Lindenhurst, NY

Hi, anyone have any clematis seeds to trade?

I have a few clematis seeds, blue tie dye looking JMG, daylily, butterfly bush - pink delight (in seed pods, i don't separate seeds...too tiny), echinacea and some other stuff i can't think of right now.


Beaumont, TX(Zone 9a)

I just have the sweet autumn clem seeds.

Lindenhurst, NY

HI inthegarden - thanks for answering my post. I had the sweet autumn clematis and dug it up - i like the hybrid ones better. If i have any seeds you want i will be happy to send you some, just let me know.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Have you started clematis from seed before? I got Clematis tangsomethingorother 'Radar Love' to germinate, but the plants remained small. (I wintersowed them and put them in the garden.) I tried others wintersowing, but got no germination. I have some more to try and can share a couple of seeds from each type if you wish.

I would love to try the blue tie-dye morning glory. Purple 'Star of Yelta' morning glories were the first seeds planted in my garden. I am adding more colors - mostly pink, purple and multicolored=to them. I want to put some blue ones and white ones on a trellis behind my yellow rose.

Büllingen, Belgium(Zone 6b)

Some Clematis species need more than a year to germinate, so don't give up too early.
The Clematis tangutica 'Radar Love' germinates very well if you winter sow them, just like C. stans and C. integrifolia.
Hybrids will often not come true.

Delray Beach, FL(Zone 10b)

Thanks for th tip. I'll be sure to nopt give up too early. I am hoping the hybrids don't come true. They may yield something interesting. (Or they may be sterile)

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