CLOSED: Please look I Have seeds to trade!

My dear friend had kept her seeds in the refrigerator so the flood didnt bother them. As we have enough to go around here and we would like to trade the rest for other things. If your interrested please let me know! So here goes thr list and we have a few that we can do for postage also!
italian arum
yellow flag iris
morning glory mix good mix
purple barlow columbine
pink columbine
lt pink hibiscus
dusty miller
turban squash
hosta mix
purple liatris
thornless hony locust tree
zinniz mix
galardia goblin
red trumpet vine
lily mix
rare poppy mix 20 or so different kinds

Admin note: this is the newest alias for Lisa Zivney, who signed up as gardenelf333 in May 2011, pompuplover in January 2011, summerflower in December 2010, snifers and jlzivney in July 2010, lljjz in March 2010, busterb123 in June 2008 and Ldrz in October 2005. We have disabled this newest account as well, Please do not engage in trades with this person, and please report any other aliases that you suspect are her, as we have not been able to permanently halt her from re-entering the site, and we have explained repeatedly to her why her accounts are banned when we are notified she has returned. Sigh....

Hopkinsville, KY

I have tomato seeds for the poppy mix. If interested pm me. Thanks.

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

I just looked to see how long you've been a member because I have learned the hard way to check out members before obligating to trades- I've done that since 2003 when I joined. Just wondering - your membership says you joined like Feb 2012 and ends April 2012 - can you pay for monthly membership now? I just haven't seen that before.

Not trying to be rude - just never saw it before - maybe a type error on DG

i dont know cause I thought it was a three month menbership

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Really. I only thought DG had yearly memberships. Like $20 or so. Welcome - it's a great site.

thank you!

Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Hey Kathy!

Haven't been around too many other DG forums to see you post and almost forgot...I might possibly have something you want.


Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

Connie - dmail me

Pearisburg, VA(Zone 7a)

cactus, what zone are you? I have some seeds you may want but I don't see your zone or town. The poppy seeds are interesting to me too. I have castor beans.

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