CLOSED: Birthday Club Cards For March 2012

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Good Luck Joy. Didn't know you were having breakage issues too. :0)

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

LOL, Breaking issues, yep, some days I think I'm breaking in many pieces...mind first.
Love you all.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Faye you are entitled to lose your mind. No doubt about it.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

LOL...Of all the things I've lost, I miss my mind the most.

Joy, you go girl!

Just wait til you're almost 50, Manda, and AARP hunts you down.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Woop! Crush won 2nd in the average today, International level. Lite, strangely,was all over the place and not listening. We will see what tomorrow will bring. I am going to be late with my March card, I go from Austin to Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo Saturday, then everyone will be at teh farm on Sunday getting ready for our sheepdog trial next weekend. Then Monday the 26th, I head to Kansas to pick up two new Nubian babies. Will get to do a quick visit with Crit hopefully before I dash back to the house. Then I can take a breath. I will try and get the card out next week, but it just might not happen.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

You guys won't be surprised - I have been a member of AARP since about 1996. I volunteered thru AARP to work with the elderly and got matched up with a nice old lady when I was living in Boston.

Of course, when my Nana died, I didn't have the energy for that kind of volunteerism so I had to stop, but I have been on their mailing list for a long time. AND I have my lapel pin to prove it. :D

I don't get senior discounts though. Maybe I'm just an honorary member.



Manda,,, Ralphie wants to know if he should send you some band-aids,, he has lots..........

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hee hee - this made me smile.

Tell Ralphie I'll let him know when we run out. Court has been extra special and vigilant at maintaining the band aid supplies. :)

Good night dearie.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Geez you all made me laugh this morning. Thanks for that!

Cloudy and cooler here today. That is wonderful since I will be working today. Maybe they won't have to scrape what's left of me off the grass at 2PM today. :0)

Well I am headed to the Birthday Girls house right now..Will give her hugs from everyone!!!!.. See you all when I get back on Sunday!!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Have a great time Kris!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You girls have a wonderful get-together!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Joy I'm still wishing I could have a day with you just so I could see how you get so much accomplished. I barely remember (soooooooo long ago) having that much energy. Today I realized that I'm even down a notch from last year. Worked so hard for what seemed eternity and got almost half as much done as just a few years ago. Old age is the pits!!! Thank you God for every day.
Kris I'm happy for you to get to meet Crystal. Hope you two have a great time together. Guess all of us could ask you to say hello and give hugs for us.
Charleen, thank you, thank you, thank you for the Bday gift. I went to Lowe's and got a special plant (special because it came from you)
Coral Cactus

Thumbnail by dahtzu Thumbnail by dahtzu
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That is one very cool looking gnarly cactus.

Wonder what Elfie and Crystal did tonight?

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

had going to get it in mail but quite sore took another tumble today you know the saying fell flat on face , i did whole body.. knees bruised ,and wrist hurting worse now again never got set or fixed. right side, back sore. but I'm ok.

but get it mailed .. be well everyone many blessings.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Got two cards yesterday! A handmade one from Neener and a funny one from kris. They are both on my refrigerator now. Kris was here only a short time, maybe an hour, maybe less, the time flew by. We talked every second of it. She was off to her other place to dig some plants and of course to see the grands. Remember we were going to exchange dahlias? Well, she remembered and I forgot. I remembered I was going to give her one just after she left. We had already arranged for her to come back by here on the way home to get another plant so I will give her the dahlia then also. I do not envy her moving all her plants and re-situating. Maybe the key is to enjoy the process and not concentrate on the end product so much.
I am getting vetch in my irises. Any suggestions to get rid of it other than some scorched earth tactic?

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Crystal I'm a great proponent of hand weeding to get rid of things like vetch and chickweed etc. If you can just get it out of there really well, roots and all and keep after it for a season, chances are you can get it under control. It's a drag, but weeds get tired of getting pulled and eventually they give up. :0)

Faye I had one of those cacti a few years ago. I managed to kill it, so don't over water it. They are so cool looking when they are healthy!

I am home!! Was great to see Crystal again.. I just love going into her greenhouses and it is fun to walk her yard and garden!! I am hoping for a longer visit next time!!

I did stop back by on my way home and gave her some lotus from my pond. Also stopped by Lowe's and bought us both some flowers,, The car was packed to over flowing. Gryphon and I dug up all of the hostas, all the daffodils, sedums, dusty miller, ferns, and much more,, I am hurting all over and will be headed to the shower soon to try to loosen up my back. It is screaming!!

I will have tons of plants for the two RU's I am going to so it will be fun!! Also came home to all my seeds sprouting!! I am a happy little Elf!!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Been down with bronchitis the past few days. Its been gorgeous outside and I havent felt worth two cents! So glad we had most everything in good shape last fall!
Havent mailed my card yet but will try to get it mailed tomorrow!

This message was edited Mar 18, 2012 8:14 PM

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Waving hello to everyone!
Getting Crystal's address so I can get her card in the mail :)
Will stop by again soon and get caught up on the news!

Athens, PA

Don't know how I managed to lose all of you. Must have clicked out somehow. You have all been busy! Mailing my card today.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Carolyn I get lost all the time everywhere. I swear it didn't use to be like that. Ah.. the mysteries of cyberspace.

Just realized you are the next birthday up and it will be here soon too! I better get busy!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Got your card in the mail today, Crystal.

Gosh this year is rocking right along. Can you believe tomorrow is the First Day of Spring?!

I bet you're livin' it up, Chris.

Dylan Marley Grunow was greeted into Texas by his wonderful Grandma Linda Cartwright / Taters55

He weighs 10 pounds even, he is 21 and 3/4 inches long, and has Strawberry blond hair!!

Congrats to his new Family!!!!

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Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ooh, a new member in the B-day

Happy Birthday, Dylan! Congrats LK to you and your Family.

Athens, PA

Oh, he is so sweet! Congrats to Linda and family. There is nothing like a new baby in the family.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Got more cards today. One from Chris and one from Faye. Thanks . I am clipping them to a ribbon and hanging from the door.
Planted some morning glory plantlets today, as well as some hollyhock plants.
Did a bunch of weeding too. Plenty of weeds to go around!

Nothing sweeter than a baby.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Uh-oh! Fruity, I can't find your address! I thought it would be in the address exchange, but was not.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Crystal I'll send it to you. I forgot about that too. Anyone that needs it d mail me.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Crystal.....I was really trying to get your card out on time but this bronchitis has kicked my butt! My card is going to be a little late but I will be thinking of you on your day!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Another card today. Thanks Twylee!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ladies I am delinquent. I guess the hole in my hand has distracted me more than I realized.

Neener, put another black mark next to my name.

I'll do better with the April birthdays, promise! :D


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Crystal, HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Your card is on it's way. Was mailed Tuesday... didn't quite get to the post office Monday. It's signed by me and my guide dog :)
LK, congrats on the new arrival to your family :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

No black marks today. Too tired to make them.

Happy Birthday Crystal!

Hope you have a fun day. I'm sure LK will be by later with your birthday cake. :0)


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Taking hubby to get a root canal this AM. It is also our anniversary, besides birthday! Also have someone coming to see about building a new well house, and additionally hope to see my sister for an hour or so. Have not been up there (30 miles) since Sunday. She called early and sang me Happy Birthday and altho it was a very raspy song, I loved it. She has COPD and had almost no breath left when she finished.
A story I always loved was about a man who walked several days to the seashore to get a shell for his friend. When he gave it to the friend, the friend protested that he should not have walked such a long way to get the gift. The man replied that the journey was part of the gift. Sometimes when we get gifts that are not exactly right, we need to consider what the giver went through to get the gift. Many times it is a real struggle to select a gift that seems right and I always hope that the receiver will consider my struggle as part of the gift.
I am not really a preacher. This was just on my mind after my sister's song.
I have so much to be thankful for....

Happy Birthday Crystal!!
And Happy Anniversary too!!!!

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Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a sweet Sis you have, Crystal. Loved your shell story. Happy Anniversary and have a beautiful Birthday!

Gotta get off here and do something besides laundry, heading to the great outdoors now that the fog has lifted.

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FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Fog you say? It was so bad up here this morning that I thought I was driving in a blizzard white out. The humidity was fierce and I couldn't keep my glasses from fogging up while I was working. Glad to be finished for the week. Now I just have to get going around here. No rest for the weary.

Athens, PA

Crystal - Happy Birthday and and Happy Anniversary!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

HAPPY BIRTHDAY CRYSTAL! Hope your day was fantabulous!

If you have read the "spring" thread, I've been dealing with water problems caused by the washer malfunction and ran over into the floor for about 8 hours.....water water everywhere!

You will get a card from me........I'm right there with you Amanda!

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