spring 2012 flowers

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Yes, it needs time to get some good root growth going before you'll see much new growth up top. Just like most other things in gardening, patience is key!

Lakeview, OH

I HATE that word!!!!!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

LOL...I was waiting for that.....Unfortunately Teddy, that is one thing gardeners MUST cultivate...Nature moves at her own pace and there is nothing we can do to change that. Like the old TV ad...Ya can't rush Mother Nature.

Lakeview, OH

I looked on the Roses and by golly there they are! I tried to get a close-up of them, but had my hubby do them, he knows how to focus this new camera he gave me, as you can see, the little red buds are coming on and the one on top is getting rather big. Hopefully that means I am doing things right by leaving it alone until Sunday when I will water it again. I figured since I planted it on that day, I would wait until then to water it again.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Bravo. On watering...unless you get a good rain, it is advised that roses get a regular deep soaking weekly and that they are fed at least monthly.



Lakeview, OH

should I cover up my rose bush tonight? It is supposed to get to below freezing tonight and tomorrow night too. I don't want to freeze the buds off. So should I cover it with a bucket? The bucket is the only thing I have that will fit over it.

Lakeview, OH

I can feel the Iris buds coming up to the top, I guess the cold weather did not hurt them, they were more established, they were planted last summer. Hopefully the Tiger Lilies and the Roses will do as well as the Irises.

Lakeview, OH

Here is a picture of one of my Iris plants in the front yard around the iron pole. I took a whole lot of pictures last year when the Irises came up so this year I thought just one would show you that they are coming up just fine. There is one that is shorter this year than the previous year but it is still blooming. It will be interesting to see if they remain brown or turn purple, they say that if pesticide or weed killer that might change the color of the bud, sometimes they go back to the regular color or stay the same that they are now, so who knows what color they will be. Whatever it is, I love them.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I also put some Miracle-Gro on my hybrid rose, not a whole lot but some, it is doing good too.

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

My rose died. I don't know why, but it was dormant, then died. Anyway, my backyard is better looking now that i have some annuals and perenials planted, my sea lavender is a haven for bees all the sudden. I fertilize periodically to make lots of flowers develope.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

my hybrid tea rose is sitting there. i dont think she plans on doing anything for a while. i fertilized on a regular schedule. sea lavender sounds wonderful Bloomfly! if you havent removed the rose, maybe you can cut all of the canes back and that usually produces new fresh growth from the bottom.
Teddy, great for the rose; im curious about the brown iris flowers!

Lakeview, OH

here is a picture of the ones from last summer, they were beautiful, I could not stop taking pictures of them.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Need emergency help for the rose, the neighbor came and mowed the grass and hit the rose, I will post a picture and maybe you can tell me if you think it will come out of it or should I dig it up and throw it away.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

I would always give plants a chance (except in the case of a tree that's about to drop a large branch on the house or something along those lines). You might prune just below the damaged section, that should stimulate some new growth. And see if you can't put up a little fence or something to keep your neighbor from accidentally hitting it with the mower again.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

agreed. just cut out the damaged portions and make sure you cut to a bud-so that there isn't a stub. or you can cut the entire cane down. roses benefit from pruning, just expect flowers to naturally come a little later. a barrier will definitely help. even edging of some type will signal the neighbor to stop mowing.

Lakeview, OH

I put 3 small bricks around the rose, and hopefully it will help. When he mows again, he will not hit the rose again. I will cut the damaged parts off and see if that will help. The Geranium did not make it and I tossed it in the backyard, it had water and I thought that putting Miracle-Gro on it would help it, but no luck. It just did not make it. So I hope the rose will make it. Which direction should I make the cut, toward the middle or toward the outside, or should I just make the cut the same direction that the skinned place is?

Lakeview, OH

As you can see I cut the damaged cane off at a angle just above the eye. I did not have clear nail polish so it had to be gray. This is taken from above it, so here is hoping that it will survive and grow. Have to keep my hubby from pulling it up, is there anything else I should do about it? I was going to water it but it is going to rain tonight. So everyone please keep your fingers crossed.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I think the rose is dead, I went out and scraped a small spot and there was no green, does that mean it is dead? I don't want to pull it up if there is a chance, but no greenery usually means death. It is not doing anything, I thought maybe even though it got skinned it would be doing something. Is there something else I can try to find out if it is alive or not?

Lakeview, OH

good news, I cut of the other damaged cane and put nail polish on it and I noticed it had greenery on it. So that means it is not dead yet, would it be okay if I put some Miracle-Gro on it? I put some on last month.

Lakeview, OH

The first 2 pictures are the mystery plant that I have not found out what it is yet, the third is my Iris getting ready to bloom. If someone can tell me what the mystery plant is so I can take better care of it, I need to know so I can figure out how big it is going to get or if it is going to attract bees or hummingbirds. I HOPE it attracts the hummers. I had to cut the other cane on my rose bush, and the buds are still there and there looks like they are still alive, so I am just going to leave it alone and see what it does.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Teddy, post your mystery plant pics on the Plant ID forum...that is the best and quickest way to get an ID.

Lakeview, OH

As you can see the rose is still alive, it has another red bud eye and the tips of the others are green!!!!! The gray you see is fingernail polish to seal the cuts that I made, I did not have any clear polish so I put gray on it, I think it is better than blue or purple.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I thought my rose was either dead or close to it, but I went out and got as close as I could get and got a surprise, more red eye buds! The ones that were on there before are green at the tips and there is green spots on the base. So there might be life in the old girl yet.:) Took this picture to show you what I found.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I am glad I did not dig this rose up, I went out and took a closer look and the red eye buds are starting to swell up, I got as close as I could and took this picture.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

I just bought a wonderful white rose. I believe they called it a Glacier rose. My dormant rose died, I have no clue why. Good luck teddy! My white rose is happily growing, and i already got to cut some to bring inside.

Lakeview, OH

This is the rose of sharon that my friend sprayed with weed killer, it is looking like it is going to make it. It has leaves and hopefully it will bloom sometime soon. I know it might not this year, but hopefully it might next year.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

My friend who bought me the Peace rose thinks his is dying, mine on the other hand is growing! Here is a picture that I tried to get this morning, as you can tell the little red eye buds are getting longer, but I did find those suckers that they talk about and pulled them off. What happens if you just leave those things on?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Well I guess we don't have to wonder if the rose is going to make it, from what I am seeing it is a living plant. I had to get my hubby to set the correct settings for me to get this close without blurring it. I am just wondering, how will I know when it is time to water it again? We had some rain last week, but it don't look dry to me. I guess I can stick my finger in the soil and see if it is dry, but I saw all those red bud eyes and the other ones getting longer and bigger and almost cried. I was hoping I would not have to dig it up and throw it away.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Glad your rose is beginning to grow Teddy. This link gives you specific info on caring for your Peace rose. Pay close attention to the feeding and watering info.


Lakeview, OH

updated picture of tea rose.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Just planted my purple and red morning glories today where I planted them last summer, lets see what comes up.

Lakeview, OH

This is the purple Irises that my friend from the club gave me, and they are actually the color they are supposed to be, which is odd but they are beautiful, and the fragarance is VERY different from the brown.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

That is a lovely bearded iris Teddy.

Lakeview, OH

Here is a close-up. They are GORGEOUS!!!!!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I think the bearded irises are the showiest of the genus. And yes, they are gorgeous and come in many colors.

Lakeview, OH

This is rosey as I call the hybrid rose. The sun and warmer temps are really giving it what it needs, do you think it will bloom this year? I am not sure since it was sort of pruned before it needed it;) I did not think it would make it but it looks like it is going to.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Rosey doing well.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

With all this new growth, will rosey bloom this summer?

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Hard to say--it's got a lot of growing to do to make up for the very severe pruning, so it may not get around to blooming. But maybe it could bloom, you'll just have to wait and see. If it does bloom, it'll definitely start later in the year than it would have otherwise.

Lakeview, OH

ecrane3, thank you and I think "rosey" is trying her best to grow fast, I think the hard pruning did the trick. I took this one this afternoon, every day I go out to look, it seems like it has grown more, sorry if it seems like I am obsessing about her but after her rocky start, I am glad to see any new growth.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905

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