CLOSED: VaLenTiNEs DaY Swap ***Reveal Page***

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Great swap Crit!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Crit I would say you have become a pro @ Being A Hostess Great swap & Look forward to many more with you :)
THANK YOU HAPP Also For A Great Valentine's Box . Love all the great Gifts you shared with me .


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks deejay and LK

Victoria Harbour, ON

So enjoyed...thanks for hosting!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Deejay, glad everything arrived unbroken! rofl. The kitchen towels thank goodness work great for packing. I read somewhere you needed more coffee mugs for you and your girlfriends, wish I could of gotten 4 with sayings but they only had 3, sides you deserve a sweetie heart mug, cause you are a sweetie. Tried to send things that didn't take up alot of room inside and more outside, I figured you would like those datura seeds ;) course it was hard to put them in the box...rofl, (actually I got me a pack also...rofl). I love that mexican sunflower if it is what I think it is, it gets tons of butterflies and hummingbirds on it. Now the vine I know nothing about it, but seemed like a good Valentines name...rofl, have since read it is great for hummingbirds and butterflies also but also read it gets huge....enjoy.

You are one-in-a-million!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

TY Happ I Will Sure let you know About the vine I Can proble share a few seeds with you if you like
Oh I Love them all Tonight is BINGO & I Plan to take a cup with me I Hate their strocups while playing Bingo So afraid they are going to spill over .

Will I'm working on a project today for a swap & Waiting for the paint to dry then i have to go get super on .
Jim & I Have a contest as to who is going to loose 10 lb in the next 3 wks I want to loose it in a week but don't see that happening :)))

wish me Luck Girls for if I win He has to Build my car port :) If He wins I Have to cook each meal for a month
right now we cook together :)
well off to walk :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Good luck on the diet Susie! Do it for your carport!

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

yes i want the car port but not just for my car ;))) explain one day when he's not leaning over my shoulders :)
well was goig to go to bingo but cannot now so will play on here :)
have a great evening .

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey Judy, we are all still waiting to hear and see what was in your box from Crit. Since this is your first swap it is understandable that you didn't read the part about all of us wanting to enjoy what you got. Could you please take the time to let us ooo and ahhhh over the lovely things that we know Crit sent you??? Pretty please?


Pacifica, CA

another great swap crit!!
great boxes for all, tapping toes here my st patty's box is getting full lol

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

I keep getting in trouble on this swap. First I didn't get a mail confirmation now I've put off posting my photo of my box contents because I'm still getting used to this site and I just cannot figure how to post photos. So I'll give you a description. First the seeds! About 20 packets of seeds, and I am a very experienced seed germinator so I'm really thrilled about this. So thrilled that I didn't go on to tell you all the other wonderfulness in this bos. There were several pieces of chocolate: M&M's peanut and plain, a cute little heart-shaped box of chocolates, and two more heart shaped pieces of chocolate...A rose-scented candle...a red silk rose...toe socks, an apron with apple motif...a little white furry bear holding a Valentine, a Valentine mug...and 2 terra cotta watering worms (which I'm using in some houseplants).
This box was bursting at the seams! Thank you for the great welcome to DG.

Thumbnail by scbuttercup
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Thanks so much Judy!!!!! We all live gratuitously through everyone's box. You really got a winner! Hope to see you in more swaps.

Crit, another wonderful box from you! Thanks for all your hard work on this swap! See you soon.


Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Oh buttercup you could never get in trouble with us, we just love seeing what everyone got and it gives us ideas on the next swap...rofl. Looks like you figured out the photos just fine. I am glad we can upload more than one photo at a time, cause we use to have to start another box just to load another photo.

Athens, PA

Buttercup- Joyce is right - you could never get into trouble with any of us. Everyone is very kind and generous. Welcome to DG - you couldn't get in with a better group anywhere.

(Judy) Simpsonville, SC(Zone 8a)

So it all turned out all right after all. Cold rainy day here, after a beautiful springlike Saturday. Daffodils are peaking this week, south Carolina spring is nearly here. this is going to be my best gardening year ever thanks to DG!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We had great weather in Missouri all weekend but I thought I heard some of you southerns got SNOW?
I have so much stuff coming up, but I did get out and walk around the gardarn and pick up all the pots that have been blown everywhere. Think I will start cleaning up things, I heard on the news that in the city they have been seeing nymphe grasshoppers! Now I guess if we get really cold they could get hurt by it, but if we don't wowzer!

Judy be sure and watch for the plant group swaps, I have gotten some of the most amazing plants from these swaps, they are one of my favorite things!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hi all..... sorry been MIA all weekend. Saturday was the Family day where all DH's siblings & spouses, children and grandchildren gather at out house for a day of food, fun, gossip and games. LOL This month was Italian themed. I made an Italian Cream Cake that was a big hit. Yesterday I kinda recouped from the extra cleaning, instead of doing one thing a day, and the fun of having everyone here. Babe and I went for a ride for about an hour. That was all my body would let me yesterday. Today I have a root canal.....UGH! Have to leave here shortly.

No Judy, you could never get in trouble with us!!!!! We were all new to DG once and there is so much on here!!!! You are just fine. Try to read the stuff at the top of the threads that explain about the swap. It usually has everything you need to know in it, and you can always DMail the hostess if you have questions.

So glad you liked the seeds and the rest of the box. I had a good time putting it all together for you. Wasn't sure if you liked hot chocolate but sent it anyway. You had mentioned you liked tea in your post.

OK .... everyone is done. It's been a great swap! I have enjoyed it immensly! Glad everyone had a good time and got lots of goodies. I will be putting up the interest thread for the Best of the Blarney swap this week. Everyone get your green on! LOL

Have a blessed day my friends and see you later!


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I am going to mark the thread as "Closed", but feel free to chat away if you so desire.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

The new Best of the Blarney-St. Patricks Day swap is now open!!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

scbuttercup, You could never go wrong with this great bunch of folks and swappers and really hope you'll join us again. Swaps are a lot of fun, but have to warn you..... they're also addicting :) Like potato chips, you can't just have one.

Thanks again for hosting, Patti. You did a great job!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Fruity. Everyone made it go so smoothly, I am really enjoying it!

Yes Judy ..... and anyone else who hasn't signed up for the St. Pat's Day swap .... come on over!!!!!

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