spring 2012 flowers

Lakeview, OH

Went for a walk in the front yard today, it is warmer but you can tell it is still winter, found out my Sedum has new growth on it and so does the Irises that are around the iron pole.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

few blooms around here

Crocus 'Romance'
Snow drop
reticulated Iris 'Harmony'
and winter Jasmine

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

nice to see your plants waking up Teddy.
what cheerful signs of spring flowAjen, i was always excited for crocuses when i was up there.

Lakeview, OH

I keep looking at that sad looking Naked Lady bulb, the others have green on them and that one don't. It is the one that has already had the leaves on it, I guess I did not dig up all the Naked Lady plants out of the garden, I went out the other day and there are leaves coming up! How much longer do you think it will be before I see anything on the first one? It is bulb 1, the bare one. I know I need patience, but that is hard to find sometimes.

Lakeview, OH

Here is the leaves for my Naked Lady plant, boy was I surprised, I thought I dug them all up, oh well, that was a nice surprise. It will be a bigger surprise if it blooms.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Can someone tell me when to bring out my Chrysanthemums and my Geraniums? I think it might be time to see what is going on and start adding water to them. Do I pinch the stems, or just bring them out into the light and warmth? Help, themoonhowl or whomever knows what to do, I hope my pompom mums will come back, they are Ursula Lavender and they are beautiful when they are blooming and they smell wonderful!

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

let the mums out but keep the geraniums a little i think. you can cut off the dead mum stems.

Lakeview, OH

how far down do I cut the dead stems?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

cut the dead stems all the way down

Lakeview, OH

Thank you flowAjen, I hope it will come back, if it don't it won't be for lack of trying.

Lakeview, OH

Went for another walk up to the store and the neighbor's Irises are coming up and so is his Sedum, mine are too, I want to get out there and clean out the leaves, but it is still cold and there is snow on the ground. I think I will wait until the snow is gone and the sun is shining before I tackle that particular job.

Lakeview, OH

I brought my mums out and cut them back,watered them until it ran out of the holes and put it in the windowsill, it is in the 60's now. How often should I water it and will it be ok if I left it in the window all the time? The daytime temps are going to be in the mid to upper 50's and the nitetime temps in the 30's and 40's.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Just wondering.....Why didn't you plant the mums in the fall?

Don't keep them too wet, water when dry if you stick your finger an inch into soil

Lakeview, OH

When I got the mums, there was not enough time before the first frost for them to be able to stand the winter, although if I had known that this winter was going to be as mild as this has been, I might have tried it, but our winters are usually very cold temps and lots of snow. But the lake has not frozen over and the snowmobiles have not been out at all. Which sometimes I am glad of that, they have a penchant for riding them at 1 or 2 in the morning. But that is the reason they are not in the ground now, thanks for the advice on watering, when the last frost date is past, I will plant them.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Oh yeah I get it....I had many things I didn't get into the ground, and just left them out in plastic pots hoping for the best ☺
like that Winer Jasmine was a pleasant surprise

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Lakeview, OH

Does anyone know the last frost date for Logan County? I would like to get my mums out in the ground soon.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Here's a map showing last frost dates...yours isn't until May unfortunately. http://www.thegardenhelper.com/frostmap.html But if you want to plant things earlier you can, you just need to pay attention and make sure you go cover things up if you're going to have a cold snap. I'd probably wait until about mid-April though, having lived in Ohio for many years March feels a bit risky to me.

Lakeview, OH

Thanks ecrane3, next week is going to be in the upper 50's to lower 60's but of course that may change without notice and who knows what the week after that may be like. I think I will do as you suggest and wait until mid-April, no need to screw this up by planting too early.

Lakeview, OH

Now that you can see what I am talking about, I don't know whether I have a Common Privet or a Lilac bush. I researched it and they say that the privet has a unpleasant smell, but this one has a very sweet smell. Maybe you can tell me from the buds that are on it already what it is. I was so excited to see buds already, but the trees are budding and my Irises are coming up. So help!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Here is a picture of the Naked Lady plant that I obviously missed when I dug up the others, I should have left all of them in the ground, it looks like these are doing quite well. Let me know what you think. It looks like there might be more than one or maybe I am mistaken.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

The Buds on your shrub look like Lilac to me and Common Privet either stays evergreen in most zones, but where they loose there leaves, the new buds are smaller in bud, have a tiny pointed bud and are not as plump as yours, the hardest part identifying these 2 plants apart is when they are both in leaf and no buds on either plant, but as the season progresses they are most certainly different. Hope this helps you out.
Does anyone know the proper name for the plant Naked Lady as I've never heard this name for this type of plant in the pictures.
Good luck WeeNel.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

Forgot to mention my spring flowers to date are Daffodils, a bright red Rhododendron, large buds on many other ones but no colour yet, Wall flower, Crocus, the green shoots of the Bluebell woods are not long before they burst into flower, I would say about 4 weeks for that. green shoots on all the different Clematis, our Snowdrops are over for this year, so here in Bonnie Scotland, Spring has Sprung and must say, it's a wonderful sight after the long, wet, windy and extremely cold winter we've had and no doubt will still show us that it's not quite finished with us yet.
Happy gardening to all.

Lakeview, OH

1, the naked lady leaves,2,lilac plant,3,irises. As you can see everything is growing really well, and next week it is supposed to be just as warm as this week was. I was riding to work yesterday and we went past some swamps and I could hear the frogs, I am not kidding they were loud!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

naked lady leaves.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

My neighbor is going to thin out his roses and said he would give me some, are they hard to take care of? They are yellow and beautiful when they bloom, do they take a year off when you transplant them? And what exactly do you have to do when you transplant them, I guess you just can't take a cutting and stick in the ground, although it would be nice if you can. Is it possible to transplant them and they will grow?

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Here's an discussion we had on transplanting roses awhile ago

Lakeview, OH

Here is a close-up picture of the mystery bush, it is doing quite well as you can see, any identification would be helpful, Happy St.Patrick's Day everyone!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

Hmmm. I can't seem to find it. I will keep looking though. My Daffies have bloomes already,( January- Febuary) and there are a couple left. My tulip lily bulb has begun to show flower color... It looks purplish- burgundey. I will try for a good photo tomarrow, if it doesn't rain first... Here are the daffodils I mentioned. And there is one of my blackberry coming out of dormancy.

Thumbnail by Bloomfly22 Thumbnail by Bloomfly22 Thumbnail by Bloomfly22 Thumbnail by Bloomfly22
Lakeview, OH

This naked lady leaves are really going to town, if what I read is right, I WILL have blooms this year, I have been taking out my morning glories,and the naked ladies that I have here in the house and leaving them out for a while in the sun.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I went back and found 2 pictures of the flowers that this plant produces, the first one is at a distance and the next one is close up, I can't find any pics of young buds for white Lilacs, so these will have to do. I could have sat and stuck my nose in there and smelled them all day, they smelled heavenly.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

First one is the Naked Lady plant, second is the Tiger Lilies I planted last summer in the backyard, I was worried because I forgot where I planted them, but this afternoon they showed themselves, I always wanted to have Tiger Lilies, now I know how easy they are to take care of.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905 Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hey Wee Nel, I think what Teddi has are Lycoris squamigera, also called resurrection lily, Naked Lady lily.


Hang in there Teddi....you patience is being rewarded.

Lakeview, OH

Bout time! tee hee! This one bulb that already has had the green leaves, is it ok to plant them in the ground or should I wait? It is the one that had the green leaves this past winter.

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

I would go ahead and plant it, just give it a few days outside to help it acclimate.

Lakeview, OH

I have had it out for a couple of days and brought it in at night, I kept it inside today because of the weather, so will plant it tomorrow. I was thinking of putting it inside the trellis and be able to see it when I look out the door, but they don't like their "feet" wet, and the place where I was thinking of putting it floods when it rains really hard, but drains quickly, what do you think?

Lakeview, OH

I planted it between the Irises not too far from the other one, I took it out of the pot and you would not believe the roots that it has! I planted it so the dirt was around the neck, now since I did that will it still bloom? I did not disturb the root system and the Miracle Gro potting soil went into the hole with it, the ground is already moist so I don't have to water it, I tamped it down real firm with my shoe and hopefully it will bloom. The others I had out for a little while but it is getting time for me to go to work so had to bring the others in, the morning glory is still blooming too.

Lakeview, OH

Is it ok to plant the other Naked Lady plants? They have a little green on them? I guess I will wait until the mystery plant blooms to be able to tell what it is, one person says Lilac, one person says Privet and another said Honeysuckle, I will just wait and have that icky word.......................PATIENCE!!!!!

Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Yes, go ahead and plant them..

Lakeview, OH

Thank you themoonhowl, I will do that tomorrow. I have another question, would it be ok to plant my mums outside now? It has not grown any since I got it out, I think it is dead, there is no greenery at all. Should I take it out of the potting soil that it is in and put it in the ground, the potting soil feels really moist to me, I think it might be too wet. I could take it out of the pot and see if it is mildewed or not. What is your advice?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Teddy. I would unpot the mum and see if it has any roots left....they don't like being wet. If it seems to have healthy roots (firm to the touch) then go ahead and plant it outside.

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