anyone else get the new modern daylily catalog?

Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8a)

utt oh.......OMG, i feel dl envy bubbling up. anyone else???? i'm going w/Tripped Out as a top 5. i'm trying to expand my later bloomers so i'm glad more are being added.
mary ann

(Zone 7a)

I have daylily envy bubbling(or boil over)every time I come to this forum! LOL There are so many I want but don't have the $$$ or room for them. I have to go look at Tripped Out now.

Elizabeth City, NC(Zone 8a)

one born every minute......

Leawood, KS(Zone 5b)

I received the "Roots and Rhizomes" catalog ( a few days ago and spent an hour selecting a 'dream list' of new varieties I'd like to add to my garden. Now if I could only spare $300 and had the space to plant 39 new plants...

Try the following link on Ebay. That is where I buy my daylilies. Bob is having a sale on now. That is when I buy. He will allow you to pay as you go and charges $2 after the first daylily. His plants are tops and always double fans and bounus plants.

Another place is Lily Auction. I buy seeds of those varieties I can't afford and/or Blue Ridge don't carry.

Photo: Chinese Chariot bloomed the first season I bought it from Blue Ridge.

Thumbnail by
Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

My best late bloomers are Autumn Jewels, Caught Red Handed and Carolyn M.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

i did get it also . I don't have a garden right now, but I am going to keep the catalog anyway. Someday I hope to have a garden again...
Nice catalog. I hope it gets bigger every year, adding alot of venders, it could be a good resource...

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Rats, I am still waiting :(
Frilly, no garden did you move?

Teresa in KY

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Yes, I moved last July from MO to Oklahoma, 8 hr away, and we are closing on our house tomorrow! yay! so that will be sold and then we will start the process of building a house here. I hope in a year or so I will have a garden again, I miss it alot.

Logan Lake, BC(Zone 3a)

Good luck Frilly, I hope everything goes well for you.:)

Cartersville, GA

We hope all goes on schedule for you. It can be very trying to build a new house and is lots of work to put in new gardens at a new house, but it can be exciting and fun, too. We hope the excitement and fun wins out over the trials and frustrations. We wish you the very best.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

Closed on the house thank goodness!
Thank you all for the well wishes, and I wish I could spend more time on DG, but I am too busy right now.
I do check in some even though I don't always post though, so trying to keep up with what is going on...

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Wonderful Frilly!!! That is one thing off your mind.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I got that Modern Daylily catalog, and love the daylilies, but can't afford most of them.

Leawood Gardener, don't bother getting daylilies from Roots and Rhizomes. I did some time back, and i got the tiniest little things. Took 3 years for them to bloom.

Blomma, I bought from Bob last year, and boy, was he generous with the bonus plants. I couldn't believe how many he sent me, and the box was enormous! I wish I could have picked what I wanted for bonuses, though, as most of them were ones I wouldn't have chosen, although they were also ones I didn't have. Still, the plants were all good sized ones and very healthy.

Frilly, best of luck with your new place. Sounds exciting! I hope you have a large property to put in lots of gardens. Or maybe you want to downsize. I know how overwhelming a lot of gardens can be.


Hazel Crest, IL(Zone 5a)

Karen, I would have to agree with you on the R&R thing in regards to the daylily. I bought some last spring. Only one increased from the meager single fan. Got some from Breck's also with the same results. Hopefully this mild winter will help them increase and bloom this spring/summer. I have concluded that my best deals were from the LA sellers and Bob Selman over at Blue Ridge. Bob's plants are huge. I must say that a few of his bonuses bloomed and I was surprise. Mike

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Several that I bought from Bob Selman last spring bloomed. Yes, he is generous on the size of plants and bonuses. Here are a few pics of some of the ones I got from him that bloomed for me.


This one is LINDA'S MAGIC.

Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

That one was a bonus. Here's APPLIQUE.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)



Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)



Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

REIGNING SUNSHINE is one I particularly like.


Thumbnail by nutsfordaylily
Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

Received my Modern Daylily Catalog and low and behold Becki Pavlik has registered some seeds that she purchased from me several years ago. Lady Shannon, which is my Uforistic Galaxy x Orchid Forest, Whispers From Heaven, Whispering Angels, and Lilly Hall, all from a cross of Lake Norman Spider x Sexy Sally. It was wonderful to see what becomes of the seeds and the lovely plants they produced.

springfield area, MO(Zone 5b)

ditto on Roots and Rhizomes I ordered from them a couple times and got TINY plants and it was a few years ago, but if I remember right, they were not all true to name. (didn't get what I bought)
Of course being so tiny they take a couple years to bloom and by then your money is long gone!

I will have 5 acres, but I don't plan on planting aaaalllll that :)

The inca one there is real pretty.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Oh, hemlady, I will have to look those ones up and see what they look like. That's cool. Maybe I will purchase some seeds after all.

Wow, 5 acres! A lot. Yes, I wouldn't plant it all, either. I have a hard enough time with 1.25 acres, about 2/3 of which are gardens. Needless to say, pretty much all the gardens have daylilies in them, but I love all kinds of plants, so over the years I have incorporated a lot of other perennials in them as well. I work 60 hrs. a wk., so I don't have a lot of time. I figure if I could cut back my hours to 20 (yeah, right!) I would be able to keep up with most of it. Would be nice. Can't wait till I can retire. I would never be bored, that's for sure.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

Hemlady, I just looked at Becky's intros, and those ones you mentioned are nice ones. I see she doesn't charge as much as the other big time hybridizers, which is as it should be when one is just starting out.

Oh, if I could only afford to get some of the beauties in that catalog! Anyhow, I can dream. Here is my wish list of ones in there that I really like: by Morss I like ANGELA WILKINS and CLAUDETTE COLBERT; by Emmerich I like SOLI DEO GLORIA and INSCRIBED ON MY HEART; by Cindy Dye I like CHASING GIRLS, and I would also get her tet conversion of LINDA GLUCK just to incorporate into my breeding program; by Gluck I like RED HOT WINGS; by Pickles I like WHEN JOHNNY COMES MARCHING HOME and ORANGE BLOSSOM LANE; by Baucom I like SANTORINI SUNSET, UNIFIED HARMONY, LIZARD'S CHANGE OF SCALE, CRAIG'S BAUCOM, LIZARD'S ACROBATIC ATTITUDE and LIZARD'S CHOCOLATE CHERRY SUNDAE; by Herr I like BIG BERTHA, POLLY WANT A CRACKER and EARLY BEAUTY; by Pavlik I like TOO MANY HUSBANDS and TOO MANY WIVES; by Gossard I like COSMO QUEEN, KING COBRA, PATTERN MASTER, RAINBOW MAKER, SQUIRRELLY, HEAVENLY SNOW WHITE, BLUE VIPER, PORKY PIG, TORPEDO FISH and STARDUST DRAGON (whew, I like a lot of his, but then he does have a lot of intros); by Matthie I like BONIBRAE COTTON CANDY SWIRL, BONIBRAE DEMON SEED, BONIBRAE SMOKE AND MIRRORS and BONIBRAE BLUE OVER YOU (I like a lot of his, too, and he doesn't have nearly as many intros as Gossard, but he has some really nice ones that appeal to me); by Manning I like LILLIAN'S WHITE LIES and LILLIAN'S VAPOR TRAIL (some of his futures look absolutely luscious!); by Tom Allen I like JOE ALLEN and PAULA ALLEN, AMY'S PINK and POMEGRANATE JELLY (he must be rather new, too, as his prices were low, and I might actually get a couple of his, as they're gorgeous, especially PA, which is very sexy); by Peat I like MAKE IT SO and LOST SOUL; by Shooter I like MARIETTA FIRE BALL, CHASER, FLITTER FLUTTER, PEACOCK TANGO, STORMY BREW, GIVE A HOOT, SUNSET RAYS, SUESS ON THE LOOSE and LAVENDER LULLABY.

Whew! I must have picked out about $5K worth of daylilies there. I'm winning the lottery any day now, so I need to know what I'm going to get when I win. LOL!


Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

To funny, Where does the collecting stop? With the new Modern DL booklet I think I added about that to my wish list too.

Teresa in Ky

Leawood, KS(Zone 5b)

Well I'm sorry to read all of your comments about Roots & Rhizomes now - I placed my order several days ago. I'll let you all know what I receive and how they work out. I ordered several of the 'bargain' varieties, which I would expect to be small, single fans, but I also ordered some of the premium varieties. We'll see...

I'm just making up my order from McClure & Zimmerman... anyone have any experience with them?

Melvindale, MI(Zone 5a)

I did talk to Becki Pavlik via email and she did confirm to me that the crosses of Lake Norman Spider x Sexy Sally were my seeds as well. I am glad she got some nice ones out of the cross.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LG, I have never ordered from them, but I have read some bad reviews. Have you ever checked DG's Garden Watchdog? That's a good one for checking out reviews of all these companies.


Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LG, you can check out reviews on M&Z here:


Leawood, KS(Zone 5b)

Yesterday my order from Roots & Rhizomes arrived and I opened it with some trepidation after the comments I'd gotten from everyone when I ordered in January. Unfortunately, when I read the comments, I'd already placed my order and paid for it with a debit from my checking account.

I've never ordered daylilies from any online nursery before, so I wasn't sure what to expect. The varieties I currently have in my garden were purchased from local breeders who dig a fan for you when you visit their garden.

I have to say I am truly impressed with the plants I received from Roots & Rizomes. All were large fans with two or more fans and some packages had two or three plants in them. I think they sent me very healthy, good-size stock, but I'll leave that to others to decide, since I've never bought daylilies online before.

I purchased 22 plants, most of them were $3 each, mix & match, when you buy 10 plants - here is a sample of what I received. My new garden bed is not yet ready to plant, so I planted all of the new daylilies in 1 gallon plastic pots.

Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener Thumbnail by LeawoodGardener
Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

LG, those don't look too bad, although you can tell they aren't fresh dug. They must have dug them in the fall after they went dormant and stored them in a cool, dry place for the winter, which is alright. They should do fine.

I ordered from them about 8 years ago and was not impressed with what I got. Perhaps they've gotten better since then.

Being in WI, they probably do not have any daylilies in the field ready to be dug yet, unless they've had a mild winter and early spring like we've had. Most of my daylilies have at least 3"-5" of growth on them now, which normally they would not. On Wed. of this past week I dug and shipped my first order of the season. I will be digging more this weekend, and will take pics of mine so you can compare.

I just went in and read some comments in Garden Watchdog on R&R. Looks like it's a tie between positive, neutral and negative feedback for the last 12 months, and seems that someone from the company was trying to inflate the ratings, so DG changed it to a neutral rating from a positive.


Baltimore, OH(Zone 6a)

Just so you know, I did not win the $650,000 in the Mega Millions last night so I am still buying $20 daylilies, for the most part. The best ones are from Bob Selman of Blue Ridge Daylilies.

Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

Those daylilies remind me of what I've gotten from the Wild's catalog. Mainly just un-washed dirty roots with nubs, but no fans. I usually have to wait two to three years for blooms on them and sometimes they don't bloom what they're suppose to be. That's a long time to wait to just be disappointed.

Leawood, I looked back on this forum for pics of daylily orders for you, so you can see what a reputable seller sends.

Here are some examples I found.

Halifax, MA(Zone 6a)

I didn't win either, poplarcreek, so I'm in the same boat, but I know my winning numbers will be coming up soon. I, too, love Bob's daylilies. Always good looking plants.


Kalama, WA(Zone 8b)

There are a lot of good seller's out there. I haven't purchased from Blue Ridge yet, but I sure hear a lot of good things about his plants.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Joy, he starts at a high price on Ebay but sometimes you get what you pay for too. He must be good with all the rave reviews he gets. I haven't bought anything from him either.

Wyoming, MN

I have an order comming from Blue Ridge. You will be impressed with anything you get from him.


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