Anyone from Watertown, WI going to the Wisconsin Garden Expo

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I am going to go to the Wisconsin Garden Expo on Friday and Saturday, February 10th & 11th. I was wondering if anyone wanted to carpool with me...

Pls send me a PM if you're interested! :) Thanks! :)


Middleton, WI(Zone 4b)

I'm planning to go. But I don't need a carpool ;) I was thinking about taking the pruning workshop on Sat.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

I want to go on Friday and Saturday...There are so many good classes and they will count towards my ed requirement for this year for the MG program. Yeah!!! I can't remember if I have to register ahead of time or not... I will have to go and check! :)

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

I'll be there, but I'm going with my mom on Friday--girls' night out!--so I won't need a car pool either. It's a great idea and offer, though.

I'm going on Friday. I found that it's a lot less crowded (I really can't handle crowds) on Friday night than it is on either Saturday or Sunday. But don't let word of that get out--I'd like to keep it uncrowded! ;)

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks, guys!

I am up here helping to take care of my mom after a surgery she had last Friday. She won't be able to put weight on her foot for about 10 weeks. CRAZY! It's been a lot more work intensive than I ever thought it would be to help take care of her.

The classes on Saturday look great but I don't want to be swamped in crowds, either. Since one doesn't register for classes, I am wondering if I'll even learn a whole lot if they are packed.

Can you give me an idea of how many people are there and how big the classes (Ed., not workshops) will be? Thanks for your help! :)

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

The hands-on workshops (the ones you pay for) do seem to fill up quickly, but I've been to a couple of hosta seminars and one on shade gardening, and those all had seats available. (There are always quite a few people, but the meeting rooms are very large.) How much you get out of it seems to depend a lot on the speaker, but all of the ones I attended were decent. All of the speakers have made time to answer a few questions afterwards, too.

The Saturday crowds are heavy, especially if the weather cooperates. Friday is the lightest day, but I've gone on both Saturday and Sunday and felt like I had to go home and take a Valium (too bad I don't have a prescription!) Then again, I have a real anxiety with crowds, so your mileage may vary. If you don't mind shoulder-to-shoulder traffic in the aisles, then you can manage it.

Springfield, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks... I have a plan... I am going to go Friday and then e-mail the other speakers and see if they'll send me copies of their slides or handouts via e-mail. That way, I get the education without going bezerk because there are so many people around. Hopefully that will work! :)

Monroe, WI(Zone 4b)

How was Garden Expo? The usual booths? I didn't go.........the Spousal Unit wanted to know if I was going to the one in Chicago next month.........told him no, guess not, but I really, REALLY want to go to the Philly one..........jury's still out on that. I haven't heard peep from him on that. LOL I'm thinking he's thinking I will forget...........Bwahahahaha...............

Watertown, WI(Zone 5a)

It was much the same as it has been in recent years, Anna. I didn't go to any of the workshops because I was there on Friday and there weren't any I was particularly interested in that night.

Friday still seems to be a great day to go see the show floor--the traffic is very minimal and you can freely walk around and see everything. I'm thinking next year I might buy a two-day ticket and do the show floor on Friday and then the workshops and such on Saturday. That does mean paying for parking for two days in a row, but for someone as crowd-phobic as I am, the extra parking fee is worth it.

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