CLOSED: WANTED....Abelmoschus moschatus Pacific mix seeds

central Arkansas, AR(Zone 7b)

I'd really like to have some abelmoschus moschatus 'Pacific' seeds, both the pink and the red. This is the dwarf (12" to 18") bushy sized abelmoschus. I believe they are the third abelmoschus in the supplied link.

Park Seed sold them for a while many years ago and I got some and loved them. They volunteered for a long time and I was foolish and failed to replenish my seed supply before they finally died out. Now the only seed source I can find is overseas and so I'm hoping a DGer might have some to share. Let me know if you do and I'll see if I can come up with whatever you want in trade. Thanks ever so much!

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

If this is what your looking for, it says they have 8 packs in stock.

and there seems to be several people willing to trade.

Good luck!

central Arkansas, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh my word! I do believe that's it. Thank you!

And even better, all those DG folk who might have seeds of it to trade. A special thanks for locating them. (I'm a doofus and have never quite gotten the hang of the search thing.)

South China, ME(Zone 5a)

Your very welcome, glad to be able to help. :)

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