CLOSED: VaLenTiNEs DaY Swap ***Reveal Page***

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)


We came from here:

All of the likes/dislikes posts are on the previous thread

Participants are to make a list of some of their favorite things they would like to recieve for this Valentines Day swap, and also anything they prefer not to receive. (example: I am allergic to oranges, I don't burn candles, my favorite scent is gardenia, etc.) If you think of anything else you would like to add after posting, please go back to the original post and edit so it is all in one post. The sending buddy can then use the list to help in putting together their buddies box. Senders are not required include every item on someones list, or include only things on the list. This is just a guide.

I need everyone to send me their address by d-mail or let me know you are in the address exchange. Any participants that I do not know will be required to contact me by d-mail with your name, address, e-mail addy and phone number. This is to ensure that everyone that signs up participates. If you seem to be out of pocket for several days, I will contact you by d-mail. If not successfull, I will phone to see if you still desire to be in the swap. We all know things come up and sometimes someone needs to withdraw, and that is fine, as long as you have not already received your box from your swap buddy. I need to have some way to contact you so your partner will not be left out. I appreciate your understanding on this. Please be sure your DG memberships are paid up through February 28, 2012 to participate in this swap.

Limit for the swap will be $20, not including the cost of Priority Mail with Delivery Confirmation.

Boxes are to be sent out by February 10, 2012. Please send your delivery confirmation number to me when you mail your box.

New threads will be started as needed, so please check in once in a while to be sure we have not moved and you not moved with us. Threads will always start out the same as this one. New room numbers/links will be posted at the end of the previous thread. If you lose us, you can always go to the Groups, Swaps and Round Robins forum to find us.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask!


Crit/Patti - January 25, 2012, 08:20 PM, Post #8982386

goldhillal/Crystal - January 18, 2012, 09:38 PM, Post #8973587
RECEIVED from Bettypauze 1/31/12

rouxcrew/joy - January 18, 2012, 10:34 PM, Post #8973622

GardenQuail/Michelle - January 26, 2012, 04:02 AM, Post #8982551

deejay9/Sue - January 19, 2012, 02:24 PM, Post #8974378

FruitoftheVine/Susan - January 19, 2012, 05:36 PM, Post #8974680

Bettypauze/Betty - January 21, 2012, 03:09 PM, Post #8976712

lizrainey/Liz - January 23, 2012, 10:49 AM, Post #8978932

happgarden/Joyce - January 29, 2012, 12:00 PM, Post #8986580

taters55/Linda Kay - January 29, 2012, 04:53 PM, Post #8986917

scbuttercup/Judy - January 29, 2012, 08:11 PM, Post #8987223

This message was edited Feb 1, 2012 5:14 PM

Thumbnail by Crit
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Wow, goodies being delivered already! Way to go Betty, looks like you made your buddy very happy!

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

I want the recipe for those cookies! They look so good!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I want a cookie but imagine they're gone.

Athens, PA

I want a cookie too....

I decided on home made cinnamon rolls this weekend!

Pacifica, CA

wait! what? who ate all the cookies :(

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I did not know to say I got my name, but of course I did. still pretty busy with my sister in rehab, but I expect to get it out soon.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

That sounds great Carolyn. Send me some? I don't feel like making any. lol

Will continue prayers for your sister.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Darn!... Forgot to ask for one of those cookies before they were gone :)
Hmmm, wonder who's box will arrive next...
Still volunteering to assist with any unwanted chocolate heehee :)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Me too, Michelle :)

I'm wishing the best for your sister, Crystal.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Friday afternoon, I'm meeting another DGer for lunch up in a mountain town I don't often have a chance to visit that has lots of artsy crafty shops. Hope I can find something else there for my Valentine besides chocolates.


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Fruity, that sounds fun :) Have fun exploring the shops and visiting with your friend. Hope you find something special for your valentine :)

Athens, PA


that does sound like fun!

Crystal - best wishes for your sister. Please know she is in my prayers.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Michelle and Sooze .... I don't see that anyone has offered to share any of their chocolates with you. I think you are barking up the wrong chocolate tree. lol

I need to do a little more shopping for my buddy. Have my box nearly filled, but want to find a few more things.

I'm excited to see what great idea's you all come up for this swap. Such great minds at work here. ^_^

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Some of posted under the forum "few of my favorite things" which will be out there for all swaps, if anyone wants to look at it.

Gathering ideas, I have a couple sure things I will pick up tonight for my buddy, one will be a test to mail, but what the heck, I love a test. Actually I don't but since my whole life seems to go along those lines I decided to go with the flow and fall in love with it....rofl.

Another very strange winter day here, course the weekend is going to revert to winter, funny how that happens......?

Athens, PA

Neat thread - what a great idea!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Going to be 66* today. I'm getting ready to go horseback riding. Giddy up!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Above, Crit said, "Michelle and Sooze ... I don't see that anyone has offered to share any of their chocolates with you."
I noticed... What's up with that LOL :) Heehee
Have fun horseback riding, Crit. I always consider these warm days in the middle of winter to be very special, especially knowing what the weather typically is like, especially for those who often have snow and below freezing temps at this time of year.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

It was beautiful riding yesterday. I knew there was rain coming in, and cooler temps so wanted to get one more ride in before that. Hoping we get some more nice days this winter, but the odds are against me. lol Babe and I were out for 2 hours! That is the longest I have been able to ride. I was sure ready to get back home though. Not as sore as I thought I might be. Got into the hot tub last night before going to bed. That always feels so good and relaxing. I think I sleep better afterwards too.

Hi Carolyn. Thanks. Maybe next year you can join in with us! There will be sign ups for 'Best of the Blarney' St. Patricks Day swap starting February 24th until March 2nd. Maybe you would like that one. There are some other great swaps being held this year. Here is the link if you want to follow that:

It is raining here now. I am so glad. We are still in mild drought conditions and REALLY need some good rain. Western Oklahoma is still in a severe drought. I wouldn't mind getting some snow. It puts nitrogen back into the soil.

Well, off to read more threads! Hope everyone has a grrrrrrrrrrrrrr-eat day!

This message was edited Feb 3, 2012 8:31 AM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Joy .... pictures of the trials?

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Have no cell signal and my iPad won't let me upload pics.i will send some when I get back into signal.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Had fun at a Valentines Day tea this afternoon at local Church..organizer was my friend Bernice

Thumbnail by Bettypauze
(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Looks as if it was a great time :) Just wanted to give my VALENTINE A Heads Up FOR Monday The DARTS With Land :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Looks like a great time Betty!!! Those treats look yummy!!!!

Oh boy ........... another box getting ready to land! Can't wait to see what goodies are hidden inside!

OK Joy. I always enjoy seeing the pics of your dogs. How did you do?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Anxious to see the boxes coming in..have just as much fun watching than receiving!

Joy hope you had a win..

My sister Sharon is off to NYC this week as her American Eskimo competes..he won best of show 2 years I. A row...mid December he was in Florida and took best of breed and not sure where he was prior to that..know if a win. NYC again they'll have similar to triple crown..maybe next year I can jog with her and cheer the trainer n along with my sister!

This message was edited Feb 5, 2012 12:08 PM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Wow Betty. That would be so much fun!

Athens, PA


That would be fun. How exciting for your sister!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

We watched the Eukanuba Dog Show yesterday. A darn Standard Poodle won. Not to offend Poodle lovers, knowing each dog is judged against it's AKC standards, but I just don't understand the fascination of poodles, having owned a rescued Toy Poodle in the past, and a girlfriend used to own a Standard that was meaner than heck. Mine was just stubborn as the day was long and I often came home from work to a mess with every trash can in the house emptied. One of my co-workers told me she had separate anxiety. Pfff! She lived a good life, like a Princess on a Pillow. Every chance she got off the leash, she'd run down the sidewalk to visit a Lab. Good thing she was spayed or who knows what those pups would have looked Is there such a thing as a Poolab? And I had to bail her out of the pound more than once when she really ran away.

Are you back home, Joy? That was a long haul but know trips like those aren't unusual for you. Looking forward to pics. When's your next trial in VA?

Victoria Harbour, ON

Was the Eukanuba dog show a rerun..I believe that's where Sharon's dog won Best of Breed in Dec.

Greg my eldest has 2 Labradoodles, Ned and Sophie..big dogs but so loveable!

Weekend is over..can't believe the weather here, it feels like spring..great for driving to work though...

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Well, I think I have everything for my box now. Just need to get it all packed up and send it off. Remember, send out is by Friday, February 10th.

Happy Valentines Day to everyone

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Hey, Hey everyone, I am back in the land of cyberspace once again. It is amazing how much we depend on having those cells. This area has a local service and apparently the other main services don't get through, at least my TMobile, Cathy's Verizon, and Cindy's AT&T. We would get a blip and then nothing. Our hostess let us WiFi for internet.
Anyway, Saturday was kind of a bust, Lite (and I) haven't been to the "big dog" trials in over a year due to my mom's illness and she has only run in Open (International level) once or twice. For those who haven't experienced this, the sheep were left 400 yds. out from the starting point in a 40 acre field. The dogs at international level run out in a big arc to get behind the sheep and bring them (5 in this trial) down the field in a straight line through two panels that are set 20' apart, then to the handler, around the post, and then drives them away in a straight line 150 yds to another set of panels, makes a right turn and drives them 250 yds across the field to the third set of panels. Then they are turned right and headed straight for a circle area in front of the handler's post. When they get there the handler leaves the post and attempts to shed off two of the sheep and hold them away from the group with the dog till the judge calls it successful. The sheep are regathered and brought to a free standing 10 X 10' pen and they are penned. Then they are taken back to the shedding ring and a single is separated and held. We had 12 minutes
Neither handler nor dog is ever allowed to touch the sheep and the handler can only direct the dog until the shedding and penning.
Anyone still with me? Well Lite was extremely exhuberant on Saturday and we had no steering or brakes, I made it through the course but it was very ugly. I ran out of dog at the shedding ring and ran out of time there. Our score put use down at the bottom.
Jam was out for his first big dog trial. He is just 1 year old (January) so I was going for experience with him. His course was slightly shorter and smaller, 300 yd set out, 150 yd drive away and 100 yd crossdrive with a pen. On Saturday he made me wonder why I brought him. I left the post early and called my run. On Sunday, however, he made a rockin' run and ended up 5th out of 20.
Lite won the best Top on Sunday, an award handed out (for fun) to the dog that picks the sheep up the calmest and quietest. She smoked her fetch and her drive lines, we entered the shedding ring with 6:30 left. And I had a sheep that was wild, would run at the slightest provocation and take the whole group with her. I burned 6 minutes before I got the shed with Lite and while she came through the middle of the sheep to drive the two away, I tripped and hit the ground. Just call me Grace. Judge called the shed and as I sent Lite around the two, I looked at my watch, 30 seconds left, and I had to get all five sheep together and then quietly get them in the pen. My little dog was exhausted but turned on the jets when I asked for more speed. She got the two, found the three and swung them through the shedding ring as I reached for the rope at the gate. The latch had locked the gate shut and I stood there like an idiot pulling on the rope and it not opening. Swearing and panicking, I found the latch and got the gate open just as the wild ewe arrived. I froze praying that she would go in not around. Lite, bless her little heart, swung her head out to the right and the ewe yielded stepping into the pen. I stepped across the back of the remaining four and stomped as I shut the gate. My watch sounded just before the gate shut but the judge called it as the gate clicked. Got the pen. That put my little girl in second place for the day against some really good handlers. Gotta love my dog!

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Awesome!! I love herding competitions! But then, we have 2 corgies, and although they are "supposed" to be herders, the closest they have ever gotten to herding is watching it on TV, lol! Nice job!!

Athens, PA

Wow Joy! That's great. Those competitions sound like a lot of fun!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Joy, thanks for the recap and how the trial worked, made me feel like I was right there rooting you and the dogs on.

You know when you see a box like this, it holds an extra special treasure, a very heavy one too. Check out my gorgeous red concrete stepping stone decorated with Valentine stickers and embossed words “Bee’s My Gardentine, DJ9 2012” surrounded by red glass hearts. Already placed it in the garden near some of the daylilies you gave me, Susie. Awesome job!

Next is a bag of Monster Munch candy flavored multi-colored popcorn, kewl!
White bark Chocolate Pretzels, yum!
Peppermint soft chews, have always loved these.
A 3-Pack of Valentine themed socks

My Valentine’s Day Card with a very sweet note
A Pretty Padded Fabric picture frame – Did you make it, Susie?
A pump of Ocean Breeze hand soap that smells divine
A large bag of Amish Country “Rainbow Popcorn”, haven’t popped any yet but suspect Monster Munch was made with these kernels, then sweetened.
Heart sticky notes, I was literally down to my last pack.
And even Mickey got treats and a doggie collar.

Love, love everything & you too, Susie. Thanks for my special stepping stone ♥ Oh, almost forgot the pot of Irises, Dutch? I found a spot for in them in the garden and forgot to take a pic. Lovely!

I am digging the new DG feature being able to add up to 5 images in a single post.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Great box Fruity! Love that stone too!

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Wonderful box, surely looks like Valentines Day.
I am gonna have to get on the stick to get my box done, have lots of stuff but need a couple of other things.

This message was edited Feb 7, 2012 7:41 AM

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

fruity glad you like the box with stickers was done by ZOEY my brothers GD she loves to come out & play in my dirt box .
she said that putting the stickers on was the bestest fun with aunt susie , that is what she told her Grandpa:)

I've been playing around with CEMENT making my own stepping stone's &I still have lots to learn about it yet the stone looked like a big
chocolate fudge when i go out to my other computer i will post a picture of it before i painted it red.

this was the original one i was going to send but it broke well cracked trying to get it out of the mold .
& i didn't have any paint left to mix into the 2nd heart so i spray painted it .
when i took it in to ask what postage would be i about fainted . but after i revanted it a bit well you can see it was much less but well well worth it to share ;) I also bought the rainbow popcorn to try thought i would make it up this weekend when the kids are here .

they say snow for the weekend not allot but good sledding :) ground is bare today .
well off to make daddy his pot of HAM_N_BEANS :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Susie, if it fits in a priority box, anything up to 70 pounds ships for about $15.00 for a large flat rate box.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

WOW Joy, I am exhausted just reading about your day!!! Congrats to you and your two herders!

Awesome box Fruity!!!! What a magnificent, wonderful, terrific stepping stone. I LOVE it!!!! How special that DJ made it just for you. That is just too cool. I love those kind of homemade stuff. Wish I was more crafty. All the other stuff sounds just WONDERFUL, too! You are a lucky girl with this swap. ^_^

I haven't tried to post any pictures lately. I'm soooooooo glad they have made it where we can post multiple pics!!! Way to go DG!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

The stickers are adorable. The silhouette of a black cat on the box reminded me of my Max, and the buzzing bees carried your "bee's mine" theme...too cute. How old is Zoey? Tell her for me she did a puurrr--fect job. Are you using candy molds for your forms or something else?

Finished gathering my bud's goodies, now to get the box packed and in the wind.

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