CLOSED: Birthday Club February 2012

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

After much consideration I have decided to go ahead and change the way the Birthday Club works. I think in deference to the economic times we are in I am going to change this from a gifting kind of thing to CARDS ONLY. This change will go into effect starting in January 2012. I think that is the most fair way to do it so that the people at the end of this year who have played along nicely all year will still get their gifts from everyone.

So everyone that has a birthday starting in January will get a card from each of us in the birthday club sometime the month of their birthday. It is really a lot of fun to get snail mail these days anyway since we all live in such an electronic world. If you are so inclined to want to include a pack of seeds or something flat in with the card that is strictly up to you and should not in anyway be expected by the birthday girl.

I am hoping that this will encourage some of the people that have left us and some that would like to join, but are unemployed, to jump in and make this grow. Just think about getting 10 or 20 or 30 cards in your birthday month! So spread the word far and wide and lets see if we can make some new friends and have a sort of old fashioned pen pal arrangement.

I will ask the birthday girls each month to dmail me with a list of names of those that have sent cards. I will keep track of this information and adjust the list accordingly. If you haven't sent a card to each monthly member all along the year, your name will not be eligible to receive when it is your birthday.

Current Members:

Rouxcrew (Joy) Jan. 15
Irisluvr0252 (Debbie) Feb. 25
ClanCampbell (Chris) Feb.28
Goldhillal (Crystal) March 21
Carolyn22 (Carolyn) April 3
AmandaEsq (Amanda) April 6
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) April 9
Crit (Patti) May 10
Mud_Elf (Kris) May 10
taters55 (LK) June 13
GAgirl1066 (Paula) Sept. 1
Ridesredmule (Charlene) Oct. 1
Rvnsbrk - (Juanita) Oct 9
GardenQuail (Michelle) October 28
Dahtzu (Faye) December 25
Hope43 (Hope) Dec. 28

This message was edited Feb 6, 2012 9:54 AM

This message was edited Feb 6, 2012 6:54 PM

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Realized this morning that it was February and time for a new thread. So let's get the cards ready and get them there by the end of the month.

Added Debbie back in..

This message was edited Feb 6, 2012 6:55 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I am soooooo sorry. (hanging head in shame) Things have been really tight here since I lost my job Sept. 30th and work for DH always slows down in Nov., Dec., Jan. & Feb. (He is a front end mechanic at our Chevy dealership and works strictly on commission) I know I still owe several girls 'boxes', which I do have ready, just need to send. I also have cards that I need to 'slap a stamp on' and get in the mail. I will pursue getting caught up on the belated boxes ...... and get on the ball with the cards. Ya'll please forgive me and don't drop me!


Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

Sorry I've been MIA! It's been a difficult 4 months with my DFIL being diagnosed with lung cancer, my ex diagnosed with esophagus cancer that has spread to the liver and spine and the kid next door tried to back his dad's manual transmission truck out of their garage (not knowing how to drive a manual transmission) and ran it through our spare bedroom! (picture below).

I did miss the January birthday(s) but can catch them up along with February if I can be forgiven and let back in!

Thumbnail by irisluvr0252
Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Durn, thing says I can load up to 5 pictures.....anyhow, charley and I are here roaming...

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Darn Debbie.... I'm really sorry to hear about all your bad luck. I'll put ya back in. Joy was the only birthday for January.

My father passed away last year from esophageal cancer. It is no picnic for anyone.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

That's a heavy load to bear, Debbie. So glad to see you again.

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Patti, don't feel bad.. I owed 2 boxes from December! Sooooo... Faye and Hope, there will be a box coming your way, but not from me.. I ordered online and it'll be shipped directly to you!

My cards will go out tomorrow..

In addition to my mandatory OT, they've decided to cross train me for another area that's having trouble getting caught up. I'm not sir, not me! Now where did I put that margarita????

Lafayette, IN(Zone 5a)

The room is getting repaired, the ex has taken 2 weeks of radiation and will have chemo treatments in hopes of extending his life possibly till the end of the year. The dr said without any treatment he would only have a couple of months. He can't eat because of the tumor in the esophagus so he has a feeding tube. DFIL will be 83 next month and has heart problems. He is in stage 4 so there isnt much that can be done......the dr said chemo would be the only treatment if he could even take it. We are basically taking it one day at a time and trying to enjoy the time remaining. Please keep all of us in your prayers!
It really feels good to be back on DG!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sending lots of prayers for your hubby and family!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Things are really tight around here. I owe the 2 December boxes too. Maybe I will send them this summer as a 1/2 year birthday box. lol I'll get them out, as I got nice boxes from them. If there are other months that I missed you, please let me know. I want to reciprocate as we are suppose to, just not sure when. lol Glad I had some stuff, that I got at sales last year I liked, for swaps this year. I'm good to go on several of them, just have to have postage money. lol

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Patti, would it be possible for you and Twyla to meet for coffee? That would save you a bit of postage.

Think Mexico, Chris, chilling in the sun slurping on a slushy margarita :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Patti - feeling your pain as I scrounged for postage to send out the west to east round robin today. I haven't heard from the employer today as they suggested that I would after the HR lady got involved, but neighbor lady said perhaps HR lady was out sick? :D

That's one way to look at it I suppose. I am not so anxious about them calling to offer me a job so much as them calling or writing to say no. IT's a good opportunity or stepping stone to get back into a good firm. Who knows where it will lead. With the hand injury my aspirations of digging in the dirt for a living are on hold, at least for now.

Keep you posted, and do forgive us poor folk. ;)

Love to all.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

As the old saying goes, Manda, "No news is good news." Hang in there, Girlfriend. With your background and expertise, not to mention your quick wit and quirky sense of humor, you're bound to land a good job.........soon.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Ditto what Froots said Amanda! Fingers are still crossed.

Lovely snow here. Just my kind. All over the trees, but not on the driveway. Heading out for an early appointment. Have that yucky doctor thing we all hate to go to today.

They couldn't finish my backsplash yesterday because they were short on some of the tile, so now we are on hold until more comes in. Have to bring the painter up the driveway before I leave so she can keep on doing her thing. Was hoping this would all be over by tomorrow, but not quite.

Guess I better get my hind end down to the card room and get some cards ready for our girls this month. Yikes!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Neener, Here is my link. I noticed it didn't make it at the top:

Going to town today. Plan to make a card run so I am all set. Sure wish DH hours would go up. His paychecks since Christmas have been the lowest he has had since he started there over a year ago.

Yes Fruity .... I had thought about inviting Twyla for coffee as well. I really need to do that. Would love to meet her. Would have to do it late morning or afternoon because mornings are really hard for me to get around. Then, I never know how I will be feeling from day to day. Woa is me. lol

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Quote from FruitOfTheVine :
As the old saying goes, Manda, "No news is good news." Hang in there, Girlfriend. With your background and expertise, not to mention your quick wit and quirky sense of humor, you're bound to land a good job.........soon.

This woman knows me so well, after only meeting in person what - three times? :D

Will keep you all posted, Patti - I know how hard it is, but isn't it sweet to have these lovely people on DG to help you keep a smile on your face?

Love you all. It's a pretty day. I said maybe I should be checking the mailbox for a ding letter today since I haven't heard yet. O well. Will not hold my breath, either way.

I am going to start the seed thing today. I decided this morning if I waited till after I got organized it'd be as bad or worse than last year with school and the hand injury. Just start going thru the boxes and baggies and stash I've built up over the course of the year (thank you EVERYONE!!!)(paid subscription in March) and start wintersowing in jugs, of course maybe just perennials since annuals are going to start popping if we don't have a prolonged cold spell. Blah.

Just thinking of cold makes me . . . well, cold I guess is what.


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Patti we really don't need the likes and dislikes links to send cards. :0) That's why they aren't there. I need to delete them all, just haven't done it yet.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah, Manda. We need to make that 4 or more any day now. How's Rita and her egg situation?

My friends Chris and Debbie, your B-day cards are in the wind :)

Put a mark on the wall being a bit early, Neener....or not since yours have coats of fresh

Miss seeing a bunch of our regulars here. What's everybody up to?

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

i'm sneezing too much to be able to type. Oaks are starting to bud and my allergies have woken up. Took the tractor up to the garden and tilled the whole thing early this week. Potatoes and onions are in, planting some tomatoes and peppers this weekend, maybe squash. Heck the sunflowers the birds dropped are coming up so maybe I should start them as well.
Lambing is done till April, same with kidding. Geese are laying and getting ready to set. Sox is shedding her winter coat and the dogs are leaving fuzz everywhere.
Dave suggested that if I took the junk out of our future bathroom he would start on the floor. That is a sure sign of spring.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

OMG Joy, what an incredibly beautiful shot of your Peacock stuttin' his stuff! Made my day.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Man that bird is a stunner. Made my day too!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

He doesn't look real, he's such a bright color.. beautiful bird!!

Hey Joy, is that you looking for your next bikini in that pic???? :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Our department stores have racks of bikinis out too, sorta rushing the season, me thinks. My days of wearing an Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini are long gone. *sigh*

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bikinis and winter coats, What a combination!!

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Yeah Char, we were talking about that last week, winter coats next to the bikinis. Russell has a little competition, we have a new Bourbon Red tom turkey and two hens. The tom is full of himself, prancing around showing off and Russell steps up to his pen and fans out his tail as it to say, "You call that a tail, THIS is a tail!".
I have SO outgrown a bikini, I need a hoist to keep everything in place, and the lumps and bumps would terrify even my dogs!


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Yes, I scare myself sometime.....☺

Found my stamps,, think I found box with cards, Will try to mail cards out in the next day or 2!! House is 55% unpacked and 10% organized,,,sigh.

Amanda please d-mail me your snail mail addy!!


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Bikinis??? What the heck you say? If I did that I'd scare the owls out of the woods. Airplanes would fall from the sky. Perish the thought.

Having already flunked my diplomacy course here, I am backing off all earlier statements made about sending cards. You all know how I feel. I'm finished wasting brain cells on trying to figure out how to "make" it work. It will be what it is.

I don't know if I mnetioned, but I got the funniest card the other day from Paula for my birthday. It so cracked me up and made my day. So even if you are a few months late, the thought is still there.

Possibly more snow on the way here for tomorrow. Just enough to make a mess. We shall see.

I will be sending warmest huggs and only cards to all,, Thats my story and I'a'sticken to it,,,,lol

Being lazy today. Tired of unpacking.

Goober is growing up. Here is how she looked tonight for her first boy / girl Dance!!!!

I want my baby girl back!!!

Thumbnail by Thumbnail by Thumbnail by
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Oh Geeez. You didn't say B/G dance on the other thread. NOW I get it. Sheesh! I think I was in 10th grade before I got to go to a dance. They sure are starting younger these days.



FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

WOW Elfie!! She is gonna break some hearts...


Athens, PA


She is beautiful and I love her dress. Did she like her dress and getting all dressed up? I always felt better when I was all dressed up. There is something to feeling pretty.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Treasure those memories, they grow up so fast!

She bought the dress with her own money and her shoes and purse too!!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Wow, what a stunning young lady. Question, does she have teeth? lol Can't tell in the photos. She's giving that 'come hither stare'. ^_^ With or without teeth...... gorgeous!

She has lots of

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh my gosh, Elfie, tell Miss Goober I think she looked absolutely beautiful! How did she sit still long enough for the She looks so demure but like I've always said, she has that special twinkle in her eyes like she's always up to something. I love her dress and the soft curls in her hair. She's already a heart-breaker and it won't be long before Ralphie has to blow the dust off his shotgun.

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