad had a heart attack Friday morning. This is her post today:

"Good morning
Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers. Dad has been in the hospital since fri. And has no further problems. They have not said it was definately a heartattack. My brother...who is a RN thinks he didn't have one. But they are doing a heart cath this
Morning just to check for anything. Prayers that all checkks out you gals"

We're just over the frost / freeze line tonight, but that was by Counties. Didn't want to take a chance and slipped the houseplants back into the garage after I weeded the old Canna garden again for the third time. man I need to mulch.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks Frootz! I must have missed that somehow. I've been kind of hit or miss on DG lately. Kind of in a really funky place right now. :0)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS)))))))))))))))))))) to you Neener! Get feeling better soon!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

That frost warning last night had me covering Angel Trumpets with large flower pots, & buckets @ 10:30. Boy am I glad the frost didn't happen. The warning is still for tonight so the covers will stay on the Angels. I think every Angel Trumpet I had last year has come back..and so early. Some of them are about 7" tall already. Now..I have a garage full of cuttings that are ready for planting. I'm planning to have a plant sale in a couple of weeks and hope to sell most of them. Sold them last year but this year if those who bought last year did what I told them, they will have their own cuttings to plant and won't need mine. No way can I dig in this clay to plant in new locations. Does anyone want free Angel Trumpets for postage?
Last Fri. morning I started pulling weeds from my flower beds @ 6:45 and quit at 12:30. Sat. I didn't want even a power puff on the ends of my fingers..(imagine the struggle to unbutton and unzip) And my knees were sore all way to the tips of my toes, and I'm not finished yet. I'm loving it! (no, not the soreness, the yard work.)
Paula thoughts and prayers to you and your Dad.
Love & hugs to you all and hope your day will be soooooooo good.

Thumbnail by dahtzu
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Nita, do hope your "Funky" place is a fun place to be. Stay well & happy my friend.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks all. My funk is mostly mental. I'll get over it or die trying. :0) I want to come live in your garage Faye. I wish my brugs looked that nice. Give Ray a hug for me.

I too was out covering a bunch of things last night. it is so green here it is unbelievable. I can watch the grass growing from my window. Dandelions blooming too. In March!!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Gosh, I hate that mental funk..never know quite what to do with it. Nita, you have to know you would be more than welcome, but dear one, I wouldn't put you only in the garage. lol There are many more Angels that you couldn't see in the above pic. They are everywhere. Nita, I will be glad to save and bring to RU any Angels you want. Oh, ran and gave Ray a big hug for you, lol and the one he gave me to give to you was a whopper & I loved it so he will just have to deliver to you in person.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Faye, your brugs are looking really good! Give Ray a hug from me too please? How is he feeling?

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Faye, I have several I got from you last year that are still hanging in, even after the awful summer we had! Several of them bit the dust though. The Dr. Suess you sent me this fall are doing good too. What ones to you have? WOW, just looked at the picture! You DO have a lot!!!! At least you can still get your car in the garage! ^_^

How is Ray doing? I don't remember seeing anything recently. Keeping you two in my prayers.

Does anyone have any canna seeds? It was a sad, sad day when I opened up the bag I overwintered mine in only to find that 95% of them were dried up or rotten. I was so sad. I never manage to keep them. I do better planting seeds every spring. I start them in the house. Just put some into pots that can easily be brought back in the house if need be. I tried to save seed last year, but my pods had nothing but dust in them. I am where I can start planting some along the fence which will solve part of my problem. We don't have to lift them in the fall here, but everything I had was in pots last year. Too many and too big to bring in the house. Thanks!!!!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Ray is doing much better now. Our concern now is his constant coughing and no Dr. seems to have the answer. Thank you for your continued prayers.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Frost missed us last night and don't think the temp dipped much below 36. At least that's what it was when I woke up at 6:30. It was a good day cleaning the back porch, organizing pots, and planting a few miscellaneous perennials held over from last Fall that were way overdue. Hubby started building a potting bench for me yesterday out of pressure-treated lumber, and the main part is finished except for sealing the wood, which I'll do. He's not fond of painting and usually wears more than he spreads. The bench will eventually have an extra extension with a couple of smaller shelves on one side. Now he's on a roll pressure washing the house and decks, and I'm not about to interrupt his progress as long as he can hold out.

Faye, I bet you'll have new customers at your Plant Sale. All you have to do is show them your photo album and they'll be 'sold'. Are you going to run an ad or put up signs? Give Ray a smooch on the cheek for me. He's such a sweet man we all love and care about so much.

I missed the group hug earlier. {{{{{HUGS}}}} back from me too. I know I can always use one. Hang in there, Neener!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, I have Cannas seeds that have been in the refrigerator from last year and the year before. If you want to take a chance on them, I'll be glad to mail them to you. I've had pods too that were dust and learned not all Cannas set seeds. Mind you, I didn't keep any of the plants because I was told they were virused and it could pass to new plants from seeds, also put that warning out to folks I sent rhizones to and mentioned they should keep them far away from any prized Cannas.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Fruity! That would be GREAT! I planted what I had left from last year and the Indica Yellow really did well. Only 1 Banana canna has come up so far. (what do these look like? Color? etc.) I think I had one last year but it was in a pot with some others and could never decide which one it was, even though they were tagged. You also sent me a tubar last year that didn't make it. That was one that made me sad.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll put a note in with the Cannas seeds for the plants I know didn't come back. Mine were planted in the ground in full sun in a protected area on the side of our garage that faces SE. We're in the same zone, although your growing conditions may be different from mine. As a general rule, plants grown in pots need to be at least 2 zones hardier if you want to leave them outside and hope for them to return.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all!
Stopped by to catch up on the news and to remind myself who's birthdays are coming in April.
Lots of birthdays! :)
Amaryllis Jewel is blooming, and Smells lovely! :) This is the one I received from my mother-in-law for Christmas 2010, but which decided not to bloom. Glad to see it blooming this year... and two scapes, too!
Speaking of bringing plants outside, I've been doing the opposite. LOL Just noticed an amaryllis (Blossom Peacock) sending up a new flower scape. Had this outside under the eaves on the deck during the winter. The weather had been very nice, but shortly after I discovered the new scape, the weather turned cold again, so I brought it in. Wanted to encourage the plant to keep growing that flower scape! This ought to be another scented one.
Will be keeping you all in my prayers. Take care, and have a great week!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

LOL Neener, my name is still above, but my birthdate (Oct 28) is missing! LOL :) Can you fix it? Thanks!

Hey all. just checking in... been a long week so far with the kids here. Ralph took them fishing this morning so I am having a "quiet"

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Michelle thanks for letting me know. I'm such a ditz. I was deleting links and ended up deleting dates. ARGH!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I'm back after several wild weeks. Taking a week off this week, although that is a matter up for discussion with all the farm chores. Got my cards today and will be mailing tomorrow. Been outside planting my front yard and my hands and back ache.

Hey Neener, wanted you to see how your gift to me from last year is doing. It has just started blooming and should continue for a while. Think of you everytime I look out my front door.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Blackshear, GA

Good Morning ladies,
Well I lost this thread, I kept wondering why only one or two forums popped up. I've got some reading to do. Just glanced over things and saw where Fruity posted about my dad (thanks). He is doing fine. They put two stints in and then he went back to the doctor for his back ( back surgery three months ago) and he told him he could resume all normal activities with caution. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.

I have to say, haven't been on much lately, so I am behind everything!! I'll get caught up. If I don't get my other house cleaned out so we can put it on the market, so am going to have a breakdown, I think.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Joy that is a cool plant. What is that?? Nifty for sure.

Paula you can get in line with the rest of us that are having breakdowns. Going to try to get a group rate at the looney bin. :) Hang in there.

Blackshear, GA

LOL!! Neener ..Thank you for that laugh! I am now caught up )on the reading). I have also got crystals card and the next two addressed and ready to go. For once, I am ahead, now if I can just remember to mail them.

Just a few comments:

Linda.precious baby - wow 10 pounds!

Elfie...loved the angry birds,,,did you do them?

Faye,,thinking of you and Ray...hope everything is back to normal...if you know what that is anymore (I don't..LOL)

Twyla - hope you are better...please take care of yourself and be careful!

Everyone else..have a wonderful day and plant something!!

No,, I did not,, but Goober found the pic on the web so we used

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Glad everyone is doing better, I get dibs on window seat for the trip to the loony bin.

Neener, it is a weeping bottlebrush tree. It is the one I got on clearance from ARE last year with your gift cert. Was very sad, almost lost it in the heat. It is about 6' tall and getting prettier every day.

Got three cards addressed, now to get them to the mailbox.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

That is one cool tree Joy. I love it!

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