CLOSED: Birthday Club January # 2

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

After much consideration I have decided to go ahead and change the way the Birthday Club works. I think in deference to the economic times we are in I am going to change this from a gifting kind of thing to CARDS ONLY. This change will go into effect starting in January 2012. I think that is the most fair way to do it so that the people at the end of this year who have played along nicely all year will still get their gifts from everyone.

So everyone that has a birthday starting in January will get a card from each of us in the birthday club sometime the month of their birthday. It is really a lot of fun to get snail mail these days anyway since we all live in such an electronic world. If you are so inclined to want to include a pack of seeds or something flat in with the card that is strictly up to you and should not in anyway be expected by the birthday girl.

I am hoping that this will encourage some of the people that have left us and some that would like to join, but are unemployed, to jump in and make this grow. Just think about getting 10 or 20 or 30 cards in your birthday month! So spread the word far and wide and lets see if we can make some new friends and have a sort of old fashioned pen pal arrangement.

We still want to chat and joke and know what is going on in everyone's life just like before, but at least this should remove the financial burden for a lot of people. Organized people can even get all their cards at the beginning of the year and get them all set up to go during those slow winter months.

Thanks a bunch to all of you for hanging in there and trying to make this work. I don't want it to go by the wayside. I have left the likes and dislikes lists attached for any new members that come on board as well as us old folks to look at so that we can send that extra special card. Everyone has special interests and we should remind ourselves of them now and then.

Current Members:

Rouxcrew (Joy) Jan. 15
Irisluvr0252 (Debbie) Feb. 25
ClanCampbell (Chris) Feb.28
Goldhillal (Crystal) March 21
Carolyn22 (Carolyn) April 3
AmandaEsq (Amanda) April 6
FruitoftheVine- (Susan) April 9
Crit (Patti) May 10
Mud_Elf (Kris) May 10
taters55 (LK) June 13
GAgirl1066 (Paula) Sept. 1
Ridesredmule (Charlene) Oct. 1
Rvnsbrk - (Juanita) Oct 9
GardenQuail (Michelle) October 28
Dahtzu (Faye) December 25
Hope43 (Hope) Dec. 28

This message was edited Jan 24, 2012 8:55 AM

Thumbnail by rvnsbrk
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Thanks for the new thread!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Howdy Ladies,

It has come to my attention in several ways lately that people aren't really participating in this the way they are supposed to. Before I push the handle on this let's see if we can manage to get some cards out to this month's birthday girl. Late is better than not at all.

We have 2 folks next month too. And so on. If anyone has a particular problem or gripe, please direct them to me in an email. This is a simple as it gets short of me sending you all cards and stamps. :0)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Marking the new spot.

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I sent Joy's card out this morning. I'm so sorry I'm so late....

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Char, better late than not at all. :0)

I have one ready to go out too,, sorry I am late.... sigh,,,

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Mine should have been there today.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

LK, I got yours on Saturday but didn't get to open it till today since I was in Austin all weekend. Thanks so much for the great card and for the gift. I am planning a trip to ARE soon as I get some free time and will be picking out a "taters" antique rose for my front cottage garden. BTW, there isn't one named for you, LOL, but there should be.


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Hanging my head in shame... I'm one of the ones who's really, really late :( I'll get caught up, I promise! (where the devil are my stamps NOW??)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hmmm, hanging my red face low tooooo... January isn't over yet!!! :D

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Never heard of a tater or Linda rose, but I know you will find a pretty one!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, if the group really wants to stay with gifts, maybe you should. I didn't want to because there are sooooo many swaps. But I'm just going to pick and choose over in the swaps 'cause jusr don't have time for everything. Caregiving is a part-time job (sometimes full time). By the same token, this group has been together for awhile, at least most have, and know each other so that might be the consensus. I'm a newbie and I don't mind dropping out. Just saying because I don't want to be the one to poop the party. I already asked this in a Dmail but I'm just thinking out loud now. Peace.


(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

I am not asking for gifts, I probably shouldn't have mentioned on list that LK sent me one, I apologize. Cards were what everyone wanted on the birthday swap and that is great by me. So far I have received six cards. If no one wants to send cards that is fine with me as well. I usually do what I want to do when I am in a group myself.
Most on this swap are very busy people with tons of things to do and not a lot of resources. No one is asking for anyone to feel put out or stressed which is why our dear hostess decided to go with a simple card. They are inexpensive, easy and quick to sign and address, and relatively cheap to mail.
I am happy with a bunch of friends sending me electronic birthday wishes on my birthday, and chatting the rest of the year. If that is where we want to go with this list, then that is fine by me.
We are all big girls and can be responsible for ourselves.
Here is everyone's "big girl panties" Let's put them on and keep on rocking and rolling.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Well, I've done it again. Sorry. :(

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Joy, those panties are a hoot!

I am glad someone brought up the gifts thing. I was getting antsy about it also. I signed up because it was supposed to be just cards. It seems that many of you have known each other for sometime and I think it is great if you want to continue with the gifts. However, I cannot do the gifts at this time. My birthday is in March and I do not want to set up an obligation by having people send me gifts. (Just speaking plainly.)

How about setting up a new birthday swap that would be for cards only, and leave this one as it is. I will stay a bit longer to hear any discussion of this, but the gifts make me uncomfortable, and I do not think people who receive gifts should have to hide the fact.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

This is a cards only group. If someone semds a gift it
is not because of the requirements. That is why I should
not have mentioned it. Not to hide it but to keep others
from feeling obligated or bad. Please don't leave. I loved
the card you sent.
I will go sit in my corner for stirring up the pot.


(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Joy, don't feel bad. This is something that needs fresh air.
I don't want to hurt anyone, but I do feel like it would solve a lot of misunderstanding if a NEW card swap was started. I cannot do this, because I don't know how and have been on Dave's Garden less than a year. I think I do well to keep up with all the other irons I have in the fire.
I do hope others will weigh in, so the way forward can be decided without hurt feelings or any kind of residual aftertaste,

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

WOW I go to bed and you all get chatty! Don't anyone go anywhere. This is a CARDS ONLY swap. That's why I set it up that way, so more people could participate. If you send anything else that is on you and may not necessarily be able to be returned. Let's keep it simple. Please?!

Love you all and don't what this to go by the wayside. I've been pulling my hair out trying to keep it going for some sentimental reasons of my own, so let's keep hanging in there.

Gotta run. They are sanding drywall in my kitchen. Oh joy...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

This is Neener's party, and I am not dropping out because LK sent Joy a present.

I did not participate before because as EVERYONE knows I broke my hand this past spring and have no moola. I am open about my poverty. I got postage for Joy's card last week, but it sits there because I have had several dogs and puppy strays going thru my house. My bad. I have apologized.

I'm an adult tho' I dare say the youngest one here and admit that my first trades mortified me because I sent something small and received something gi-normous. This happened a couple of times. As time passed I learned that some folks just can and do. I also learned that everyone's heart is gi-normous, and I feel the love.

Neener has tried to simplify it for those of us who chose to join and send cards only. I have overcome my foolish pride and appreciate that there are still folks out there who can and do. Just like family. Just like real life. I'm sorry if gifts make others uncomfortable, but I want to say up front:

Although this is a CARD SWAP ONLY, all gifts are welcome here. :D

My address is in the member addy exchange. Right now I prefer cash, which can be enclosed easily in your birthday card to me. Also accepted here: Walmart gift cards which double as a gas card, credit with Sheetz Gas, Petsmart, Southern States. Forget about plants girls (and any boys that may be lurking), I'm just sayin' . . ..

Peace and love to you all. Carole, you have not ruined anything. Joy, I don't feel you need to apologize. Neener - I love you for sentimental reasons.


Edited to say p.s. to Goldie - I have been on DG for less than a year also. There's a bunch of freaks all over the place and this here birthday card swap is the safest place you'll find.

This message was edited Jan 24, 2012 9:36 AM

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

I love it here!! I love to tuck little gifts into cards. I did. You are right this is one of the safest places to be. Great folks that care for each other without any demands.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I love the card swap, although, admittidly am behind and for that I apologize. I will get caught up. Since I lost my job Sept. 30th we are down to one income. My only excuse that cards haven't gone out is that I simply have forgotten to buy them when I am intown. I HAVE to put it on my grocery list....RIGHT NOW.....ok back, so that I don't forget again. I bought a roll of stamps before the price went up so am all set for that!

My only suggestion is maybe if someone sends more than just the card, that they thank that person personally in a dmail and not mention it on the thread. That way no one will feel they haven't met the requirements of this swap .... which is a Birthday Card Swap.

I'm not dropping out and really don't want to start a new thread.

Thanks for everyone being who they are and doing what they will. I love you all !!!!

Athens, PA

I don't want to drop out or start a new thread either. I joined the birthday card swap becuase this is a great bunch of people that I have come to know and love. I too, don't have any moolah! Instead I made a card and I happened to have seeds that I knew Joy would like.

I think we are over complicating this.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Quote from Carolyn22 :
I don't want to drop out or start a new thread either. I joined the birthday card swap becuase this is a great bunch of people that I have come to know and love. I too, don't have any moolah! Instead I made a card and I happened to have seeds that I knew Joy would like.

I think we are over complicating this.

Oh Carolyn you are so right. :0)))

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Joy I apologize for being late with your card. I've had the card even before your special day but just hadn't sent it. Will be in tomorrows mail. I DO understand your feeling when the cards didn't come, sure happened to me also, and always does. Thank you again for your card & gift to me.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

When I joined DG almost three years ago, I kept a scrapbook of the cards received for my birthday and from swaps. It didn't take long before it was stuffed and now keep them in a Banker's Box. I have kept every one and showed a bunch of them to my MIL when she was here for our early Christmas. All she could say was how blessed I am having met so many wonderful Friends who took the time to send a card. Being the sentimental person I am, when I'm feeling down or get the blues, I go through my box of cards remembering folks who are still here and those who used to be but have moved on. How I miss a lot of them and wish they'd come back. Now that we're sending cards only, I can't think of another thread on DG that welcomes anyone in the World to participate without the fear of Customs seizing a package.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
When I joined, I so much wanted to send a little something along with my cards but couldn't at first. It's fine with me that we switched to cards only, but there are a couple of people who I'd like to send a little something extra to, not because I have to, but because I want to, and can do it now.
Oh, and just to clarify, the box from Joy that I described earlier (last page?) was a belated birthday box from before we switched to cards :)
Unfortunately, Joy's card from me is going out late because I started this month out by being sick the first couple of weeks :( Still getting back to a normal schedule... still have good days and bad days, with the good days getting better and better :) Hope to have Joy's card out soon.
Anyway, I hope everyone will stay. And we love it when everyone drops by now and then to let us know what's going on :)
Take care, all, and have a great week!

This message was edited Jan 25, 2012 2:11 AM

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Faye we all know what's going on with Ray. No worries.

Michelle you are doing fine.

It will all work out OK. I just ask that we all try a little harder to get it done on time. We're not building rocket ships here ya know. :0)

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Just received a call from my nephew . My sister has fallen and they think her hip may be broken. (She has osteoporosis and COPD). She is on her way to the hospital now. I will meet her there. If there are any among you who pray, please put in a few prayers for us. Her name is Lynda Pinnix.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Sorry to hear she fell. Sending prayers now!

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

goldhillal, I, like so many others here do pray. Prayer is in my daily life and I will pray for Lynda.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Praying for your sister! And Ray. And everyone else who is needing right now. You tell me, who couldn't use a little prayer? ^_^

Henderson, NC(Zone 7b)

Amen Crit, I know I can..always.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Me too, hope Lynda is doing better.

Charlene and Twyla, thanks so much for the birthday wishes that arrived today in our terrible storms, they made my day just a little sunnier.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Great. A friend of mine from England made the card, sorry it got smooshed....

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Crystal, I hope your sister is alright and is getting the medical care she needs. My MIL turned 80 Christmas week, had a knee replacement several years ago, and fell twice last Winter just getting out of bed. Luckily the only thing hurt was her pride. Your Sis is in my T's & P's. Please keep us posted.

I enjoyed reading your post, Michelle. And, Joy, I'm glad you didn't float away. Pics from the Texas storms on the news today were downright scary. SIL called hubby tonight to say she hadn't floated away in Dallas and is still fighting bronchitis. Looks like some of your rain will be here this week-end, but hopefully not like the torrents you had.

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
Crystal, I'll be praying for Lynda.
And for those in stormy areas, keep safe!

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

Thanks for all your prayers. The hip was broken and altho it was a straight break, the bone is soft from osteoporosis. So she will not be able to put her weight on it for 6 months at least for fear it will pull the pens out. I think the real trouble has just started with the physical therapy and trying to learn to manage on one leg. She was not able to do much more than transfer herself from place to place, but now that will be changed also.
Several people stopped by the hospital yesterday to see her and knowing that others are praying and lifting us up, actually really bears part of the burden. Thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers.
I will be heading back to the hospital soon today.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Glad to hear it was a simple break, PT is no fun, but she will be grateful for it after it is over.

Lots of tornados yesterday, we lost a tree I was planning on getting rid of and it pulled itself out of the ground rather than break so no stump. It also fell across the open ground causing no damage, YEA. Only one ewe lambed, she waited till night and I had to pull her lamb. Both are doing well today. Got another lambing now, should be fine.
Hope to get my onions and potatoes planted this weekend, I am late with onions, but I want green ones anyway. Going to scatter wildflower seeds, hairy vetch, and some poppy seeds in the back yard, hopefully we have had enough rain for them to germinate.

Oreo lamb from Monday

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love that Oreo lamb. Glad to hear you had no damage from the storm.

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