Good Plant Shopping Around Providence?

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

Hello DGers!

I'm dropping in from the Mid-Atlantic forum because a friend and I would like to purchase a gift certificate to a Garden Center or Nursery for a friend who lives in Providence, RI. This friend has made a determination to "finally" plant in her small yard and kick things up a notch. She's a total beginner, though she has a green-thumb grandmother who no doubt will give her some advice. She is also an artist and therefore I suspect will not be content with the Big Box approach to gardening and design.

We could use some advice about any favorite nurseries around the Providence area, especially one with helpful and enthusiastic staff. I live in Virginia, and my other cohort lives in Pennsylvania so we don't have much clue about the scene in Rhode Island.

Any suggestion would be appreciated. If you are ever near Culpeper, VA I can direct you to a great local nursery or two!

Thomaston, CT

Sorry, have never shopped in the Providence area...although RI is so small, the nursery could be anywhere in the state! Wish I could help....

Pepperell, MA(Zone 6a)

there are a couple over the state line in MA that may not be far away - avant gardens (who also sells on line) and briggs nursery (briggs is expensive)

Culpeper, VA(Zone 7a)

I'll have to look them up. My friend is often in "New Bed-fud" as we like to say, so crossing over to MA is not unreasonable!

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