CLOSED: besides B & T world seeds

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I may be in the wrong section and if I am I appologize.

I am wondering if there is another outlet to explore for exotic seed?
I looked threw B & T world seed and they don't have in stock what I am looking to find. I have been checking back for almost a year.
They have an extensive list & collection of seeds, but is there another outlet compairable to them that I can look into, that you have seen?
I don't care if there outside of the USA. Are there public seed banks you can buy from maybe?

Thanks for your thoughts and options, Patti

This message was edited Feb 2, 2012 4:07 PM

Alum Bridge, WV

What sort of seed are you wanting? I've found the speciality clubs to be quite rewarding.....

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

I was looking for gurania seed, I don't know of a specialty club for those.
It's worth a try, I will look into that option, thanks for the thought, effort and idea!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

What is the 'specialty club'?

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

An added note: this is a euphoric drug. The seeds must be extremely fresh to germinate and grow.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Hello KayJones,
I haven't seen anything that indicates it is a drug, but I have seen that the wildlife likes it and it is an acquired taste for people, it is said to be edible but bitter. I'll have to look into that drug you have a referance to that information you could list here so I can be better educated on this? I was looking into things that were a bit unusual, I'm not interested in the mind melding, bending effects at all of any type of plant, I do want butterflies and an interesting garden within my means.
Thanks :-)

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

You might also check with Jonna Sudenius, a member here. She has an amazing variety of all kinds of unusual and hard to find things!

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Patti, SORRY for being late with this link - I couldn't find this thread again - I'm old, ya know!

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

KayJones...whoops wrong plant, I'm looking for a cucumber Gurania, a vine...not Guarana a shrub, I did a search within there website and they don't even have it, the Gurania that is.

Skellogg...I will check her out! If she will talk to me...thanks for the hint :-))

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Joanna has a massive list of seeds, but if you don't see the ones you want, contact her by all means, as she has tons of stuff not listed! I'm not sure where she puts them all! She must have 40 acres all planted, lol!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

If Jonna doesn't have it she will probably know where to find it. She's amazing

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Thank you thank I just need to find the time to get to her...uggg so much to do so little time

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

I don't have these seeds myself, but here you can buy them:

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Told ya she would know. LOL

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Boy word gets around...ask you shall receive...thanks ya'll
Jonnasudenius...thanks for the heads up and sorry I didn't get to you personally.
Busy, boy how life gets so does that happen!!

Hugs to everyone!!! Cheers, Patti

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Well, now I think floridaheat is looking for 'Gurania makoyana'. That's the problem with common names, they often refer to different plants.
If she is looking for the 'Gurania makoyana', I can only advise to contact DG members in Costa Rica to ask for these seeds.

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

Floridaheat has been looking so long, ANY type will do at this point, Floridaheat will take anything...LOL

Rancho Santa Rita, TX(Zone 8a)

what i would do is go to a mega searcg engine

*my personally preferred one is

and enter the words guarania seeds and see what appeats

many times there are sellers which
you might find that way or
perhaps a gardener of someone
who happens to mention it

Buena suerte

oh also try to set your c omputer
(whdows or whatever) to accept
as many languages as your can
get your head around because
of you have it set only to american
english, you are missing out on
a lot !

Titusville, FL(Zone 9b)

great idea!!! thanks!!

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