Somebody answered the door and let winter in!!!

Waddy, KY

We came from here

OK, I'm trying the new thread.

Cold and blowing. I'm trying to start some of the taxes. All of a sudden DH has decided the I need to get started.

snowing cold and we are all inside.
doing my daylily homework, trying to see which ones i want this year . I can't find a purple one. :( the ones i wanted are all sold out. So it seems that purple daylily's are the rage this year ??? oh well.
canceled a hosta order . i just can't seem to pay $$$ for Proven Winner plants. i m cheap :)

Louisville, KY

Cold is the word here. I walk dogs at the humane Society for 3 hours today. I can imagine chasing calves in this weather.

mooooooo :)

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Yeah, the heat has kicked on more today, so I know it's colder outside. 23 at the moment. I woke up with a sore throat this AM so just went back to bed.

I only saw one movie over Christmas break (English version of the Girl with the Dragon Tattoo). However good it was, you can't say it's a very uplifting movie. So I want to see something like We Bought A Zoo this week. Along with finding new fireplace screen, getting firepace wall painted, firebox painted, etc.

Purple daylilies, Sue? What ones are you looking for?

Hi, Bonnie. How is Florida?

Thanks for new thread, Janet!


Waddy, KY

Sue, look at some of Curt Hanson's purples. Nosferatu, Beyond Thunderdome, Troubled Sleep, there's a bunch more I can't think of right now. I have quite a few of his and I know Juli had a bunch because I got some from her a few years ago. They're totally cold hardy.

Back to work today. I've certainly enjoyed the time off. Wouldn't hurt my feelings if I could have some more. Paid of course. And since that's not going to happen I guess I'll get my sorry butt moving.

Pat, I hope you get to feeling better. Sore throats are the pits. Shoot, anytime you don't feel good it's the pits.

Got to go to the dentis this morning. Already starting out the new year spending money....

Columbus, OH

Truly purple daylilies, especially if they're spidery, might encourage me to grow some, lol.

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, it is sunny, but looks like we brought the cold weather with us. The day we arrived it was 78, today it is going to be in the mid 50's. But a warming trend is in store for the weekend, Just getting settled, went to the grocery, and sort of scouting out the neighborhood to become familiar with what is here.

I will try to keep up on a daily basis.

New Madison, OH(Zone 5a)

Good morning! Thanks Janet for the new thread!
Cold here too...was 17 when I got up!
But the sun is out now...hoping it stays out!
I better get busy at something!!

THe supplier i get mine from is all sold out. I do kick myself for not getting this order in earlier as i know they sell out by Jan. :(
i was looking for Strutters Ball and or Bela lugosi
Pat sure hope the throat feels better soon. i still have my cold hanging on and its annoying ! enough snot already ! sheesh. LOL
weather is cold !! a high of 18 at our house brrrrr. have to get some orders out to the post office.
we are still hoping for a refi to come in. we didn't make the original price the bank wanted us at with the appraisal, so we told them we are building a barn . We hope that will raise the appraisal back up . we are only short a few thousand !

Waddy, KY

Sue, how much Strutter's Ball do you need? Maybe we can work something out.

Waddy, KY

Major find yesterday! Got chocolate chips at Kroger for 75 cents and walnuts for $3 a pound. Got around 150 packages of chips and all the walnuts they had. Hopefully that should get me through the market season. Gotta save wherever I can. Now if I could just catch canning jars half price!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Wow! on the chips and nuts, Janet. I went to the grocery yesterday evening & was wondering when and if the nuts were ever going to come down in price. They're still at the pre-Xmas price. Any other red and green was being demolished to make way for I don't know what. No Easter lilies yet. I bet a nickel that there will be summer lawn furniture in there the next time I go, LOL.

I spray painted the firebox last night with high-temp grill paint. The nice friend of Josh's who can't find work came over to put the primer on the fireplace wall today. Then the stone dude called to ask if they could come over and lay the hearthstone today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's really happening!

Louisville, KY

ky daylily.

Where is your Market ? Is it a farmers market?

hooray Pat . we need pics too please :)
not much going on here
we are trading in our new bed for another one LOL this one is to soft ... LOL so we traded for a firmer one.
i mean i really smoosh down in this one.
sunny here but cold
went walking in our woods and found some other hunters are setting up blinds ect... don't know how and where are property ends so i m thinking that its not ours ? but one guy had a night camera attached to a tree.... gosh i hope it wasn't on ? or he will see a person waving into it ROFLLL

Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Good morning, sunny and bright this morning, with temps suppposed to be in the high 70's. We are going to the beach today, one that allows pets, The ones closest to us are not pet friendly. Hoping to do some shelling. Settled in right well, and trying to establish a routine. It is hard to do in a strange place. Yesterday we had found a dog park and took the dogs there. There are strict leash laws everywhere, and they were glad to finally be able to be off leash and romp around.

Hope everyone is well. Pat, can';t wait to see pictures of your fireplace. First thing here while unpacking, dropped my camera in the dog water bowl. It is functioning, but with some quirks. Hope it is allright. Will take it today and see if I can get it to work.

Columbus, OH

That sounds like something I'd do...

here is a post from Cookie. She has been busy with her dad. She said it was ok to post what is going on. I just thought you all would want to know and send her some healing prayers and well wishes.
On Friday, the 30th, I'm hooked up to the plasma machine, and my Dad calls me...he's crying so hard I can't understand him. I finally get him calmed down enough to tell me that he has fallen and busted his lip. He's on coumadin, remember. I call the clinic and they call the medics. I can't get a hold of Bill for 15 minutes after I got the call to go over there to be with him until I could get there. I finally do, and when I get there, they have him loaded up in the ambulance and they're heading to emergency. I don't know why I thought the end of 2011 would be any better than the rest of it! We were there from 2:00 until 8:00. He got 14 stitches (7 inside and 7 outside). He broke his top dentures. He has a cut eye and a bruised chin. He's sore all over. I had already planned to have him spend the night on New Years Eve, but I just brought him home with me and kept him here.

I started questioning him and he thinks he passed out. (Blood test showed another UTI) and he doesn't know how long he layed on the floor. So I've decided (with Bill's blessings) to keep him with me for January, and if everything works out, he'll move in full time with us.

Columbus, OH

You're a good daughter, not many adult children would do that. It is my anecdotal observation that UTI's are very hard on older folks. My mother got one and ended up in the hospital for days, but it is how they found her HBP before she had a stroke. I tried to get my mother to move in here, or buy her the house next door, but she wouldn't consider it.

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

I'm in agreement abt the UTI factor. Also, I learned when I worked in the Recovery Room that a full bladder can make people very restless. Most patients get a fair amount of fluid during surgery (or in Labor & Delivery), & the easiest cure for agitation was often a bedpan.

OK, here's some photos of the fireplace.

Here's the structure underneath the drywall so I can hang pictures at lots of different levels.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

The drywall is up in this one. Plus the floating mantle.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

The firebox has been painted.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

The firebox paint was still a bit dusty, so we put up some gift wrap on the firebox so we could get the primer on the drywall. Plus it kept Zoey from wandering around in there & getting her paws dirty.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Here's a bit of detail on how the mantle is secured.

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

And here's the almost finished product at the moment. They finished laying the granite yesterday, & today they put the grout in. Monday they'll come & put the sealer on it. I hope you can see that the granite is pretty attractive. I'm afraid my picture may make it look like the black hole of Calcutta!

Thumbnail by goshsmom
Pleasureville, KY(Zone 6a)

Very attractive Pat.

We are off to the grocery store and doing a little retail therapy. There is a Bealls Store just up the road and they are having a sale.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Hi, just dropped in a bit. So glad the weather is nice! I am planning on adding more plants and doing some winter projects.

Has anyone made a barn quilt? I love traveling and seeing those down the roads.


Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

We are the center of barn quilts.
A couple were OK, now they are everywhere. Multiples in one yard.
People even putting up spotlights on them.
My neighbor says people drive right in the yard to take pictures. One lady wanted him to move his combine because it would screw up her picture.

There will be none on our place.

Yikes on the Barn quilt thing.
We are getting ours up and should be done by next week. ! so excited
are you all sure this is January ???? its 50 out and sunny .... my plants are confused ? and so am i but i always am confused considering LOL

Thumbnail by
Barberton, OH

Pat, I got the Dragon Tattoo trilogy from Netflix and thoroughly enjoyed them. I don't think Hollywood will remake the other 2, not enough sex.
Isn't this weather great? I am seeing ground that has been under water for over a month. Snow drops are showing white. in the front yard. Been cleaning up the edges of the property the last 2 days, cutting, chipping and burning. Think I will skip the gym tomorrow, I"m too sore. But it's a good sore. I modified a suet feeder to keep starling starving. Herman

Thumbnail by salix_man
Lewisville, MN(Zone 4a)

Ohio is white & MN is brown, amazing!

Cincinnati, OH(Zone 6a)

Herman, LOL abt the sex in Dragon Tattoo. Gross! To me, the sexiest scene in any movie is Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr dancing in the King and I.

Sue, looks like your contractor has a good start on the barn. Just don't let him start and then disappear, like my first fireplace guys did!

I liked the barn quilts that they did here in Ohio for the state bicentennial. Is everyone painting them now? My barn experience is pretty limited these days.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

I am trying to research the best products to use to make a barn quilt. Also different sizes are important too. One lady said she used barn paint from Rural King for durablity. Another said chose a simple pattern with 2 colors work best.

This weather has been unseasonable warm. I am glad because I know the cold and snow will be here soon. So I am enjoying every day of it.


Waddy, KY

Those barn quilts are pretty but around here a lot of them should be investing in some good poplar siding before they hang a quilt on the barn. That and rehanging their barn doors!

Wanted to get my blackberries pruned out yesterday since it was so pretty but I guess the man upstairs had other plans. I no more than got started and the older gentleman that helped us work on the house in it's early remodel stages pulled in the drive. I ended up spending the next 2.5 hours showing him the house and standing around talking. Oh well, it was a nice visit.

Still making salsa. I was going to make some strawberry jalapeno jelly this morning but didn't pay attention to the recipe. The peppers needed to be seeded and I didn't. Well, back to Save-a-lot for more peppers sometime today.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ to all!

Barberton, OH

Bernie, that pic was taken last Thur. Since then the temps have been in the 40's. Looks more green than brown. I'm taking advantage of the early "January Thaw."

Waddy, KY

My brother plowed my garden today! Guess I'd better get my seed order in the mail.

Lewisburg, KY(Zone 6a)

Janet, do you plant your dl seeds directly in the soil? Any in pots?

Waddy, KY

Sorry Teresa, I don't do any seeds at all. But I do know Kirchhoff and Morss plant their directly in the ground. So do Rices.

I wish I had a high tunnel. I'd get some early lettuce and other stuff in the ground. If wishes were fishes...

Louisville, KY

I have been thinkin of direct sowing some lettuce too.

Waddy, KY

Apparently everybody's pretty busy here. Didn't get much done around here last night. DD wanted me to go with her to get an outfit for an interview she has coming up. Found a nice pair of slacks and a top that should do it.

Raining here this morning. At least it's not snow. My tomato seeds came in the mail yesterday. Sure can put a lot of tomato seeds in a little bitty package. I'll have to get my notebook out to see when I started the first flat last year.

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