Printer died-need new

Monroe, WI(Zone 4b)

My printer went to the great printhouse in the sky, I'm thinking. Was scanning and printing some made kind of a grinding noise but still printed. Next copy same deal.....third copy it sounded like a rod going through a motor. Said "cartridge mafunction" or some such wording. CAn't figure out no way how to even access the ink cartridges, but I'm thinking it's toast. So, will be off to WM to look for a new one.

Now, my there an advantage to having a printer that has more than the black and tri color cartridge? Has the several different color ink cartridges. Cost of the printer is probably prohibitive, but I guess I'd like to hear pro's and con' well as brands that might be better than others. My last 2 printers have been Lexmark, but I am not married to them. LOL

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