CLOSED: Thumbnail of Sock, Sniff and Sip swap ***REVEAL PAGE 2****

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Waving my hand, I am here. Thank you all for thinking of me. January is just a tough month for me. My box is ready and sorry Crit it won't go out today cause I remembered our PO in this little town doesn't stay open as late on Saturday as it use to and I want to pick up a couple of things from the stores here, but like all small towns they open late and close early, so I can only shop there on the weekends and after 10am and po closes at 10! Gotta love small cities... rolf.

What wonderful boxes everyone has received.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

~~~ Waving at Joyce ... and so glad to hear from you! Makes me feel better. ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Thumbnail by deejay9
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Before we're finished with this and on to something else ... Crystal, the Partridge berry ...

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

You all are such sweeties....don't know what I would do without you all.

Well I went shopping and found 2 pictures for my garden room or my antique bedroom haven't decided, framed with glass 8.00, they look like pen and ink with water color. They came from Kohls it says. Anyone ever tried the moisture bar called Baby Belly Bar? A little pricey but thought I would give it a try, made in USA, shea butter, aloe butter, avocado butter, mango butter, cocoa butter, jojoba, lanolin, sweet almond oil, meadowfoam, red rasberry, calendual, beeswax, vitamin e, and essential oils....I ought to be so slick I will shoot right out of bed.... AND I did buy for my buddy, I wouldn't forget her and found exactly what I was looking for, but sorry can't tell! ;( The box will go out on Monday....

Here is a picture of my good buy on the pictures, is this a picture in a picture.....hummmm...

Editted because I can't spell, type (sorry showing my age "key"), or write a complete sentence.

This message was edited Jan 28, 2012 2:31 PM

Thumbnail by happgarden
Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Yay!!!!!! So glad it all made it safely to you!!!!! & i had to pack and repack and rearrange and then once i mailed it i thought... Hey i bet if i opened the tin i could have fit more treats inside, doh!!!! :) so glad you like it!
Sorry for the magenta lol and the oranges! Omg didn't realize you were allergic. :( they are just peels i dried and the pinecones are dipped in scented wax and spices. None of the scents were citrus though, so i didn't figure you'd mind. Thought you just didn't like the smell, not allergic to oranges! Feel free to regift it. Lol
:) can't wait till our next sssswap!!!! :)

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Love those flower pictures!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

You always find the neatest things, happ.

OK! My turn to tell ya'll about the goodies I received from Robin today.

When I was still in my PJ’s this morning and heard tires in our gravel driveway, I thought it was a neighbor who’d called a few minutes earlier coming to help hubby cut up more fire wood. It turned out to be our mail lady and when hubby came in he said, “You’ve got a big box!” I hadn’t put my glasses on and squinted at the return address, made out Robin, got excited and started ripping open the box, after I put my glasses on…lol

First thing I saw on a piece of tissue paper was a sticker that says ‘Packed With Love’ and a card and that says ‘You’re Special’ along with a sweet handwritten note. My heart just melted.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

For Scents, I could smell them before I opened the box and received 3 votive candles, a bottle of Pear Temptation Body Mist, and 2 Jasmine scented sachets…they all smell so Heavenly, fresh and clean.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

For Sips, I have a new mug ceramic decorated with Butterflies and Flowers to use with my sugar free drinks that included a box of Double Dutch Cocoa, Passion Fruit Tea and two Buddy Fruit Drinks pouches. One is Mango Passion Banana and the other one is Apple and Banana. Had to laugh, Robin, knowing how much thought you must have put into sending me ‘fruity’ drinks.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Next were two Dark Chocolate Dove Bars...yum...and a box of Nonni’s ‘Decadence’ Biscotti, perfect for dunking. It’s been a long time since I’ve had Nonni’s and know how good they are.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

There's more.....

For kicks, how about an adorable decorative inch worm and a pretty Yellow bird? Love unexpected touches like these and they'll be in good company in my Friendship bowl of houseplants.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

And last but not least, I received two pairs of fuzzy pink and purple socks and a soothing eyemask that can be used over and over and is already in my freezer. Can you see the glitter in it?

I’m going to feel like a Hollywood star with the mask on, my feet propped up wearing new socks, eating and drinking and being merry.

Purple Passion all the way. You were too good to me, Robin! I was a goner when I read your note :)

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Oh Fruity, she hit the nail on the head with all your special pressies! Love that green caterpillar and yellow bird too! Wonderful job Robin!

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Oh that inch worm is too cute!!!

Such great boxes everyone!!!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Sweet. ^_^

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

No worries Kelly, I loved everything. The oranges look great in the mix. I still can't get over all that being in that small box, you did great Thank you. DGD, Kali, is spending the weekend with us and being an almost 15 years old, you know how they love to primp for no one, she begged me to try the pear bath set last night I gave in cause I love her and she said it was *** super spectacular*** like I said it smell great.

Fruity, I couldn't believe it when I got your name. You still have one more present coming. When it gets off backorder. How 'bout them fruit drinks. I have no idea what they taste like, Kali likes them. Anyway, I knew everything that I was going to get you when I saw your name, including the biscotti. I love that one too. It's the only time I drink coffee with nothing in it except the dunking of the chocolate decadence. yum. Did you check out that bird, it has all kinds of 'holes' in it. I'm going back to that store and get me the inch worm and some more of those candles. Did I not put the list in the box that says what they are. dang CRS! The blue and pink one is Baby Powder, the purplish one is Plumeria, the last one is Clean clothesline? I'll have to check that one again. I really liked those smells. So glad you liked it. You are very welcome.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Another box of wonderful things, had to laugh at all the "fruity" things.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Robyn and Susan you guys got some really cool things. I love the Christmas socks, ( I collect those) and really love the Mask, sip and be merry idea, Fruity. What a great bunch of goodies !

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

~~~~~~~~Waving! YEA ..... happs back! ^_^

What wonderful boxes you girls got. Hard to beleiev all that from Kelly went a a medium size box. What a packer! I know you will enjoy all those WONDERFUL goodies, Robin! Wohooo.

Fruity ... Your Fruitiness .... Miss Fruity ..... YES, YES, YES!!!!! What a sweet note Robin put on top of your goodies! WOW .... what a great box! Yes, gotta love the inch worm and yellow bird! I just love seeing what everyone has come up with for this swap! Good job Robin!!!

There are more boxes flying out on Monday. We are getting pretty near the end of this swap. :-(
Only 4 more to receive their boxes. Can't wait to see what they send!!!!

FYI: Closing out the Valentines Day Swap sign-up at 8:00 a.m. on January 31st if anyone is wanting in on that one.

Going to be 61* here today but the winds are 10-30 mph. Going to be in the 60's all week until Friday. Looks like I will be doing some horseback riding this week if my body cooperates. lol Let's hope so. I usually feel pretty good when the weather is warm.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. Do something nice for yourself today. ^_^

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Sooohappy you liked it all! And see.... You aren't stingy!!! Sharing is caring. :) happy that i could be part of this swap. Wish we could start another ASAP! LOL I KEEP FINDING GOODIES I WANT TO BUY!!!! and maybe i'll stock up for next year...there will be one next year, right crit?! *batts eyes & pleads* ;)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Yes Kelly, there will be one next year. Good Lord willin' and the Creek don't rise. ^_^

You need to pop over to the Valentines Day Swap. Sign ups until 8:00 a.m. January 31st, so hurry! Tell people on your other threads and see if anyone else is interested too.

Valentines Day Swap link:

Robin, I can tell we are both from the midwest with the leaded and unleaded on coffee and hiding so DH doesn't kipe it. LMBO

And don't forget fixin' to. My sister (whose 13 years older than me and still treats me like I am 5) just HATES that, so whenever she is around my SIL and I make sure to say it as often as we can. lol

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

That inchworm and birdie are the cutest! Good box Fruity!

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Yep just fixin' to go check on the roast and taters and make sure evryone warshes their dirty mitts afore comin' to set.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Michelle, did your DH ever get a chance to take a picture of all the goodies LK/taters55 sent to you, or did I miss the post?

Getting ready to watch the Pro Bowl. I still think it was a bad decision to have it before the Super Bowl. Doing it this way, the guys that are in the Super Bowl don't get to play in the Pro Bowl, even if they are nominated. That stinks. Who wouldn't want to go to Hawaii for the Pro Bowl AND play in the Super Bowl. Oh well, they didn't ask me, but they should have! ^_^

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for naming the candle scents, Robin, they are very clean-smelling as are the Jasmine sachets. One is in my undies drawer and the other one is in my sock drawer. Girl, please don't feel you need to send anything else. You've already given me a gracious plenty and am so very grateful to have you and all the other ladies here in my life.

We call coffee with caffeine hightest and decaf coffee unleaded, and ya'll I'm always fixin' to do something. I despise having to lick my calf, which my Mother said means having to do something over. Anybody ever get a hitch in your get-along? Oh, when I was a kid, my least favorite aunt who I swear was part witch would say 'come and set a spell'. She was such a meanie and thought she was surely going to put a curse on me.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Fruity! Oh yes, I get a 'hitch in my gitalong' all the time! I also get 'stove up'. ^_^

And here, we call carbonated beverages POP. DH and I call it Pepsi to each other, because that is what we drink.

Have you ever heard of chocolate gravy. I think it is an Okie thing. Had a hired hand ask me to make it and to me, it was like chocolate syrup.

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Never heard of chocolate gravy. Carbonated beverages are called soda's down here.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Me neither, LK. Chocolate and gravy in the same sentence doesn't compute.

Giddy up, Patti! Had to sneak that in with your love of horseback riding. Pepsi is my fav "soft drink"...that's what we call carbonated beverages here...only drink one or two a month, and it's a good day when I score a 12-pack or two of Throwback Pepsi's and scarf them up in a "New York Minute", those are the real deal like we drank when we were kids, minus the bottles.

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

:) when i met my fiance and moved from city to country i got a laugh at all the wild things he says. He worked for an old farmer who said things like "slick as a cats a$$ on peachstone" can anyone tell me what on earth that means?! Lol
but thats not all. Oneday he yelled out to the dog to get back in his own "dooryard" which i had to google.
And his whole family and one other random girl pronounces gums like "goooms" it's all very funny to me, but when i say funny "city" slang, oh gosh i can't think of anything offhand, he lets me know about it.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Don't know a thing wrong with any of those sayings and idioms. Common around these parts. ^_^

Pittsburg, MO(Zone 6b)

Pretty common here too. Chocolate gravy, haven't had that since I was a kid, that and gravy puddin'.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL ..... isn't it funny with all the sayings that are popular in different parts of the country! lol I'm sure there are other things I say that many have never heard. How about 'hornswaggled'? Which means confused. I know Texans say (or use to) water closet for bathroom or restroom. Or, I'll be danged. Dog gonnit! Dad gummit, Dag nabbit. Aught-o ..... I'm letting my 'country' sneak in. tee hee

Goin' to be beautiful here until Friday. 67* today but windy. I don't care about the wind when it is warm. In the upper 60's Tues., Wed. & Thursday. Sure makes me think it is spring! My tulips, jonquils and Easter lilies are coming up! I'm so afraid they will get frozen back. We've had some of our worst winter weather in March and April! But, I'm going to enjoy it while it's here! Lookout Babe, we're goin' ridin'! ^_^

This message was edited Jan 30, 2012 9:48 AM

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

My kids and I all speak a little funny. My mom is from Kansas and my dad is from up-state NY and was a Marine. I was also married to a Marine. We say 'police the area' for cleaning up. We say soda because my mom and grandparents all said soda. With all the moving around over tha last 100 years, English has taken on all kinds of new words and meanings. I love it when I hear something new. It always reminds me that in America, anything can happen.
PS. My box is in the air so my buddy doen't have much longer to wait.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Where in Kansas is your mom from? I am from southeast Kansas

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

She's from Harveyville. It's about 30 mins from Topeka and about 200 years from reality. It's the smallest town I've ever been in. I don't think anyone knows the population for sure. When I was little and my grandparents still lived on the farm, I wanted to grow up and go live there and be a farmer. Thank goodness they sold the farm and moved to town before I grew up. As an adult I now know I would be a terrible farmer. My little patch of dirt is all I can handle. LOL. Also, I'm California born and bred, I'm not trading my weather for anything thats not better.

(Crystal) Waverly, AL

I call all carbonated bevs "Coke". I guess that has a bad connotation now, but I am old school anyhow.
The saying "get your panties in a wad" still tickles me. It means annoyed or aggravated. It is especially funny to me when applied to very large and sedate men. heehee

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Hi, all.
The good news is that my husband did take a picture. I've finally gotten to try on the slippers and socks (very nice!) and my husband and I each had a cup of the hot white chocolate drink. My husband put a little nutmeg in his, and said it was very good that way. I tried my plain, as it was. I've decided that it's nice and creamy, but I think I'll like it even more if I add some other flavors. Thinking of trying cinnamon and perhaps some almond extract next time :)
Still need to post the pics, so no one missed them. My husband hasn't had a chance to put them up on the web yet, but I'll post the links here as soon as I get them. Sadly, he's back to being unemployed (Monday was his last day), but the good news is that he'll hopefully have some time to get the pics up!
Great boxes that came! And I'm looking forward to finding out what will come next :)
Take care, everyone!

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Thanks Michelle. Look forward to seeing the pic.

What does your DH do?

Yes Crystal, the panties in a wad is a staple saying here too. LOL

I farmed in KS with exH for 25 years. Then we got into registered cattle and I took care of them. Then my kids and I started to show them when they were in 4H. The last year before the divorce, my DD and I took 12 head to the Kansas State Fair. From 6 months old calf to 2 year old bull. My cattle were all named and all my babies. I do miss my cattle but DO NOT miss the exH. lol

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Hey!!!!!!! Someone stole my blanket..... :( lol
good work synda, he loves it. He pulls it off the back of the couch so he can snuggle it. I like to believe it's because i am always wrapped up in it and he just loves me, but i think he is just claiming it, like everything else in the house.

Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81

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