Show Us Beginners Your Blooms Pt II

Athens, PA

Continuing here......

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
Hopkinton, MA(Zone 5b)

Carolyn22, thanks for continuing the blooms thread! Here's a photo of a fuchsia we were growing at a NW window last year.


Thumbnail by NancyGroutsis
Athens, PA


Beautiful colors. You have it flower inside?

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Wow, pretty Fuschia!!! Here's a June pix

Pix clockwise from top: wild sunflowers, Daisy Becky, Pennstemon strictus Rocky Mt. Blue, Catanche unopened, Lavendula Munsted just opening, Veronica spicata Sight Seeing Blue and Malva.

This message was edited Jan 10, 2012 10:46 AM

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Hopkinton, MA(Zone 5b)

Carolyn22, yes I grew that fuchsia indoors from a seedling. We had an outdoor bleeding heart fuchsia that grew from flat to 3 feet in one month, so transplanted it indoors by taking a part of the root, however it never grew any more after it was transplanted. By the way, I really like the light gradient from shade to sun in your photo and the flowers' pale colors look great with the green gradient.

warriorswisdomkathy, what a pleasing landscape photo! The flowers have a prairie look and the arrangement produces a wonderful lavender, pink, yellow and white palette. I can't identify any of the species but I'm getting a lavender catmint this spring that would match well with those flowers.


central, NJ(Zone 6b)

that fuchsia is gorgeous!!!

Our winter has been so mild the hellebores have blooms a month earlier than last year

Thumbnail by flowAjen
Hopkinton, MA(Zone 5b)

flowAjen, thanks! I could use that compliment since most of the new plants I started last year died. I've been doing a lot of research so this year I can help my plants more.

You posted a nice photo, very fresh and symbolic of the new year. Our winter in zone 5b has also been mild. Other than a few early snowstorms we've had little precipitation and some days it's as if spring is here.


Athens, PA


I put in hellabores this past year - Not sure when they should flower for me, but perhaps I should start looking in the upcoming weeks.

DoGooder - we are mild as well. It can stay that way for me and I will be happy. I worked out in the yard this past weekend. It felt good to do that.

Hopkinton, MA(Zone 5b)

Carolyn22, I'm also happy that we haven't had major snowstorms in December and January because I have to get some gardening work done and it's a lot easier to do than when there's a foot of snowcover.


Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Another one of my favorites to use for flower arrangements, I keep mine in full bloom til frost, it's all a matter of deadheading.

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Our winter has been record setting mild here!! In fact here are some very confused spring bulbs on january 2nd

Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81
Athens, PA


My daffs are trying to come up too. I noticed a blossom trying to come on one of my roses last weekend when I was out. I should check it again to see what is going on with it.

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Seeing bulbs poking thru here too...this weather is CRAZY

Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

It's raining right now!!! Wth...

Athens, PA

Raining here as well. I would rather have rain than snow....

central, NJ(Zone 6b)

I'd rather have snow :)

Flint Hills, KS(Zone 5b)

WWKathy, thanks for the identification on your flowers. Very inspiring photo.

Brighton, MI(Zone 5b)

Hi everyone. Can't do much outside so this is what I've got going on inside. Amaryllis Hippeastrum "red lion" and "apple blossom". Those are narcissus "paperwhites" in the center. Picture taken about a week ago.

Thumbnail by ironworker25
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Thanks Prairie...

A bit quiet, (weather wise here), just a few flurries this morning but sunshine now. But burry and a bit breezy. Gosh how I'm looking forward to spring.

So what's everyone ordering this spring (plants of course). I'm still debating on starting seeds this winter, anyone else doing such?

Pix is (back to front): gypsophila babies breath, salvia nemerosa, dracocephalum, dianthus cheddar pinks.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)


Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Brighton, MI(Zone 5b)

You have posted some nice pics W.W.Kathy. Feels a little closer to spring. That along with 40's and rain in January!
I've decided to try my hand at seeds this winter. I'm new at it but I already have a start. I got some free cosmo and baby's breath seeds. The cosmos look good but I'll have to try something different with the b.b.
I have 3 nice basils started, all different. A couple of tiny tim tomato seedlings, and I just put some thyme, red chile, and delphinium seeds in some soil. I'm going to start some green pepper and better boy tomatoes soon too.
Quite a little list...but I have to be ready for spring and stay busy in the meantime! Hope I didn't bore everybody too much!
Oh, and my "paperwhites" in my picture above are starting to pop out. Helps to keep the winter blues at bay. Think Spring!

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I like, what have been posted so far. Hoping to revive this thread, by posting some of my spring blooms, which I'm looking forward too. I would like to see some more from yours.

First is some Columbine (Aquilegia), barlow series.

Second is Clematis Niobe.

Third is Saxifraga

Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Iron....which gypsophla are you going tp start ( annual or perenn)? The cosmos can be started in the garden very easily, I just drop them on the ground and they start when they are ready, in my z5 it will be after last frost. Any annuals need to be started in April-ish for your area or the plants will get too leggy. No... just remember we were all new at gardening once.

Burn..just love the pixs, wow I haven't seen saxifraga in quite awhile, sooo cute.

Got 8.5" of snow yesterday, if anyone is looking for some have plenty to share,lol. I know, spring's just around the corner.

Pix: my growing stand with all my babies (one of two), not from this year tho.
Pix: (white) Dianthus X loveliness and perennial geranium Rozanne.
Pix: Hesperis matronalis (Sweet Dames Rocket)
Pix: Peony and hesperis
Pix: Lupine

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Blooms this year so far, can't wait for the Reticulated Iris usually blooms 3rd week in March but with our warm weather maybe we'll see them early

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Athens, PA


My snowdrops and crocus are not up yet, but they are pushing up shoots. I had forgotten about the reticulated Iris and I need to go looking to see if they are showing any shoots. Thanks for the reminder.

Brighton, MI(Zone 5b)

They were annuals. I just wanted to try some to see if the seeds were any good and frankly, I was bored. I don't much care for them and don't think I'm going to add any this year. I have plenty of cosmo seed and I will make room for some of them however. I will probably start another batch inside here soon because there are too many birds and critters to put out seeds or seedlings with much success around here. Thanks for the tip though.

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

Thanks WWK. Your plants looks very healthy, and I love the the purple and pink combo.
As for the snow, I'll pass. :) We got dumb a foot and a half, last Saturday, and expecting 6 to 8" more this Saturday. :((

Nice bright blooms Jen. So cheery.

Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Did have only 2 reticulated Iris bloom 'Harmony' so far...they are 2 weeks earlier than last year

and this Winter Jasmine was a pleasant surprise since it was still in it's plastic pot, I never got around to planting it in the fall

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Lovely blooms...not sure if we are going to have a spring's high was in the 80's. I planted an osteospermum last spring and was delighted to see it not only survived the few freezes we had, but is blooming...and the bletilla ground orchids also

Thumbnail by themoonhowl Thumbnail by themoonhowl
central, NJ(Zone 6b)

Katherine Hodgkin reticulated Iris

Thumbnail by flowAjen Thumbnail by flowAjen
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Burn and Flo.....just love those spring bulbs, one day I shall add some when I get some idea of where I want them. So for now I'll have to enjoy the pix, thanks.

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

themoonhowl.....Love your dark purple osteos. By chance did you save any seed? If ya did would you be interested in a trade for some? Can check out my haves. I grow O. barberiae Lavender Mist and Purple Mountain, both perenns. and also a annual variety of Lemon and Orange. Just love them, can't figure why more people don't grow them, as they bloom the whole season. My annual reseeds itself every year.

pix: Passiflora carulea, passion flower vine

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Kathy, didn't get any seed last year...I have yet to see any new plants either...this one actually over-wintered. If I manage to collect any this year will be happy to share with you. This is another of the same color in a pot...upper the sun it appears a bit lighter.

Thumbnail by themoonhowl
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Love the calibricoea and gomphrena with the osteo, verrry pretty, and yes save some for me. Thanks!

Pix salvia nemerosa

Thumbnail by warriorswisdomkathy
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Thanks...I will certainly do my best to remember....grin

Tampa, FL(Zone 10a)

From the Selby Garden Plant Sale a couple weeks ago>

Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener Thumbnail by DaleTheGardener
Albany, NY(Zone 5a)

Things are popping up early here!!! The are "Surprise!" bulbs. No clue what they will be but it sure looks like i may have some cobra lilies!!! ...I hope?!

Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81 Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81 Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81 Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81 Thumbnail by OutlawHeart81
Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

So nice to see blooms. Jen those little Iris are lovely, I should look into planting some, for next spring.
Moon I still like that Osteospermun. It a beautiful color.
Lovely passiflora, and nice mound of salvia,WWKathy.
DTGardener, wow so many things in blooms, Is that a Wisteria vine in the third pic? Gorgeous!
OLheart, Istill don't see anything popping. Looks like you'll have a great surprise soon. Maybe Hyacinths and daffodils too.

Peonie, tulip, pasque flower,geranuim sanguenium, forget me not.

Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007 Thumbnail by burn_2007
New York, NY

see below

Athens, PA


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