container moss gardens

Hallowell, ME

Anyone out there interested in minature moss gardens? They're getting to be popular. Check out the latest early spring edition of Country Garden. Good article on them. I have a friend with a small nursery who specializes in these and she says they're geeting more popular all the time.

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Frank, thank you for asking the question. Because you've asked, it came to my attention last time I visited one of my local nurseries. By jorge! you aren't kidding. The minature gardens that they had were most fabulous!!! I should have taken some pics. to share, but ... forgetful me. lol Now, the miniature "gardens" were not made out of moss lining, the moss lining baskets and such were very attractive as well. Those are two separate items/entities that grabed my attention. I may venture out...but then I've other projects going on, sounds like I'm having a cabin/spring fever. Anyhooo, thank you for asking the question.

Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

It's not limited to moss gardens, but there's a whole forum here devoted to tiny gardens:

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

Wow, ecrane3. Thank you for the link. Geez! Where have I been all this time?. Wake up and smell the rose, and enjoy the magical world of tiny, tinsy gardens. lol

Hallowell, ME

Never saw it. Thanks for the input.

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