gnats/flies in potted plants,question about insecticides

I have some potted trees indoors.They have gnats in them.I also have potted poinsettias that got,"what appear to be the same type of gnats or flies", in them, when I put them outdoors last spring.I have plants and poinsettias indoors,and have had them indoors all winter.The gnats seem to be in the soil of the trees,but not really the poinsettias.I am curious what I can do to get rid of these,How harmful they are to my trees and plants,and what they are.I heard and tried insecticidal soap,but not regularly.I am also curious what type of soap is good to make my own insecticidal soap.I would also like to know what is more powerful than insecticidal soap and will not harm my plants and trees.I would also like to know what is the best strong,safe insecticide.

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