CLOSED: Birthday Club January # 2

Athens, PA


The oreo lamb is adorable. Will he keep those markings into adulthood?

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Such a cute little fuzzy guy there Joy. I forget, do you shear your sheep for the wool?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Yup, he will always be double stuffed. And he has no wool, my guys are hair sheep and although some have vestigal wool, he is pure furry hair.
Here is a set of twins with their partly wooly momma, they are hair too.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Awe, they are so cute!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Crystal I'm praying you Sister will continue to improve and will adjust to getting around with all the adjustments she will have to make.
I had a chance to get outside yesterday & today and do some much needed weed pulling. The weather has been so enjoyable. The rain is supposed to come in here tonight and I do hope it does, but brother I'm not wishing for the down pour you had. Joy, your animals look so lovable. I love reading about all the things you do, and I've actually thought I would love to spend a day with you just to see it all. LOL, yeah right, like you can do all that you accomplish in a day. think I'll make that at least a week.
This is the 3rd day Ray has been pain free. Praise God.
Love & hugs

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Here is pic of hail we got earlier in week.
Thank God, Faye. Hope Mr. Ray improves every day..

Thumbnail by ridesredmule
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Faye (or any of y'all), anytime you are ever near my neck of the woods, please plan on stopping by. We ain't rich but we have great hospitality and are always looking for cheap labor. LOL

And I do actually get a fair amount done in a day, not as much as I could or should, but you know, gotta sit on that couch and watch soaps while eating those bon bons! ROFLMAO

Here is one of the kids

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Joy to spend the day with you would be well worth a road trip, longgggg road trip.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Joy, what a fun name to name your lamb... Figured Oreo was named for his markings :) Quite handy of that storm to help you remove that tree, and considerate of it to deposit it in a safe manner :) Seriously, though, God's perfect timing... :)
Faye, glad to hear that Ray has had more good days. Will pray it continues so.
Crystal, I'll continue praying for your sister. Adjusting to change like that is always a challenge. Nothing makes us appreciate our abilities more than when we lose them, even if only temporarily. I reckon that's because that's when we see just how much the loss affects us.
Never did get my poppies planted. Perhaps I'll try next year :)
We also got a significant amount of rain (ours came this past weekend). I'll see if some of the seeds I planted late last year will come up now. Kept forgetting to water them. Oh, and several of the Amaryllis Belladonna seeds that I planted this past fall have come up! Yay!
Well, stay safe everyone. Spring is on it's way :) ... must be... the days are getting longer again :)

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Faye so glad that Ray is doing better. That is really good news.

Joy I'm loving those lambs. What sweet little critters.

Raining a lot today, but warmer. Things are going to start prematurely popping around here if it doesn't get colder again. Oh well, what will be, will be.

Not sure where to start today. So much to be cleaned, and moved and so on. Maybe I should put all the chores in a hat and just reach in everyday and pull one out. Faye would be proud of me since I painted some trim yesterday. Thought I had paint rollers to use, and then realized that I didn't. So now I have to make another trip out before I can finish painting my foyer closet. That's the problem with renovations. Every new thing makes something else look bad. :)))

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Mandy, LOL
(Copy) Post #8980298 Although this is a CARD SWAP ONLY, all gifts are welcome here. :D

My address is in the member addy exchange. Right now I prefer cash, which can be enclosed easily in your birthday card to me. Also accepted here: Walmart gift cards which double as a gas card, credit with Sheetz Gas, Petsmart, Southern States. Forget about plants girls (and any boys that may be lurking), I'm just say

I hear you girl! It pay to be honest.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

You gotta love our Mandy. :0)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Yeah I love you too, Manda, just never know if you're gonna kiss my cheek or slap another one a bit further South. :0) Hey, the Wild Child garden is cleaned up after leaving the Sunflowers and Cosmos heads for the birds last Fall. Tulips and Hyacinths have popped up and the deer have had a field day nipping on new Daylily leaves. It won't be long before I can scatter more annual seeds.

I'm loving the babies, Joy. Make mine

That's such great new about Ray, Faye. I've been weeding too and am sore but not as sore as I was earlier in the week. Crazy Dandelions had already started blooming in my old Canna bed and Henbit was about to take over. Gotta get back out there tomorrow before our temps 'dip down' again Sunday.

Anybody planning your hanging baskets yet? I could use some new ideas.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Joy, your card is on its way! And, as usual, it's signed by me and my guide dog :)
Have a great weekend, everyone!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi all.
Susan Dandelions are blooming all over the place here and boy those things don't want to be pulled up, I had to dig. Tell me or better still, show me what Henbit looks like.
There is something here that is as thick as the hairs on the back of Snese, it's easy to pull up but gosh it's everywhere. There is also another new weed here that is not so easy to pull. LOL only time I realize how much planting I've done is when I try to get the unwanted plants out. The weather has been beautiful and I do love being outside.
Happy day everyone.
God is good, Ray is doing so good. Still pain free.

Athens, PA

So glad Ray is still painfree. That is the best news.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Yippee for Ray!!!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Faye, there are either some new -to-me weeds or wasn't paying as close attention to them before. Your thick as thieves plants could be Beefsteak Perilla. I know you fought them last year. It's the purple plant up there in the basket with super frilly leaves. Both Perilla and Henbit are in the Mint Family. Look for square stems. The several clumps of Henbit in the attached photo don't have blooms, but a lot I'd already trashed did and remind me of small purple tubes.

Neener, I saw my first Lady Bug of the season today! A real old-fashioned one you love so much, not an Orange Asian beetle.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hi All:

Took a jaunt to Wytheville, VA to the Appalachian Society of American Foresters annual winter meeting. Do I know how to have fun, or what?!


Then when I came home I finally got up the nerve and support to take mom's cat to the vet. She has a mammary tumor which is large and gross. I'd thought initially it was some kind of subcutaneous fatty growth like the dogs have had, but no. I've been reading about it and prognosis is not good generally, but I have used and had great success treating my critters with homeopathic medicine. I am observing Sally this week to get a feel for whether she seems to be suffering or in pain - she is eating like a horse, doing the potty thing normally, purrs and all that good stuff when I'm around. Still, her face does not look very relaxed as it should. Of course, having to wear an ecollar would piss me off too.


Spent my day pushing around my shelving units in Rita's room trying to maximize the shelf area in front of the south facing window. Debra's basement is my model, but Not sure how successful I could be - it's probably too hot in there.

Tired now, best get going. Hope tomorrow will be a sunshiney day for all of us.


FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Ladybugs!!! Yippee! Every 5 minutes the weather changes up here. Who knows what it will be like by the time I finish posting this. Was outside loading trash for the landfill tomorrow and realized that some critter dug up some of my lily bulbs. Tried to put them back, but the ground is surface frozen and I didn't have a tool handy. Have to fix that soon.

Back to repopulating the kitchen with "stuff". I am getting rid of more and more. Really in a mood to cut some stuff lose including furniture. Declutter is my middle name right now.

Love yous,

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Susan my flower beds are all full of the above weed. So glad they come up easy. Thank you for the photo. I don't think I have the potted one, think I pulled it all out last year..time will tell.
Mandy, how do you know so much about animals? What I know wouldn't fill a small thimble.
Nita, is your kitchen completed? Could you show us pictures? Would love to see. Sounds like you could have a great yard sale, I did and to get money for things that I no longer used was pretty good.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

LOL!! Faye I'd love to have a yard sale. You've never seen where I live. Not possible here. I'm giving most of the stuff away to my Mom's church bazaar for their summer sale. Some of the chili pepper things that I won't be using I may try to eBay. It would be nice to get something for them. No pictures yet. Maybe after the counters get in on Thursday. Then they still have to do the tile backsplash and paint. About 2 weeks and this should all be over. You'd be proud of me Faye. I've decided that I like to paint after all. Watched the lady they sent to do my office and the bathrooms and learned some nifty tricks. It's a good thing, since all the trim in the foyer needs to be painted. Finished the closet in there on Friday. All the walls in the hall and foyer have to be painted too since they had to patch some drywall and I don't have any touch up paint to match. I've decided if I just take my time and don't rush I can actually do it without a big mess. DH has decided it's nice having all this new stuff, so now he wants to re do the living room. That will basically just be something I can do. Taking down the old wallpaper and doing some paint. Have to decide on a color scheme in there and then I will have more decor to sell!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)


I love critters. It's not a hobby. Having had so many of them over the years, each with their own special needs, has afforded me all this knowledge. Of course, I can't afford anything myself. My homeopathic practitioner out of NYC said I should use black salve on Sally's tumor (?!). Take it out at the root. She's never wrong, so I guess I'll be going to rustle up some salve, as soon as she tells me which flavor.

Hope everyone enjoyed their weekend. I spent a lot of time wandering around doing mostly nothing. I think just wiped out from the vet visit/reality of the cat's condition. I got Rita's room organized really nicely with all my shelving units I've been collecting to start my seeds for spring. Luckily I dropped one of my plant grow lights and broke it. Otherwise, things look good. ;)


Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)


Crazy cats are literally ruling the roost here. First thing this morning we heard a ruckus that sounded like somebody walking on the roof in the back of our house. Max and Round-Up were literally jumping from rafter to rafter in our garage chasing a Robin that must have flown in when hubby let Mickey out earlier and had left the back door open. Poor bird must have been so frightened flying from one rafter to another, being so still between takeoffs, while the cats were determined to catch a bird for breakfast. I was more determined to set the Robin free, opened the door to the breezeway and she eventually went on her merry way.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

((((((((((FROOOT!)))))))))) :)

My homeopath also told me that the medication given to me by my vet "kills cats." Whaddya know!? She was right! I looked it up and there are FDA warnings against giving it to cats orally - it's an NSAID - the insert that comes in the package says not to use orally and the cats should only have one dose given subcutaneously. Goll-darn, they will get a call from me tomorrow. The meds were given to me in pre-measured syringes in a plastic baggie with the dosage instructions on a label on the side. Death, kidney failure, etc. Glad I stopped that one yesterday.

I'm glad I have you all here - what a lifesaver DG has been for me this past year! Thanks everybody. You can now help me thru the taming of the giant puppy (he is berserk today from the new halter/harness that is supposed to keep him from pulling). Court and I actually sat down tonight after he came in from walking the dog to discuss the dog's behavior. I felt like I had a kid! Creepy.

I am going to shut this thing down "early."

Nighty night.


Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Ah, the preparations for spring... starting seedlings, pulling weeds... :) Enjoy the beautiful weather!
Amanda, give that kitty a hug for me, and say hi to the wild puppy :)
Neener, sounds like your home is getting quite the make-over! :) Hope you have fun with it despite all the craziness!
Believe it or not, February is almost here! Will have to get cards for our birthday girls :)
Take care, everyone, and have a great Tuesday!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Can you snap the leash off the pup and leave the harness on??? You can let him wear them in the house til he is comfortable and realizes it isn't going to hurt him. Just go slow and he will get used to it...

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Yes Nita, I am proud of you. And yes I know you can paint if you decide you want to. Prep. and patience are required and you haven proven you qualify.
Mandy, my Snese wears a harness because he pulls so hard when we/he walks us. He wears it all time except bath time. He always wants it back, I think it's his security now even though he didn't like it in the beginning.
Wish I could get a cat and expect it to stay outside. Can't imagine the caring on with Hans and Snese if I let a cat inside. I want it for moles and voles and mice. Any such animal out there?
Susan ASAP!!!!!
Michelle you are right, It's almost time to address the cards for the 2 Feb. Gals.
Love & Hugs

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Faye did they ever decide what caused the swelling in Ray's foot?? Been wondering about that..

I am beat tonight. Helped my partner split wood for 3 hours in between moving kitchen stuff around, installing rollouts and unloading boxes. Even managed to pull a few weeds. Think I might sleep good tonight.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Faye, I read on another thread if you put caster bean seeds in their holes/trails, they will eat them and die. Don't know if it works but it sounds feasible to me. I'm going to try it. Have a bunch of seeds I saved.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Castor Bean seeds are poisonous and might do the trick, Faye.

Speaking of our February gals.....Debbie, I haven't seen you post for a while and hope all is well with you.

Mickey doesn't wear his harness unless he's going on a trip. All I have to do is show it to him, then he bows his little head for me to slip it cute...and off we go. He goes on short rides to our neighborhood store without it, but longer trips like to his groomer an hour away, he always wears his harness and I clip on his leash when I'm parked at her shop getting ready to walk him in. He adores her, as she does him, and he loves being primped on and pampered. Next day after an appointment, he's pretty useless, like a rag dog, and sleeps. A day at the 'doggie spa' wears him out.

By the way, if any of you dog and cat owners need a more economical source for the exact same meds your vet carries, I order mine from

With the exchange rate, it's better to stay on their Australian site instead of switching to the one they have set up for the US. Just rec'd another 6-month supply of heartworm and flea/tick meds last week. I've ordered from them many times and have always received my orders like clockwork in 10 days.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Be sure to wear gloves when handling Castor Bean seeds. The oil on the seed itself is poisionous as well. I LOVE the plant, but am always very careful handling the seeds.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

DItto what Fruit Loop said. I am thinking about instituting very strict guidelines here. No matter how easy I make it , some folks just can't keep up. Debbie please check in with me if you still want to be in. Anyone else that is really behind and feels overwhelmed with sending a card, please let me know as well. I will be deleting names at the end of the week for those that aren't participating. In fact this is what we are going to do. It will be a lot of extra work for me, but I'm truly tired of a handful of us sending when we are supposed to and the rest just receiving.

Effective the end of this week, we will do this. I will ask the birthday girls each month to dmail me with a list of names of those that have sent cards. I will keep track of this information and adjust the list accordingly. If you haven't sent a card to each monthly member all along the year, your name will not be eligible to receive when it is your birthday. I'm sorry to be a hard a**, but I'm really tired of excuses and promises and it isn't fair to the rest of the club that do their part. If this procedure offends you I'm sorry, but I've had a lifetime of experience offending people and one more won't really matter. :0)

If anyone else wants to take this over and do a better job and be more diplomatic about it, have at it. I'm toast.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Be sure the dogs don't get them either. They are dangerously poison and could kill it. Castor Bean Plants are beautiful but I don't grow them, I'd be sick if one of my boys would die from it. It is a horrible death. Had a friend lose a puppy to it..

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Hey everyone, just talked to Kris, she is in her new place, and has lots of boxes to unload. She has not forgotten us, she will be online when she can!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Thanks LK!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

The 2 February birthdays are near the end of the month. I suppose we should send early in order not to be cut off?

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Crystal, The way I interpreted Neener's new guidelines just means she's asking each of us to check in here on a regular basis and send her a D-mail when we've mailed our cards for a particular month. It sounds like some folks are either late from last year or are off to a slow start this year and are just now getting caught up. We only had Joy's B-day this month...geesh How hard is it to slap a stamp on a card?!

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Joy, did you receive something from me yet?

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