Growing daturas in Hattiesburg Mississippi

Hattiesburg, MS

Attached is a photo of a white datura plant that has resided in this spot for about five years now. It is aginst the northside of the house and comes back each year. Usually I have to dig out some sprouts each year because it grows new plants from dropped seed. The record for a single nights bloom, so far, is 94 blooms. I can assure you the yard has a wonderful aroma on the evenings when there are 20 or more blooms. I am wanting to interplant a couple of colored species to add to the beauty of this wonderful plant.

Thumbnail by frankandjoyce
mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

that is really beautiful. seems sad to see that there were 77 views of this picture yet not one commented on such a healthy plant that you obviously are very proud of...and rightly so.

Lovington, IL

That is one happy, healthy plant you have. It is absolutely gorgeous!

Jacksonville, FL(Zone 9a)

AAHHH! I can almost smell that from here! It is stunning! Mine is in a container, and maybe that's part of the problem I'm having with it… Looks like I may have to search out a spot in the garden.

mid central, FL(Zone 9a)

i think i need to make room for one!
i had it in my head that these were annuals for some reason....i never thought to try one though i've always loved them.

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