Shaun's Brugmansia List

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

This is a list of what i have growing as of 1/1/2012
this will be updated every 3 months with the new seedlings & cutting that i have been supplied

1024 ?? Old Apricot??
1286 ?? Old Apricot??
1019 ?? Old Apricot??
1418 ?? Old Apricot??
1023 ?? Old Apricot??
Adele Essex
Apricot ?? (Yamina)
aurea (Barkley St)
aurea 'Culebra'
aurea 'Yellow/Orange'
aurea (GHA)
aurea (Hull Rd)
aurea (form)
Aztec Gold
Bergfeuer X.aurea
Butter Bomb
x.candida 'Variegated'
candida 'Peach'
Double White X.aurea
(Double White x.aurea) Xaurea(form) 'Star Burst'
(Double White x.aurea) Xaurea(form) #1
(Double White x.aurea) Xaurea(form) #2
(Double White x.aurea) Xaurea(form) #3
(Double White x.aurea) Xaurea(form) #4
Dr Seuss
Dwarf Pink & Green
Equador Pink
Frosty Pink
Knightii (1015)
Knightii (Tennyson St)
Knightii (Dandenong)
Knightii (Lincoln Rd)
Mea Culpa
Pink Panther
sanguinea 'Yellow'
sanguinea (Hull Rd)
sanguinea 'Red' (Mt Dandy)
Sister Bertrille
suaveolens (1021)
suaveolens 'Pink' (Sharman's)
suaveolens (1022)
suaveolens (Ebay)
suaveolens (White X.Pink)
White Ruff
versicolor 'Peach'

SEEDLINGS of 2011/2012>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
1 x #44 X.GHA (pod 1) #1 july 2011 (Jean Briggs)
1 x #44 X.GHA (pod 1) #2 july 2011 (Jean Briggs)
1 x #73E (Tootsie x.Shooting Star)X.Lucero(NR) 2011
3 x aurea X.old Apricot
5 x Domain X.Buck's Fizz
5 x Dr Seuss X.NOID
5 x Dwarf Pink & Green X.NOID
9 x Flava
3 x Golden Butter #2 X.(Pink Velvet x.Dalai Lama)
3 x Golden Butter X.Unknown
2 x Karoline X.Double L'Amour
10 x Knightii X.aurea
5 x Knightii X.Old Apricot
8 x Miz Scarlet (Esmeraldas x.Mountain Magic:JT.Sessions) X.Sam
1 x Pink Panther X.Butter Bomb
12 x Pink Perfection X.New Orleans Lady 2010
9 x Pink Perfection X.Salmon Perfection
5 x Salmon Perfection X.sdlq#74H* (*Mon Amor de Muriel x.Shooting Star) 2011
7 x (Star Dancer x.NOID) X.GHA
3 x Strybing Vulsa X.vulcanicola 'Zunac'(hybMichael Graupe)
7 x Susie Underhill X.Miss Ellie
6 x White Ruff X.NOID

This message was edited Jan 5, 2012 8:22 PM

This message was edited Jan 8, 2012 2:14 PM

This message was edited Jan 14, 2012 7:18 PM

Thumbnail by SolMan

Lol Hey Shaun I think you broke d's g putting this in. ^_^
It will take a while to digest ...I am scared to do a stock take on mine it will be a novel lol.

Merino, Australia

Great idea, Shaun. I did a stocktake of mine a few weeks ago too.
I keep a notebook in which I record everything brug (seeds, cuttings etc ) given to me or bought. I also have a folder with more info on each plan as well as file on the computer for all my brugs as they flower.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean i have an Excel Spread sheet that has things like my collection, received & all that data, Sent and that data, crosses that have taken , Propagation Photos, pollen collected & received, ect
I think its a great idea to have a list where every one can have a look or a thread where only 1 picture of each plant is places as photo gallery for the Australian Plants with only there name attached and no comments on it
how dose that sound guys>>??????????
and if so who will start it?????

Sounds ok but what about the seedlings ...not named yet etc
I tried to start one at BGI but no one joined me there. Aussie Brugmansia or something like that.
The other problem for me is that I tend to name my babies on sight, that is what I do because they are like my babies.
It's a bit of a no no in the Brug World (but not in my garden) ^_^

Merino, Australia

Maybe , as most of the known brugs are already out there on BGI etc, we could have a thread just for our Aussie bred seedlings. This way we could post a pic when they flower , add parents and any relevant info on flower & growth, then later probably the following season, post a further pic and a progress note.
Whether kept, died or tossed.
If someone else is given a piece, info on how it went in their area would be good.
At least this way we can keep track of each others babies as they get shared around.
As for names, well Chrissy, I do the same . I cant see how it will hurt if we all use the same name for the same plant, TT, Hope etc..
If we used numbers, it could get confusing as we may all have the same number on a different plant.
Names are best.
Sorry Shaun, I seem to be hijacking your idea, but I do like it.
Maximum of 2 pics each seedling would be good . Maybe one on opening, and one 2-3 days later.

Yes the numbers thing is an issue for me ...can't remember a telephone number.
It gives me a headache and relegates the Brug to being like a prisoner in jail (sorry that is how my mind works) where giving it a pet name makes it unforgettable (later if the Brug is good then it's name will be good, of course make sure no one has that name before you pick it).
For me they are like family and the names pops up as soon as I see it. (most times)
Most unprofessional I know, but this is just a loved hobby for me.
Don't forget the thread will disappear if you don't click watch.

The other thing is, will this stop us having our Brug Fan club where we learn and chat ?
I am not too crazy about that idea, sharing our experiences is one of the most important things.

A vote ? and a comment from everyone perhaps ? see my comment above but I am happy to go along with the vote ...trouble is I lost a lot of my stuff when my puter blew up so I only have what the IT guru could retrieve on a little stick thingy.

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Jean I think that it's to much info for what I thought
Of as Chrissy has mentioned. And the brug thread we
Use to communicate will be lost. I would like
It as just a pic gallery with probably 2 or 3 pics of
Each plant of Aussies (((parent names)))) the variety
Name this should be all

Merino, Australia

Chrissy, Shauns idea is , I think , just to have a thread for keeping and adding our babies, not a chat one like our brug thread.
I would miss that too.
One could add the seedlings and check on others progress without any comments at all.
We can discuss anything about them on the brug thread.
It would save having to scroll around on the brug thread for a pic someone posted weeks or months earlier.
Of course, our pics would still be shown off on the brug thread too.

Am I right , Shaun ?

Croydon, Australia(Zone 9a)

Yes this is correct may be even when first bloom also
Keep the burg thread

Merino, Australia

Yes Shaun, just a picture when the seedling blooms and maybe a few days later. Only comment would be by the person adding the pic as to parents ,etc..
Anyone with a comment on the brug would of course do so on our brug thread.
Seedlings with working names as Chrissy and I do (and probably most others) could easily be discussed on the brug thread then , by name.
We would all know which one was being discussed.
Go for it Shaun, start the thread if you have a flowering seedling. ( Maybe Aussie brug ID , for a name.
It would have to be kept at the top. I dont know how that is done but I'm sure someone does.
I would be pleased to add my two .
Dianne also, I bet.
Cestrum has a couple of pretties too.
It may be a bit slow at first , but once there are more babies flowering , we can see just how our Aussie bred group is looking.

Ok What about *The Aussie Brug babies* or similar

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