daylilies at Lowes

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I have purchased several, usually noid, daylilies at Lowes over the past several years and I have always had great luck with them ( I always buy them while they are blooming, as the tags are never right)
I got a booklet in the mail today from Lowes saying they are offering the following daylilies this season.
Going Bananas
Primal Scream
Ruby Spider
Siloam Peony Display (does anyone know if this opens well?)

My question is this, I know that I've seen several websites where Primal Scream is still being offered at $20 or more. It seems to me that this is not a price range that Lowes is going to be able to offer this plant in mass quantities. I have had good luck w their plants and have never thought them to be tissue cultured, but? The other varieties are cheaper or more common it seems, but just can't figure out the primal scream one.
Unless they plan on asking for $ for it? or maybe it is a ploy to get people into the store and they will really only have a very limited quantity? Anyway, just thought it seemed odd.

It also said they are going to have Empress Wu hosta, are their hosta tissue cultured?
They also had a pic of a coleus called Colorblaze Sedona. I've got to get me one of those!

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I would be leary myself. I would think they may be tissue cultured.

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

In my opinion PS is probably tissue cultured as well as the other ones. I just can't see how else any company could supply so many Lowes with as many daylilies as they get plus the other places they supply them to. They would have to have had those for many many years, dividing and lining them out often otherwise. It's not a uncommon practice for daylilies to be tissue cultured.

The hostas probably are as well. They don't have the problems like daylilies do when tissue cultured from what I understand.

There are a lot more plants being tissue cultured than most people realize. I have looked at some catalogs and websites that sell the plugs to wholesalers and nurseries and 95% of the plants listed say they are tissue cultured ( in small print). There are plants that the tissue cultured ones supposedly do better and grow faster than the regular plant does.

This message was edited Mar 2, 2012 2:33 PM

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I already have Primal Scream, but I just was curious when I seen the ad. I wonder if all the Lowe's carry the same daylilies? It would seem impossible to come up with that many divisions for a named plant without tissue culture. I have just always had really good results with the day lilies I got there. I would almost be tempted to buy one and see how it does compared to the one I have. I got mine from lincolnitis here on DG a year or two ago, (I think it was her :)

If I see an empress wu though, I may get one.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

With the hosta I would be worried about the Hosta Virus X. Most hostas I have seen at any of the big box stores are virused.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

How do you know? What do you look for?

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Frilly I think it would be a great idea to buy Primal Scream as an experiment and document it so that you could compare them in a couple of years.

It seems to me that TC is the way of the future. Just today DH brought home a couple of daylilies from Costco, I buy a couple each March since discovering the joys of daylilies so that I have something to grow during these bleak winter months. Last year one was actually what it was supposed to be and I loved it, it did great inside and bloomed, now we shall see how it does this summer if the dang weather cooperates. Anyway today he brought home 2 that were not on DG or ATP, so I went to AHS and lo and behold they were both there, but the site said they could not give any info yet because they were 2011 and were not being released until 2012???? How weird is that!???

(Michele) Cantonment, FL(Zone 8b)

What are the names of those 2? It's hard to believe that if they are new intros that they would be at Costco.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I actually purchases a lily at Roots and Rhizomes one year and later found out it was registered a couple years after that. really wierd. That was the first dl I ever ordered, and I didn't have internet then, so I had no idea AHS even existed. The dl was Longfield's Twins

I don't see how a dl could be sold at a Cosco with a new register name, unless someone swiped the name for 'their' dl? something fishy it sounds like to me!

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

The only infor on the bag was the name and the height, first one on AHS is Burgundy Love, Heemskerk 2011. The other one is Think Pink, AHS gave me 2 cultivars, one is an older DL by Johnson-H 1972, the other Longfields Think Pink, Heemskirk 2011. Now of course I could have jumped to a conclusion here but I went by the height, Johnson-H is only 18 inches and the one from Costco says 26 inches, although I suppose that doesn't mean it's true. I figured it was the Longfields because I thought it was too coincidental that they were packaged together.

Frilly it's very interesting that the Longfields name was attached to one that you bought. I wonder if some hybridizers are maybe selling them for TC before releasing them to the public. Before I found DG and you guys I ordered from Vesey's and I got Eleonore before it was released according to Verhaert, too bad it never got registered because it is pretty and does great in my garden.

It will be interesting to see what I really have when they bloom, buying dl's this way is a crap shoot, never know what your going to get!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)


I can't believe the coincidence. If mine was a TC, I have no trouble with it at all. I think it tends to be a little bit of a slower grower compared to some of my other dl. But it gets tall, has nice foliage, huge dbl blooms and rich color. If I remember right it is also fragrant. I have another big tall double that is also slower to increase-Pink Peppermint. I just figured the larger double ones just need more time and energy to do their thing. I have no more trouble with it getting pests on it than any other dl, so no notable difference there.

I did order several dl from Roots and Rhizomes in that order, and a couple of them were not what I ordered, so I did not ever order from them again. Plus I thought they were kind of pricey, the plants they sent were small. Now this was about 7 or 8 yrs ago though. Since then I discovered Homestead Farms and other places and got internet, DG ect.
Here is a pic of my Longfields Twin

Thumbnail by FrillyLily
springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Oh, wanted to say that the blooms are huge, 6 inches across or so. Most of them are double for me.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

AHS search shows 20 "Longfield's" registered.
Looks like many were registered in 05 and 06 and then a gap and now 9 are pending registration.
There are other dl registered by Heemskerk, that are not "Longfield's"
French Lingerie,Black Stockings and Lace Baby Doll come to mind. ( I ordered Lace Baby Doll from Wild's a couple years ago, but the first bloom I confess was so ugly, I tossed it :)
I just assumed they sent the wrong thing as usual ..... sigh....
A google search of "Heemskerk" resulted in a lot of finds for a nursery in Netherlands, and oddly no first name to go with the Heemskerk name, leading me to wonder if Heemskerk is NOT a person at all, but a PLACE?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Most tc's come from the Netherlands.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Frilly your daylily is very pretty.

What you found out is very interesting for sure. I did a quick check of that site and they sell a lot of popular dl's, I am going to check it out again when I have time.

I kept the E-mail from Verhaert that I found about Eleonore. Here is a quote from it.

"CNB of Lisse/Holland are the only ones that officially tissue culture ELEONORE for us. However CNB informed us some time ago that their lab somehow or other mixed up things and ELEONORE did not come out true from the lab.
So ... normally there are no true ELEONORE for sale ... YET
Mr Heemskerk never got a piece of ELEONORE from us to work with. If they offer ELEONORE the conclusion is obvious ... "

So I think there is a Heemskerk, he may own the nursery or be one of the hybridizers there.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I would be leary about buying anymore dl that are registered by Heemskerk, person or not at this point. I guess all this time I thought it was a legitamate person, but almost sounds bordering on a scam. Buying dl only to find out later they aren't registered, or are TC or maybe someone else's dl with Heemskerk's name on it ?!
I am going to keep what I have, but I don't know that I would pay any kind of real money for any more of theirs.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

I have to agree with you. I also think that when a plant is TC they should be forced to day so on the label, the same goes for the catalogs,

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Got small plants from R&R last spring. R&R says that Eleonore is registered as Lace Baby Doll ???????? Two of the plans were by Heemskerk. Black Stockings and McBeth.
Margaret, can't wait to see a pic of your Eleonore this season. I posted my first of two blooms that I got on mine last year. The flower was ugly. I posted it under the "E". Frillylily please take a look at the one that I posted under "E" and see if it ring a bell. Mike

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Mike, the whole thing with Heemskerk is very confusing and the Eleonore name changing, especially since Verhaert said it was his.

I just took a look at your photo on E and your right that is ugly!! Mine never looked like that, you may have gotten something different than what they said it was. I got mine in 2009, it was supposed to be Seal of Approval.

Here are a couple of photos from 2010, taken about 10 days apart. I didn't keep any photos from 2011 as they were not as pretty because of the crappy spring and summer, but none of them looked anything like the one that you have.

Thumbnail by mcash70 Thumbnail by mcash70
Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Margaret, yours look like the one they were selling on the LA. You should be able to view it in the closed auction on the LA.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Mike I have never gone to the LA, just tried but have no idea where to find anything.

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

That maybe a good thing! LOL!

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Frilly, I was just folding the package that the daylilies came in and on the bottom where I hadn't looked before, it said Longfield Gardens, with their website, so I think without a doubt the Think Pink is the Longfield cultivar. I wonder how long it will be before the info is added to the AHS.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

I had Seal of Approval, bought from Wilds, and it was so ugly, and splotchy and just didn't do anything for me. I got rid of it after about 3 yrs.

hmm. 2 now I got from Wilds ended up mentioned in this thread. I always thought Wilds grew their plants from divisions, and I have actually been to their gardens in MO, well maybe they have more than one physical place? Like I wonder if they ship things from Netherlands!?

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Mike I just looked a the E thread. Man that is ugly. and I just can't vision how that is supposed to end up looking like anything it is supposed to be. I would throw it out now if it were mine....
It is just so disappointing to me how Wilds is involved in this too. I frequently would get mislabeled plants from them and some of their plants are really scrawny. But in general they were cheap, and healthy and I almost always had good luck w them. Just a handful that I ended up tossing, Lace Baby Doll and Seal of Approval are 2 recently. I think that Wilds may have changed some management a couple of years back? I had heard a rumor that they were hooked up somehow with Michigan Bulb Co. I haven't ordered much since then. Michigan Bulb Co is another place that can't be trusted. Their stuff is junk, and scrawny and not labeled right, and I bet mostly TC or who knows what, probably not even grown in the US> I had a bad experience with an order from them, but that was 15 yrs ago.... so maybe it's different now..

Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

That ugly plant came from R&R not Wild. I am going to see what it does this year before I make a decision.

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Sorry, I have not been on all day. Here is a link showing some photos of Hosta Virus X. Lots of information on the web about it.

This message was edited Mar 3, 2012 8:35 PM

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I got my Longfield Twins in a co-op a few years back. It was pretty small when I got it but it bloomed the first year and it's done very well sense.

And speaking of Wild's, Everything I've bought from them in resent years, that has bloomed, bloomed true. I'm still waiting on a couple, so we'll see with those. If you look on their website now though, their prices aren't as cheap as they used to be. For $2 or so it was worth taking a chance to me to buy from them. But many of their plants cost the same as anywhere else now, so I'd rather spend my money where I know I'll get what I'm ordering and it's less likely they won't take a few years of growing to find out, like it often does with the puny plants from Wilds.

Warners, NY

I swear I am not going to buy any new daylilies this year, I am not going to even look at a catalog, I am not going to look in Lowes, I am not going to go to my favorite nursery where I guess they have about several hundred varieties, I am not going to get caught up in wondering what I might cross my new seedlings with, they will probably get Spring Sickness any way----------------so I have a red that blooms from the last of May (29) to June 28 or 29----I am not going to run all over the county searching for a mate for it--let it take it's chances with the bees--so Huben has one that's red too-it probably would not like mine as mine's worse than wild ditch lily to get seeds from ---and I will not even think of buying Implausibility just to back-cross with Ed Murray or to cross with my EM seedlings. At least I think so. Well. Maybe I'll think of red, it's seedling and Ed's kid-----------or not.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Weedy

Thumbnail by weedyseedy Thumbnail by weedyseedy Thumbnail by weedyseedy
springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Weedy, you should just spare yourself and go plant something.... maybe another dl?
what is one more anyway!

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Joy, your luck must be better than mine, last I ordered was in 2010 I think, from wilds and out of around a dozen plants 3 were not right :(
you are right about their prices being higher now, and I found Homestead Farms and their prices are really reasonable and the plants they send are large and Ron even let me choose what I wanted for a bonus, can't beat that! I lived within driving distance of either, so I just didn't order much from Wilds at that point.

nanny I will check out that hosta link when I get a min.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I've ordered from Homestead Farms before. I just got a catalog from them today in fact. You're so lucky to live near them. They sent me great plants. I really should order from them again.

Warners, NY

Well, yesterday it was warm enough to prune, if I could figure out how to save an old apple tree with dead branches, and at least I got old clematis Betty Corning. She has grown thicker each year so I will try to limit the number of buds and put up something different for the old girl to climb. Today it's cold and just started to snow, fine little bits of ice rather than flakes. I may soak up some plant pellets and plant about thirty six seeds, pop them into the fridge and get them stratified. Usually plant daylily seeds outside in Spring or Fall but these have proved difficult and I lost the first batch of Ed Murray X Saratoga Pinwheel--not one germinated. Stratified them last Spring and every one popped up when I took them out of the fridge last April. Selfed the big red and crossed with Wild Horses that I suspect might be tissue cultured but ended up with eleven possible self and eighteen with WH---and a few unknown seeds from Ed. Will fill a thirty six pellet tray and hope. Uncovered outside row of daylily seedlings two years old--almost two hundred close to rosea species need moving----covered them back up for now as I am worried about the lack of snow cover this winter. Cold or not, Spring is on the way. Snow drops blooming and shoots starting--I hope not too early.-------------------------Weedy

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Well Joy, I moved to SW OK now, and no longer live in MO. I have not gotten a Homestead book this year, but he has a pretty good website, that is easy on the eyes and easy to use, so I usually don't even look at the book much anyway. I should mosey over there... not that I need anymore plants LOL
I ordered some peony from him a couple years ago, and they bloomed just that next spring after I planted them, I couldn't believe it. I was always told peony take a long time to establish and might be a couple years to bloom. I did notice that the bowl peony's and the ones with single rows of petals do not have that rich fragrance to them. However they held up better and didn't flop over as bad.

Just left Ebay and saw that Blue Ridge have pages and pages of Daylilies for sale at $8.20. I have 4 coming end of May and that is all I have space for since I have 156 DL seedling.

Below is Chinese Chariot that bloomed last summer.

Thumbnail by

This message was edited Mar 6, 2012 11:00 PM

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

ooo that's nice :)
doe it open up flat like that most of the time?
Bugs me when they don't open all the way or if 1 petal sticks out, I toss those...

well edited to add the word "don't" , kinda changes it a tad :)

This message was edited Mar 7, 2012 12:08 PM

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Very pretty!

I agree it really bugs me too when the blooms don't open properly or the one petal sticks out.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

I added Chinese Chariot in 2010 and it bloomed last year. Mine opened flat each time.

Thank you all. Yes, every flower opens flat. I am not crazy about daylily flowers that opens with some of the petals bending towards the back. I noticed that a lot modern cultivars do. I have a few of those also.


This message was edited Mar 7, 2012 7:30 PM

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