Hanging Basket Gardens

Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

The biggest problem I see with hanging basket gardens , rather it be flowers or veggies, is that the baskets are never big enough.
You have to water them a lot. I always tried to hang 4 gallon pots or simular and watering was less and the plants were bigger.
But hanging that 4 gallon pot required a cloth hanger and they were black and not pretty until the flowers or veggies hid the pot with growth.
My aunt keeps talking about the topsy turvy. I don't like upside down plants. But the tomato topsy turvy holds 4 gallons of soil and it has a hanger. It's not your typical hanging basket, but I think it is a great replacement for the basket. More soil, less watering, grow out the top just like you would in a hanging basket. Plants won't be so quick to become root bound. They will flourish in comparison to the regular hanging basket.
I like container gardening but I always disapproved of the hanging baskets. I will be growing many different plants in the Top of the topsy turvy. Most will not have the lid.
I do realize that this would not be so practical at $10 for each turvy, but many times, you can find them on sale on the internet.

ace hardware is selling tomato and strawberry turvys for $1.99 each. Free shipping if you have it shipped to your local Ace Hardware for pick up delievery. They do not have this offer in the store. It is internet orders only. I ordered some.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Last year at work, we sold these coir hanging planters.... they're not like a regular "bowl-shaped" planter, but tall, like the topsy turvy ones you linked, only they're all coir. If you like the look of coir, or prefer it to the 'topsy turvy' look, those might work for you too. Of course, they might be more expensive than the $10/per each you mentioned, (I know ours were!), but it would give you a different look, and would work very well for strawberries. And maybe 1 tomato plant per pot.

(darned if I can find a pic of the exact one we had!)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I love hanging baskets and it took a few years to figure out what works here. CricketsGarden, you are right about the soil space in the basket. If you buy a 12" hanging basket, repot it into a 18" or bigger pot. Most hanging basket combos are maxed out for root space when you buy them. Deeper is better too. I line all my Coco Lined metal baskets with heavy plastic and cut a few drain holes. Use a good slow release fertilizer - I like Smartcoat for Hanging Baskets and I also use MG Ultra Bloom for flowers. The baskets deplete of nutrient very quickly. The varieties of plants also is key, but if you are choosing stuff for a hanging basket, stick to "mounding & spreading". And the term "Compact" does not refer to small; it refers to shorter internodes between leaves, which gives a more dense tighter look.

Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana
Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Cricket, I had several hanging baskets last year. They were only the 10". I watered them every day and they did fair. The baskets of Joanna's are fabulous. I ordered 12" baskets this year and made some of my own out of chicken wire. I was thinking of putting the water retaining crystals along the inside of the pots. I am going to plant lobelia through the wire so hopefully they will be full of flowers all the way along the outside of the pots.
Joanna, I would love to know the varieties of petunias you are growing. I want my pots to look like yours. They are beautiful. Also, what kind of window boxes do you have? Love the flowers.

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


I will do another post in reference to petunias and which varieties are best where.

Here's one of the lowest maintenance hanging baskets. I toss it in the flower bed for the winter. Built it 4 years ago and usually replace a few Hens & Chicks each spring

Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana
Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh my GOODNESS JoannaBanana (your name makes me giggle!!), all your plantings are really really FABULOUS!!!!! I have to say though, what I love the best is the basket with all the colours of Calibrachoa, OOOOH BOY!!!!!!!!! And, I must thank you for the BRILLIANT ideas your photos have given me, too. There's more than 1 way to decorate a back-yard wooden fence! =)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Here's some added info regarding petunias

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Hi Speedie,

Here's some fence shots just for you

Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana
Nauvoo, AL(Zone 7a)

wow......beautiful! simply beautiful!

I love the hanging basket with yellow, purple, and red petunias.
I have not found a spreading yellow petunia that dark in color..Do you remember the variety?

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Aaaaw thank you!! Man oh man, your beds are so fabulous, and I love the ideas I get for what to do along my fence line out back. Those very deep beds, that are very very full... do you have a hard time getting back in there to work them? Like, ya know, pruning etc during the growing season?

I'm with CricketsGarden, those Cali's are so gorgeous. We sell those at work, I'll have to do them this year for a container. =)

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

That one is all MiniFamous calibrachoa. The combo is called Trixi Lollipop. Growers that grow the MiniFamous calibrachoa will sell a lot of combos that are named "Trixi ...." It was a 12" hanging basket that I repotted into a 16". Trixi combos are also sold in 1 gallon size and are great to use for making up window boxes.

Here's some window boxes that I used Trixi's in.

Thumbnail by joannabanana Thumbnail by joannabanana
Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

oops, wrong photo on the house. Here's another Trixi: Blueberry Parfait minus the one purple suncatcher petunia in the middle

Thumbnail by joannabanana
Augusta, GA(Zone 8a)

Joanna,,,Everything is very nice, but I wanted to know that in the first pictue of last post is that a black lace Elderberry, I was looking for one, but they say it is to hot for it in Georgia.One kind soppose to be named Eva, which is my sister name. Thanks. Etelka

This message was edited Mar 4, 2012 4:12 PM

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Yes, it is a Black Lace Elder. It's not supposed to be winter hardy here, but I've had it for 4 or 5 years now. Some winter kill and I never get flowers, but it does look pretty

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Speediebean, I love saying your name fast. It just runs off the tongue. Funny.
Joanna, do you have a greenhouse? If so, how do you heat it? and when do you start your plants?
My petunias are starting to show some life. I started spraying them with 1-1-1 fertilizer, very dilute. It seems to be working.
I hope to get my little greenhouse up in the next 2 weeks. Last year I kept it above freezing with Christmas lights. It worked quite well.
I want to plant into my pots and put them in the greenhouse until May.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Joanna, your containers are sooooo breath-taking!!!! We sell LOTS of different Cali's at work, some in combo baskets (mostly the 10" and 12" ones), but LOTS in 4" pots, so this year I believe I'm going to buy a bunch of different coloured ones in 4" pots and combo them myself in my larger pots (3-gallon sized) with some other stuff. I see in one of your shots, the one with the Blueberry Parfait, it looks like you've got a lovely Verbena in there as well. I really like Verbena too, those all look so pretty together! And, this year, I'm gonna get some stock as well (been wanting those)... and a few others whose names elude me at the moment. I've got so many containers that I want to fill... OH, and I think it's time I got a couple Shepherd's hooks to start hanging stuff, too! ..And some hanger hardware for the deck, to hang stuff off of it. =) Wheeeeee!!!!!!!!!

OK, question: In your post of the 'fence shots just for me' (You're sooo sweet to do that!!), the shot right in the middle, a walkway leading to a fence, and on the right you've got a BUNCH of gorgeous flowers looking like they're growing up a wall... mostly pinks, but some blues and a couple reds in there too. 1: What are those? 2: How are they climbing up there? Is there a trellis of some sort that you've hidden magically? =)
DH was really admiring that one last night, he LOVES the look and was wondering how you did that, so that I'd be able to do that too. Thank you! =)

MyRee, heeheeheee... you can call me Suze if the name "Speediebean" makes you giggle too much! < =D

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)


Those are sweet peas along the wall. I have a nylon mesh holding them up. Used 6' bamboo sticks to hold the mesh and secured the bamboo with zip-ties to the house, under the small overhang of the siding.

Hope this link works: http://www.selectanorthamerica.com/series_list.aspx?mphid=201600001024641

These are all the Trixi Combos from the Selecta breeding group. You can click on the combo photo and you will get the ingredient info

This message was edited Mar 5, 2012 5:24 PM

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

You are full of information and I love it.

I ordered seeds from swallowtail seed company. My bulk seeds came but my regular seeds did not arrive. I emailed them and asked when they would be here. ...to make a long story short, they emailed me and said they were shipped the day that I asked. I got that package of seeds. (which was my 2nd order, not my first). They followed the tracking # and it said that it was delivered. I never got it. Any ideas on what I can do? I believe it would be the postal service that I go to next. I really wanted the seeds. There were some new varieties of sweet peas for baskets and many more.
Is there another thread that I should be on, I don't want to interrupt this one.

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Aaaw Marie, I'm sorry to hear that you didn't get them!! I agree with you, I would print out the tracking info and take it to your post office (they *were* sent USPS, yes?) to discuss it with the postmaster. You don't otherwise have mail troubles in your neighborhood I hope? Ya know, of the vandal variety? (we used to have young hooligans living in my neighborhood who used to ransack/knock over/beat up mail boxes, that's why I ask).

Joanna, thank you for that link, it gives me GREAT ideas for my combos .. and, I had completely forgotten about Bacopa!! Egads, how'd I do that!?!?

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

Suze, I have a very safe neighborhood in general. I went to the post office and gave them the tracking #. The # does not even come up for them. I called and left a message and emailed them. We will see the outcome. I received 2 orders in great time and shape. I will let you know what happens.

I tried bacopa from seed last year. I don't know what I did wrong, but it did not like me. I must be doing something that is not right.
Do you get plugs from anywhere for your baskets? Grow your own seedlings? or buy from retail?

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I hope your package arrives or is found. Weird that the tracking number was no good.

Re: Bacopa. The seed variety (Snowtopia & Bluetopia) are ok, but the best ones are the Abunda Series, Bahia, Gullivers - Flowers the size of strawberry flowers and these guys can handle more sun/less water.

Brigham City, UT(Zone 5b)

OH MAN! Now I have to find out where to get the bacopa. I tell ya, it never ends :}

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Marie, you took the words right out of my mouth... errrr, fingertips! =) I, personally, have never grown Bacopa before, I've only admired them and LOVED taking care of them at work... but this year all that is going to change. We sell them in 4.5" pots and in combo planters. The ones we get at work are from Proven Winners, and so far I've seen us carry "Snowstorm" Giant Snowflake, Pink, Blue, (all of the "Snowstorm" variety), and Cabana Blue, Cabana White, Cabana Pink. Those are all very drought tolerant as well. (believe me; that greenhouse gets HOT and dry, and not everyone is as diligent about watering as they should be!) =/

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

I should say I come about all this info. 2 years ago, I did a career change and my home gardening passion moved to a new level. I am the production manager for a wholesale grower (annuals, herbs & veggies.Hanging Baskets, Planters etc.)

Somewhere in, MD(Zone 7b)

Oh man, how cool is that!!?? Hmmm... what company do you work with? Of course, all our growers are local, but... hanging baskets and planters.... =)

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I never would have believed Calgary would have had enough warm weather to grow all of those beauties in your pics. I so love your fence and of course the plants.



Brady, TX(Zone 8a)

Quote from joannabanana :

Here's one of the lowest maintenance hanging baskets. I toss it in the flower bed for the winter. Built it 4 years ago and usually replace a few Hens & Chicks each spring

I'd like more info for the hanging basket (you "built" it?) Do you have pics of it empty so we can see details?

Thanks, Mary

Calgary, AB(Zone 3a)

Thanks Jan. I guess the longer days make up for it.

Mary, Here's the thread when I originally made the ball of succulents.

Brady, TX(Zone 8a)

Quote from meadowyck :

I never would have believed Calgary would have had enough warm weather to grow all of those beauties in your pics. I so love your fence and of course the plants.



I think so, too. And I worry about winter survival in central Texas!

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