CLOSED: Birthday Club February 2012

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Waving hello... Good to get back to catching up with everyone :)
Debbie, glad you can still be with us :) Will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Have discovered signs of spring amongst my plants on the deck... lots of sweet alyssum seedlings are up (these were planted using old seed that I wasn't sure would germinate) and pansy seedlings are up, too, now that we've gotten some more rain. And my fall-planted calla lilies are starting to put up a few shoots! Yay!!! I also discovered a few daffodils starting to send up leaves, and my freesias are already sending up flower buds! And my sweet peas are climbing their trellis... And the cerinthe and stock I planted in the fall are really starting to grow, too. Spring is springing around here... Hope the weather doesn't turn too cold again...
Oh, and Susan, the Dianthus that I got with the gift certificate you gave me last year bloomed all the way through winter this year :) Been a milder one, though, so that probably helped. Never did dig up my tuberoses. Kept waiting for them to die back, but they never did completely, so I just let them grow. Gardening is a wonderful adventure :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Michelle, I'm so happy for you. You're off to a great start having so many things popping up. It'll be a while yet before I start veggies and some annuals. I didn't winter sow perennials this year and may be sorry I didn't. Our temps have been so unusually mild but know we can be hit with a snow storm as late as March. Just went through my bin last week-end thinking of all the possibilities. All I have blooming in the gardens at the moment is a lone Lenten Rose, but I'll take what I can get in the middle of Winter. Tulips will be blooming soon and have a nice crop of Muscari. I can hardly wait to get my Caladium bulbs back in pots, along with Callas. You're lucky being able to leave yours in the ground.

Paula, one of the Begonias you rooted for me last year and including in my B-day box is blooming. A lovely white. I'll have to take a pic.

Have you two February gals rec'd your cards from me yet? Anxious to hear how you like them.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Fruity, I dmailed you :) I received mine today and it is the cutest thing! I was going to give you credit for being so creative, but I see that it's from Etsy LOL!!

Thank you.. I love mine!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

So glad you liked your card, Chris. I don't know how long it would have taken me to make one like it, if I ever could.

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Mine came on Saturday! I love the card! Thanks Fruity! I need to get cards mailed too! We almost have the room finished..........carpet was installed today and the trim goes on tomorrow. Such a relief to get things back in order. Will take a pic when it is all done!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Had this from Twyla this morning. For some reason she couldn't get it to post.

Blackshear, GA

Just checking in....forgot to click 'watch' thread on this one. We had two nights of 20 degree weather and now right back to 50s at night and 70s during the day. Just enough to damage some of the things starting to bloom.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Yeah Paula the weather is sure screwy this year. I think we are going to have a lot of bug issues and weed problems because we haven't had a lot of cold, hard freezes so far. Time will tell.

Well ladies, my backsplash tile that was backordered is in and they will be finishing up tomorrow. I will take some pics of the new kitchen then and show you what's been going on around here that's made me soooooo cranky. :0)

I was going to post pictures of the new place, but somehow in the move my camera completely dissapeared,,sigh.

I have mailed out my cards today and I am shocked at how much it hurt to write 2 notes and a quick letter. I really need to talk to the doc about this ,,,,again,,,

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I know what you mean Elfie. I was trying to sign my cards this morning and was having trouble with the writing part. Funny how we used to write all the time and now we type everything. My handwriting that was crappy in the beginning is really illegible now. My hand is better than it was, but I ain't ever gonna be young again. Just ask Amanda.. She'll tell you all about my gray hairs :0)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Ohhhh geez - don't get me started. I thought you were going to ask about how it hurts to write with my right hand. :P


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Quote from rvnsbrk :
Had this from Twyla this morning. For some reason she couldn't get it to post.

I've been looking and looking.. what did you have from Twyla?? LOL

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My penmanship has really gone downhill, now it's more of a scrawl. I doubt I'll ever be able to do calligraphy again like I did years ago. Printing, which I do a lot, still looks half decent and may go that route with your B-Day card next month, Crystal.

Are you loving your new house, Paula?

Well I type with a stylus now it is much easier on my hands and I am getting very good at it.

Blackshear, GA

Hi Fruity,
Yes, we are loving our new house. I just can't wait to plant everything (most) outside. I will have so much less to handwater. I have something for you, but can't seem to get it mailed...LOL. I'll try to get it out soon!

Still going through stuff at the old house. Had a yard sale this past weekend and made a little over $400 so that was nice. This is going to be my landscape fund....still no landscape. I have got to do it SOON!!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Well shoot Chris. I know I cut and pasted it from Twyla. Let me see if I can try it again.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

From Twyla

Well that's just pain weird. It shows when I type the message and then disappears when I post. I'll dmail it to you.

This message was edited Feb 16, 2012 8:16 AM

Paula,, where is the new house? I have forgotten.

Blackshear, GA

Blackshear, Ga,....just 15 miles from the other one. How is your move going...have you found everything yet? I have found things I forgot I had...LOL!

Also, all the sweet things....papers my children did when they were in first grade, etc. and other things that bring back such sweet memories. Packing those things up...LOL

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thank you Neener.. I'm glad she got it ok. Has anyone heard from Faye? I hope everything's ok with her and Ray. She should have gotten my package by now too.

Now to get my butt in gear with other stuff LOL...

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Faye posted a few days ago on another thread that Ray is doing well, and she was busy painting for charity homes. I will tell her come and check this thread.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Neener, are you ready for the snow Sunday? If you believe the forecast, we're supposed to get 2-4". More is predicted up your way. Can't wait to see pics of your new kitchen, and know how glad you must be having your house back without a bunch of contractors to deal with.

Having a blank canvas you can paint with flowers over time, Paula, is a beautiful thing and always a work in progress. You'll get there. I'm hoping this year to convince hubby he can live without a little more lawn to mow.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks LK :) Glad to hear that Ray's been doing good!

I'm finally caught up again.. the cards I needed to send went out to get myself even more ahead lol.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Ready as I'll ever be for snow, but they have downgraded it this morning, so we may get lucky.

The pics I took of the kitchen aren't good, so I need to do it again. Have to wait for the sun to move so it isn't so overpowering in there.

Glad everyone is getting the cards in the mail.

I'm off to get some mangoes ready for the deydrator. Always fun and games going on here.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I received a card from Charleen and Charley yesterday..very pretty card with parrots on the front. It's another handmade of these days I'm going to try my hand at making cards..that's something I've never done before.

Thank you Char/Charley!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

A friend of mine in England made those Cards. Muriel does such a beautiful job.
You are welcome, Charley and I are so glad you liked it....

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Chris you should have a card from me by now too..Hope it didn't go AWOL.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Nope, I haven't received it yet- I bet it'll be here Tuesday after the holiday.

But I did get one from Faye yesterday and I sure agree with it :) "Drink to the day and forget the year!" How true that is lol
And that's exactly what I think I'll do :)

Tulsa, OK(Zone 7a)

chris got it ready to mail.. and irisluvr

Did anyone get the ones I sent??

Athens, PA

I have 2 cards going out today. I have to get thoughts together for my daughters' birthday. Thinking about making a chocolate/white chocolate bark to send to her.....Her gift has already been sent out.....

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

I have received several cards and will list who sent them this evening. I know I got one from Charlene, Kris, Susan (Fruity) and I can't recall the others right now.

In negotiations with selling my grandparents house and property as well as getting the final repairs done to our house (YEAH!). Hopefully things will calm down somewhat and I will have more time to be on DG! FIL will not be doing any radiation treatments so we are trying to spend more time with him too. I was to a point that I didn't want to talk to anyone and just wanted to be left alone! Thank goodness for doctors and certain medicines!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

I received Neener's and Kris's today.. thank you both! I got a chuckle out of both of them :) Kris, cause of the 'oops' on the front and Neener cause of the back of the envelope. It said "Look! Real Mail in ith all the bills and junk" ^_^

Waving hi to Twyla! Hope you're doing ok, sweet lady!

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Also received cards from Faye/dahtzu, Neener and Chris/clancampbell! Thank you! Getting those cards really has brightened my days!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Sometimes I really dislike DG. Ate my whole post. With pictures.

Anyhoo, hope everyone is doing good. Fun to get all those cards isn't it??

I love getting cards!! I know mine are not homemade, but I do try. lol

Chris>>> So glad you like my terrible writing. Usually Ralph writes for me. But I really wanted these to be personal, so you guys will just have to bear with the really bad hand writing.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm with you Elfie. My thumbs hurt so bad it makes it difficult to write.

Going to be getting cards out soon. Going to town today!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

My cards are in the mailbox. You should have them in a few days!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi everyone. Haven't read anything here since my last post. Boy do things change fast. Ray has just gotton home from another Emergency stay at the Hospital. EMT took him in last Fri. AM @ 4:30 and I got him home last night. The Stint that was in his Kidney had caused infection and the infection again had spread into his bloodstream. Sun. while at the Hospital Ray's Kidney shut down and his bowels blocked. On Mon. he was transported from Mariah Parham to Wake Med. in Raleigh so a Surgeon there could go from Ray's back and put a tube into the Kidney to drain the fluid build up. While in surgery, Ray's breathing got to be a concern for the Surgeon so off to the Emergency Room to spend the remainder of the day. The XRay that was done sowed that the Surgeon hadn't punctured Ray's lung. The Dr. told me why he wanted the XRay only after he had seen the results. Then on Tues. afternoon the bowels finally decided to work...first time since the past Fri.

Thank you so much Chris for the Birthday Gift. About the cutiest Water Pump I've ever seen. I can imagine how fine it will look in my small Semp. garden.

Thumbnail by dahtzu
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

My cards went out today!!!!!

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