Homemade Canadian Bacon

Ozark, MO(Zone 6a)

I'm getting interested in curing and brining meats at home. Last month we bought a beef brisket, divided it into three pieces, and soaked it in brine and spices for a week to make corned beef. We ate one third fresh with cabbage a couple of weeks ago, and more recently thawed the second third and had it with homemade sauerkraut. That's GOOD corned beef, the best we've ever tasted - and since I omitted the saltpeter I think maybe it's healthier for us though not bright pink!

Today I started soaking in brine a four-pound center-cut boneless pork loin. It'll soak for about three days, then we'll rinse and soak the salt out of it and slice it into Canadian bacon. I followed this recipe exactly, except I added a little sage and thyme to the brine:


That pork loin has a WHOLE lot less fat than the pork belly meat that bacon is usually made from. Also, since I'm avoiding some of the tricks used in making cured meats for the supermarkets (water injected under pressure, various chemicals added) I think the quality will be better with meats we cure ourselves. AND, there's a substantial cost savings. We bought the beef brisket last month for $3.49 a pound, but corned beef at the same market was $7.99 a pound. The pork loin was $2.49 a lb., and good-quality bacon at the same store is $6.89. Is anybody else here curing their own meats? Not being able to grow a garden this time of year, I'm having fun with this.

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