CLOSED: Longing for Spring, February Chat

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Look at the pic my son sent me will all laugh! He started 'some' seeds and I'm guessing he has around 1000 sprouted- that's right ONE THOUSAND. He didn't realize how many seeds the celosia puts out LOL!! These are from flowerheads of plants he grew from a seed packet last year.

I told him he inherited my mom's green thumb, cause I sure don't have that type of 'luck'. LOL

He has them under grow lights in the basement.. I can't wait to go watch when he starts to transplant LOL..

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

LOL Chris! Tell him I will buy a hundred ... really! ;D he is doing great!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

He could send a little of that green thumb my way. I pretty sure he has two green thumbs.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Been out digging up bulbs on old homesteads. We went out at 9 and didn't come home till 3:30. Boy was I tired and covered in mud. It has rained so much here the past few weeks. Make it good for digging but with the big Crinums we found the really wet mud causes a suction and they are hard to pull loose and they go all the way to China anyway. We are going to buy pots to take them to the flea market the second weekend in March. We have found narcissus, red lycoris (red spider lilies), white Rain lilies, Crinums, a bunch of Summer Snowflake Leucojum aestivum (I love these) and some other bulbs not sure what they are. I am covered in fire ant bites (but I won as I ended up with the bulbs) and about 15 bites. I thought...woke up this morning and counted 40 bites. We have been digging alot but decided we need to stop and sort them and pot some before we dig more. We found huge patches of short monkey grass that we will cut out of the ground and just slide into pots, a ton of Variegated Greater Periwinkle Vinca major and a solid green one, NOID Iris, NOID Daylilies, Cast Iron Plant, Ruellia tall purple. I think we should do well at the flea market. I want an ipad and am hoping to make enough for one and hopeful even more money than that. Also starting school Fri. Not sure what yet but will know when we go sign up. It will either be payroll or optician (person who fits glasses ect) they are a 12 week course and we can get a grant.

I am getting excited about going to school and selling the bulbs we have dug.

Hope you all have a Great Day!!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I ampulling for you at the flea market. be sure and keep us posted about that.

Has any one here grown Caryopteris? I would like to try this, but have never seen it in person, only pictures. tried to find someone to work up a swap with, but I can't seem to find anyone that wants anything I have. maybe just need to look further, bvut thought I would ask here first.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

well, they just pulled out and threw away all those blue spireas next door,,, wish I had gotten one for you..

Well finally found my camera, actually Goober found So I will take some pictures tomarrow of my small blank garden space I will be using for the next 5 years. That is unless we find something different before that dime. So far I have every room done except the craft room and that is going to be started tomorrow. I went online and ordered the bins and stuff I need to get started. I am glad to see the end of this!!.

Athens, PA

Don't you just hate it when they pull plants like those spireas and just throw them away? It reminds me years ago when new people moved onto our street - the most amazing and gorgeous azaleas grew there - those people yanked and tossed everyone of those azaleas.

Elfie - I too am glad things are settling down for you as well....

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I work downtown Des Moines and there's several streets lined with HUGE pots filled with all kinds of neat plants.. Little did I know that at the end of fall, ALL of the plants get pitched! I was in Iowa City the weekend they did it, but guaranteed I'll get some this year!! I want some of that lime green sweet potato vine and it was all gone!! I'll take pics once they have them all filled in again...these pots are around 4 ft in diameter :)

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

I found the last filler sedum for my front door containers. I got distracted by all the weeds in the yard (all the grass in the backyard died last summer so all that's left to grow in all our rain is weeds. Yucko) and then was putting some bulbs I picked up on clearance by my mailbox (had to dig up the dead plumbago and lavender from last year's attempt). So I'll get the sedum in the containers tomorrow afternoon and snap a picture. :)

Got my box of daffodil bulbs from ebay (55 bulbs. What was I thinking??) and tossed them in the freezer so I can chill them for a night. Also stopped at another nursery on my way home today. They had all the spring bulbs (crocus, tulips and daffs) for 75% off. So I bought another 40 bulbs. I think I have a problem. LOL Anyone need any spring bulbs? :)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I have never understood why people destroy beautiful plants. Ignorance is all I can guess. My grandmother was a plant lover and had beautiful azaleas and other plants all over her yard. When she died the house was rented out and the renters cleaned up by cutting down ALL the azaleas and other shrubbery except for a durned old boxwood and a stinking ligustrum. I assume those were the only 2 bushes they recognized. They also mowed over all the bulbs, but were unable to kill them and they came back. About 3 months after they had wrecked such havoc on the landscape, they moved.

Well, if anybody has any Caryopteris they can root, or can rescue one for me, I would be very obliged to you and will pay postage or swap.

I wish I had not remembered all that about mam's plants.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

gold...I have several bluemist babies that were dug from my daughter's yard. I've been letting her plant reseed and then take the babies home and pot up. Remind me in a couple of months and I will see how they over wintered. They are rather small tho. Kathy

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
(Crystal) Waverly, AL

wow! Kathy! Thanks!

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

There was a shooting at my son's school. Just as I arrived the school went into lock down and I ended up locked in the gym with several panicked parents. Apparently a 3rd grader brought a firearm to school and shot a classmate. The girl is in critical condition at harborview so please pray for her and her family.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

ANG!! Oh my goodness. Prayers being said right now. Who puts handguns within reach of 9 year olds without teaching them safety????

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Carla and I have worked our buns off the last 2 days digging and potting for a flea market March 9 and 10. I am so tired and my back is hurting. But I pot and she digs. Today a cop pulled a truck over in the driveway were there is no house and Carla just freaked out. She thought sure they were coming for us. :) The state trooper gave him a ticket and Carla kept saying we're next we're next, I said what can they say. She said jail I said no they won't bother us and away he went without saying a word :)

There is so much more out there to get but not enough hours in a day. We registered to take a college course on Payroll clerk and should get word about the grant within a week. I am excited about it.

I am trying to cool off before I shower. I am covered in dirt but I love every min of it.

To my DFs who sent emails I will get back to you I promise. :) Really not enough hours in a day :)

Athens, PA

Ang! OMG! I went into google and searched a school shooting for the state of Washington. I can't get over it - where did this 8 year old get a gun and why would they take it to school?

The older I get, I think the less I get it.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Ang, I'm just relieved your son wasn't hurt and hope the little girl pulls through. Whoever left the gun within reach of a child should be prosecuted.

Your hard work will be so worth it, Sandy. I'm excited for you too going back to school. It's great to hear happiness in your voice again :)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
Ang, I'm just relieved your son wasn't hurt and hope the little girl pulls through. Whoever left the gun within reach of a child should be prosecuted.

Your hard work will be so worth it, Sandy. I'm excited for you too going back to school. It's great to hear happiness in your voice again :)

I echo Susans' sentiments about you both, Ang and Sandy.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Quote from Carolyn22 :
Ang! OMG! I went into google and searched a school shooting for the state of Washington. I can't get over it - where did this 8 year old get a gun and why would they take it to school?

The older I get, I think the less I get it.

I don't get it either!!! omgosh I am happy your son is fine. Really sorry for the little girl. Hope she pulls through. Parents should be held responsible for this. Thanks Fruity I am really happy:)

Athens, PA


You sound soooo good. I am glad....

Sounds like you worked hard, but it sounds like it was a total blast!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

When my kids were little, the oldest may have been 3rd grade,I was giving a Halloween party. One of the neighbor boys brought a real gun (he was a cowboy). He did not shoot it or threaten anyone, but it scared us all witless.
This isn't the wild west anymore, or is it????

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I'm alive!

Haven't read the posts for several days - forgive me - but I'm pressing hard on some things here - like an herbal treatment for mom's cat with cancer; job search; developing my "tree-house"/hidey-hole out back; keeping this giant puppy in line; and the list goes on.

Hope everyone enjoyed winter. I think it's over now.


Athens, PA

Ang/Crystal - I grew up in an area and time, where there was an innocence and if somebody got a new hunting rifle and brought it to school in their truck to show the others, it wasn't even thought that there was any other reason for the gun than to show his classmates. Granted, the gun never went into the school - but notbody ever thougth otherwise. I am really not liking the direction that society is going.

Ang - it must terrifying for both you and your son. I am so glad you are both ok - perhaps a bit rattled though, which I can understand.

Amanda- I have been wondering about you - is Mom's kitty responding to the herbal treatments?

OMG... guns in school just scare me to death!! Hope the parents get arrested for endangering their child and others!

Here is a picture of my tiny 20 x 40 yard!!
My ugly walk way
and my $2.25 pot of purple Callas from Walmart

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

An update is that the boy didn't intentionally shoot the girl. They believe it went off in his backpack as they lined up to leave for the day.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Ang, glad to hear it most likely was not intentional, but, regardless, most modern handguns have a safety for a reason. To disable the safety and leave it within reach/access of a child without teaching the child about safety and how to properly handle the weapon...that's just sad.

Carolyn, I think it's because our current society has taken a more vested interest in whether or not one will even be able to own a gun (of any sort) due to trumped up media coverage. There is a (my opinion) deranged contingent who truly believe their gun ownership is dependent on who they vote into office, so they have more than they'll ever need stocked up "just in case." And thanks to new laws (Arizona, for example) legalizing open carry, makes having a gun in hand "cool" it looks to only get worse.

Again, this is all my opinion...we actually are gun owners who were annoyed by the rush on ammo after the 2008 elections when 9MM bullets tripled in price in less than a month...if you were lucky enough to find a box for sale.

Athens, PA


Ironically I work with some people like that. I used to tell them, if they purchased and registered their guns and everything wa on the up and up, then they would have no reason to think that way. All I know is I am finished telling them these things or even engaging them in these types of conversations - it is pointless to talk to them about it, so I do know what you mean.

On one hand, I feel like we have lost our innocence and then on the other hand, I think about times like the 30's and wonder if we ever had any innocence.

Think I will just stick to my seeds and flowers - not only is it easier, but I think it is a whole lot safer!

Ang - any word on the little girl and what happens to the boy and his parents?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

The girl had exploritory surgery with more surgeries expected and is still in critical condition.

The boy had taken a .45 from his mothers house during visitation. Neither parents have custody and he was adopted by his grandma who passed away. He has been living with his uncle since.
They are charging him but I'm not sure his mother will be charged.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

That poor kid. Being suffeled around like that, who was there to teach him about guns. My dad was a cop and my brothers and I can all shot, but we never looked at guns as toys. I had a gun in the house until the girls became teenagers. At that time I realized that my girls knew gun safety but what about their friends. Add that to the fact that I had a trigger lock on it and kept it in a lock box, I figured that by the time I got the gun ready I'ld be dead. I do have the lock box with bricks in it. It has super sharp metal corners so if I hit someone with it, they will feel it. I was so crazy about my kids knowing that guns were not toys that they never even had squirt guns.

Thornton, KY

I'm new to Dave's garden and I'm loving it. I, too am longing for spring and here in KY we had a little of it today. They say if you don't like the weather in KY just wait a minute. Past Sunday night we had about 8 inches of snow and they just today got all the power restored in the county. Today it was 70 degrees or better and I spent the day pruning my 3 Japanese maples and replacing the potting mix in my 6ft. window box. Its been in there for 15 years or better and I've noticed the last few years my plants aren't doing as well, so I replaced it. Have an 8ft one also under by bow window. Will get it next. I love a full, exhausting day in the garden. Gets rid of all frustrations.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

welcome hostaqueen!

Athens, PA

Welcome Hostaqueen!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

we have about 3 new inches of new snow brown to white in just 8-10 hrs so i will be playing in my cement today:)
good day just to be snowed in :)
so you all have a great day

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Welcome Hostaqueen!

Question ladies - what kind of soil do clematis like? I have a Nelly something or other and I want to get a second soon.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

gosh, Ang, don't ask me, I can't keep a clematis alive to save my soul.. except the sweet autumn and it is a weed here.. do u have a nelly mosier?

Thornton, KY

Thanks guys. I got off Facebook last spring because it was cutting into my gardening time. But I'm sure I'll be addicted to this site. At least I'll be learning something worthwhile! I'll post some pics later {I'm at work--luckily I own the place}. Clematis like a little sweet soil, they benefit from a handful of lime or gypsum. Head in the sun, feet in the shade, if you don't already know. Nelly Moser is probably what you have.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Yep that's the one I have. I plan to pick up a second. They are selling them in little bags at Walmart and Lowes. Costco has them in baggies too but we are cutting back on our trips there. I've always wanted a Clematis and my neighbor has a pretty purple one.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Amen Carolyn and Monkeymom. DH travels for work, so having the handgun nearby while he's gone gives me a small sense of security. Both of the step-kids are well aware of gun safety when they visit with us so we feel no need to put it up when they are in town. DSS is required to recite the "Three Rules" whenever he is here. He knows them better than I do by now. :)

Welcome HostaQueen! Glad you're getting to experience spring-like weather too! My knees are covered in dirt today. I'll be planting bulbs, tubers and a couple of passifloras this weekend. :)

Athens, PA


When you get your clem, from those places - you are getting a liner plant. It will need a bit of babying. I plant my liner clems into a gallon pot and then plant them out in the garden when the roots start to come out the bottom.

When planting your clems into the garden, plant at a 45 degree angle and about 2 inches deeper than the level they are planted in the pot - this will bring out more basal stems, which means you will get more vines and flowers. Also, when you plant out your clems - use bone meal.

Nelly is a type 2 pruning group, but the first couple of years, should be treated as a type 3 to to get it established. There is a forum for clematis here on DG.

I love clems. Hopefully Nelly will start a love affair for you with clematis.

This is Madame Julia Corrovan and she was a liner clem once upon a time.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22

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