Wanted Little Gem Squash seeds for tropical seeds.

Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

I'm looking for the South African 'little gem' squash seeds. The squash is the size of a softball. I have semi/tropical Citrus, vines, trees, passifloras, fragrant shrubs and papayas for exchange. Thanks

Pretoria, South Africa

How are you doing? Haven't heard from you in a while... Some seeds are coming your way. Please let me know your address again - my computer died a while back, and lost all my mails.


Fort Lauderdale, FL(Zone 10b)

Hello Elsa, So nice to hear from you. I've hardly done any gardening for a long time. Been a bit under the weather!
Could you send me an email and I'll give the address. I have various seeds on hand. Would you like some? A mix and all fresh. Let me have your add too, ok.
We spent Xmas up north! One wonders if a short stay in horrible cold winter conditions is worth 3 weeks of this hacking and spluttering!
Cheers, J.

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