CLOSED: Birthday Club February 2012

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

{{{ Faye and Ray }}} You both must be exhausted. At least he's home now. Love you, lady!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Thank you sweet Susan. Yes we are exhausted and tears are always close to surfacing.
The tube that was put into Ray's kidney has to stay for 2+ weeks, hopefully giving the kidney time to rest and heal from the Stint infection. Pray that infection doesn't result from the tube. Ray is now on Oxygen, hopefully not for long.
I go to Duke Hosp. tomorrow to the E.N.T. Clinic. Have nose pollops that have to come out before I can have surgery to stop my eyes from running water all the, this water isn't from crying, but it's so on my last nerve that sometimes all I want to do is cry. I am just a mess, a total wreck.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

(((Faye))) I'm so sorry to hear about this scary time- you'll have lots of prayers going out for both you and Ray.. hang in there, my friend!

Ok, does everyone understand that this bday present I sent was for DECEMBER lol... that's so terrible. Oh-Faye, it's solar too. The "welcome" on it will light at night once you get it set up outside. I thought it was cute as can be :) And I'm so glad you like it!

Give Ray a hug and kiss from all of us..


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Faye, I'll be praying for you and Ray.
Paula, glad to hear you are enjoying your new home! Have fun planning your landscape. Remember, it's a work in progress, and it's okay if it doesn't all get done right now... Be sure to enjoy the process, too :)
Neener and Debbie, hope things are continuing to go smoothly... I'm sure it will all be a great relief when all is done! And I hope you enjoy things the way they turn out :)
My cards for our February birthdays should make it to the post office this evening or tomorrow, so either way, they should be on their way tomorrow. Will post again when I know they've made it to the post office :)
Take care, everyone!

Athens, PA

Faye - please know that both you and Ray are in my thoughts and prayers.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Geez Faye I so want you to get a break.. Goodness.

Glad everyone is checking in. I'm off to the store and then since we are having a 60+ degree day here I'm heading out to rake up leaves and do some clean up out there. It will be a nice change from painting trim. :0)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Here is our forecast for the next few days! Not bad at all!

84° | 50°


68° | 41°


63° | 46°


66° | 55°


73° | 61°

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Beat me to it LK, we are supposed to hit 86 today. Guess I will be planting beans and squash today, already have a bunch of tomatoes and peppers in the ground. All my lettuce is bitter because of the weird weather and I don't know if my poppies will get a chance to bloom. But I am so thankful for the recent rains.
OMG, now I am going to have to start shaving my legs again!!!!!!!


Heck, I shaved mine this morning,, Was tired of having more hair on my legs than Ralph does,,

Faye, I think of you and Ray daily. Please let him know I wish him well and hope he does not get any further problems. Tell him I said "" That is an order young man"" !!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Faye, have been keeping you and Ray in my prayers. I still need to send a birthday box for you, but with no thread on you I don't really know what you like or don't like. You sent me such a nice box with my favorite perfume in it (minus the cap! LOL). I was so thrilled to get it. Can you give me some hints?

LK, your weather forecast looks like ours except for the 84 and our nights are still going down close to freezing. I can't believe the mild winter we have had so far. I'm still waiting for the late March/early April blizzard! lol I don't move anything out until after May 1st, even though I may want to really badly.

I got cards today. Now just have to sign and mail them. Yea! I finally accomplished something. ^_^

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Debbie and Chris, your cards were mailed this evening. The mailbox says pick-up is at 10am tomorrow. So, they're on their way!
Oh, and they're signed by me and my guide dog :)

This message was edited Feb 23, 2012 9:16 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Dang, Joy, depending on the varieties, you'll be harvesting tomatoes and peppers as early as April or May. Seeds of squash, cukes, zukes, tomatoes, and sweet & hot peppers -- among others -- are waiting patiently at the top of my seed bin, but it's to early to start them here til next month.

Mickey has a grooming appt tomorrow morning and I'll swing by my MIL's for a surprise visit. She's been craving sauteed onions and mushrooms cooked in butter with a touch of Worcester sauce since Christmas when I served them with steaks. I made a big batch for her last month and put it in the freezer. My MIL turned 80 Christmas week, is still full of drama, and never know what I'm walking into. You know I'd much rather be having a casual lunch with you instead, Manda.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Good luck on your visit Frootz. Hope she is upright and moving around without any issues. :0)

Getting ready to make some sausage to go in the smoker for tomorrow. Way behind in my cooking chores since things have been so torn up around here.

Did manage to get outside yestserday to move some leaves off a few beds. Still have more to go. I took the chains off the utility vehicle so that should assure that we will get a late snow. God forbid!

Behave yourself today and have a great Friday!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Be thinking of you Fruit when I am eating them! Maybe I will send some in your birthday card. gg Planted sunflowers yesterday, heck the ones the birds have dropped are taking over the front yard, might as well put some in that I actually want! Told Dave that I wasn't planting beans till I had help with trellising, I know that "We'll just put it up later" doesn't work. Found a bunch of annual seeds in the drawer including the mystery seeds that are so prevalent in my world. You know the ones, snip off a pod of something knowing you will remember what it is, of course you will, it is so obvious! I have several envelopes and baggies of those things.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I keep wanting to clean the leaves out of my flower beds, but am afraid it is too early. I leave them there as insulation for the plants below. With the pretty weather we have been having, I have the gardening itch! Maybe I will ws or start some seeds inside to scratch that itch for a little while. ^_^

St. Patricks Day swap sign ups are being taken if anyone is interested.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I hear you, Patti. Yesterday I tackled cutting back Pampas grass and had a sore butt this morning. Felt good being out there 'doing something' though and need to get myself whipped back in shape sooner than later.

Most of ya'll know I'm not much of a morning person, but was out the door by 8:30, well before Mickey's 10:30 appt an hour away. After I dropped him off a bit early and got to visit with the groomer, her dogs, and a beautiful Sheltie she'd just finished, I hit the grocery store. Then swung by my MIL's after I'd picked him up so she could see him all pretty and smelling good. She wanted to snuggle with him but all he wanted to do was take a nap on her carpet. A day at the "spa" wears him out and he'll probably sleep all day tomorrow too. Turns out she was expecting the lady from the County that's helping her now * second one she's had this year * and was really surprised to see us. We had a good visit, short and sweet, since we needed to git before the rain storms hit. But I did get to meet the new lady that's helping her, so full of personality with a great sense of humor and an excellent work ethic. I hope my MIL doesn't run her off.

It was 81 freaking degrees this afternoon with tornado watches and warnings til 4 pm. A far cry from the 6" of snow that fell last Sunday.

gg back atcha, Joy. By then you'll probably have tomato seeds saved for next year or maybe some to slime on my card...LOL

Pic is one of the Begonias you sent me last year for my B-day, Paula. The white blooms are so pretty against the dark foliage with silvery white spots. I was too lazy to dig next to it to retrieve the name tag, but it's there and you probably recognize the plant anyway.

Happy Birthday tomorrow, Debbie! Do something nice for yourself. You deserve it!

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you to Carolyn and Twyla- I received your cards today and I so appreciate them :)

I really like getting cards all month long..

Athens, PA

You are very welcome!

Happy Birthday Debbie.

Happy Birthday Debbie!!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Lordy I'm late again. Debbie have a Happy Birthday. I hope things get better now for you for the next year. Everyone I know deserves a break from the sickness and cancer that seems to be affecting more people than not.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Debbie!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

happy birthday, almost birthday twin :) Hope it's a great one!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday Debbie! Hope you have a great day!

Thumbnail by taters55
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

LK I NEED a piece of that cake. Man that looks good!

Me too!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Sitting here with my fork in hand, just waiting for my slice :)

I forgot to say that in the card from Carolyn was a packet of Datura seeds..triple yellow.. love Datura! Thank you so much for them :)

I'm taking them over to Shawn's (son) house to put them under the grow lights he has set up for his celosia.. he texted me a pic of his plants today, saying there's now about a ZILLION of them and all have several sets of leaves LOL

I'll upload a pic later to show you... he's not joking LOL

Blackshear, GA

Happy Birthday Debbie!!

Hummm.. maybe I should send my seeds to him to get started??

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
And did someone say there's Cake? Can you pass me a slice, too? Aw, isn't it nice to know that you have so many friends eager to celebrate your birthday with you and to share that cake with you? :)
Hope you have a wonderful year!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Hope my card will arrive tomorrow. Sorry I'm late:( The holiday and weekend messed me up. I will learn to not try to hit the day, just go on and send early.

Happy Birthday, all month (year) long!!!

This message was edited Feb 26, 2012 8:36 AM

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Can anyone tell me how to add my name to the space to the right of the message where it says goldhillal? I just can't figure how to do it. I have trouble remembering which real name is linked with the screen name. Maybe other people do (or did) too and if everyone had a name it would make it easier for me. So I want to fix my own first.

Crystal,, go to your info,
then location,
add your name in the box before your City.
Save and you are done!!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Thanks everyone! Had a wonderful day, finished with a family dinner at a wonderful local family owned/operated restaurant! They serve everything - steaks, chicken, pork chops, whole fried catfish (my favorite!). It was awesome!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

went to my info but do not see any way to change location. I will keep looking... unless you think of something else to clue me as to what to look for to put in my name

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Go to the home page and click on the my info tab, then on the left side of the next page scroll down, and click on Manage your preferences. On the next page look on the left side again, and click on "your location". Then where it says, your city, I typed in my my name in () in front of my city.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Ok. thanks, Linda.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Hi everybody! I received 3 cards today..

Michelle with her neat braille card, it was so cool that the flower on it is raised too. Thank you so much!

Then I received one from LK-it's a musical one from the Peanuts gang and played the piano song that Schroeder plays on the tv specials. I love it :)

The last one is from Crystal and I could smell it before I opened the door to my post office box! Wow..that smells sooo good! It's called Fresh Scents and this one is "Watermark". Am I right on the scent, Crystal? I want candles with that scent! I feel like a cat with their catnip LOL..

Thank you's so nice to have cards when I get home :)
Hugs to everyone!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Hope you like it. I put one in my closet. I worried that the PO would be suspicious of it!! Heehee

Smelly cards???

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

heehee. Maybe fragrant is a better word? or not?

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