January Pictures and Chit Chat

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)


Well, I saw this on YouTube a while ago and meant to try it for the longest. Last night, I couldn't sleep, had a S. pusilla and a burnt out light bulb...

It's a real easy and fun project. Took me about fifteen minutes to prep the bulb and another ten to plant and clean up. And that was my first attempt...

Here's what it looks like:

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

That's so cute!! Just how did you do it!!


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

This is what made me try it:


It's much easier than it looks like! :)

Sanbornton, NH

Happy New Year, Olaf!! Very cool project!


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks everyone! :)

(Lynn) Omaha, NE(Zone 5a)

Really cute.Happy New Year!


MSU, MS(Zone 8a)

Great idea! I have to try that:)


Montgomery, AL

I ditto everyones comments on the neatness of your video project Olaf. That makes a very inexpensive terrarium.
I'm taking inventory of my plants that survived the holiday season. Some have bloomed (probably hoping to set seed before they die!)
Sinningia 'Flair' - thanks to Olaf for sharing

Thumbnail by jamiew
Montgomery, AL

Sinningia Speciosa - again, thanks to Olaf for the seeds.

Thumbnail by jamiew
Montgomery, AL

Gesneria 'Cardinal's Flight' - very, very thirsty plant

Thumbnail by jamiew
South, TX

Cute light bulb planter. We have been stocking UP on the good light bulbs since the govt. wants us to have the toxic ones! YIKES> fazing out the good bulbs.

Lovely photos!!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Wow, Jamie! That Gesneria is wonderful! :)

Many Gesnerias can not ever allowed to dry out or they'll die very quickly. That and the fact that propagation of some of the hybrids is slow and difficult is the reason why they are not seen more often.

I will definitely have to try G. cuneifolia this year. From what others tell me, it's relatively easy except for the fact that it wants it WET at all times...

Seymour, IN(Zone 5b)

I can see a few hanging light bulbs on my light stand. Take up no space on the shelves, look good in macrame hangers (invisible or of crocet thread), and a real conversation starter. Thanks Olaf!!!!! Lou

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

You're welcome, Lou!

Hanging those on the edges of the shelf was what I had in mind...

Well, and they should make pretty cool gifts. If you plug the hole with a cork or something, they should run maintenance free for quite some time.


Oh, btw, sallysblooms: There are Mercury and toxin free fluorescent light bulbs on the market (after European standards, where the same discussion took place over 10 years ago...). Just like with any other fluorescent light, it's always a good thing to check the label for Mercury and other toxins, since even some of the traditional fluorescent lights are pretty full of that stuff as well...

Montgomery, AL

Olaf, is 'Cardinal's Flight' a cuneifolia? It was just labeled G. 'Cardinal's Flight'. Can it be propagated by tip cuttings? It seems to be doing very well in the middle of my lowest shelf, wet. Will it set seed? If so, I'll try putting some down for the Spring RR.

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Jamie, the correct name for the hybrid would be G. 'Ako Cardinal Flight'. I wouldn't be surprised if G. cuneifolia was involved but I really don't know. I will ask on gphiles if my research doesn't turn up anything...

Here's a picture of Arleen Dewell's plant from the Convention 2010:


I also have no idea if or how well tip cuttings work. Will try to find out.

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Olaf, what a great idea. Your bulb came out looking fantastic!
Jaime, love all your blooms. What a great way to start the year.
Olaf, question for you, since you are a seed expert. How long does it take for sinningia seeds to germinate? I sowed the seeds you sent and so far, I keep checking every day for signs of green. I hope it's quick. LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Hey Eileen!

Sinningia seed takes anywhere from a few days from a few months but in general, germination should occur between one and three weeks after sowing. :)


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Jamie: Seems like the parentage of G. 'Ako Cardinal Flight' is unknown... :(

Palm Bay, FL(Zone 9b)

Thanks Olaf. It's been just 10 days, so I will be very patient. But they better hurry up. LOL

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Kohleria 'Peppermint'. Almost...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Pods on Sinningia cardinalis. The left one is a selfing, the right one is a result of pollination with pollen of S. eumorpha "Saltao"...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

Great picture everyone!

Olaf,good luck with your cross,did I ever tell you my real name was seedsower? hint,hint ^_^

Noid episcia...

Thumbnail by jannich
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks Jan!

The sheer size of that pod suggests that there are PLENTY of seeds inside and I will never be able to sow them all... ;)


Andalusia, AL(Zone 8b)

is happy growing in the homemade self watering bottle.


Thumbnail by jannich
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

COOL! This is genius!!! I love all recycling projects and this one is just very, very cool!!!

Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'Gabriel's Horn Mutant'. Another almost...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia eumorpha "Saltao". Throat closeup.

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia bullata. Buds coming along slowly bud steadily...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia pusilla. Flower after flower...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Sinningia 'Wood Nymph'. Normal, 5-petaled flower on the left and 6-petaled flower on the right.

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Achimenes erecta 'Tiny Red'. Still at it and making flower after flower and seed pod after seed pod... :)

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Sanbornton, NH

Hi Jan,

I am fascinated by your recycling of the old soda bottles. Forgive me if you have explained it before, but please telol me how it is done. Is there a wick in the cap end of the bottle? Thanks in advance.


Northeast, MO(Zone 5b)

Great pics to start January with :) Sister Jan...good to see you posting again LOL!! I make those pop bottle pots too but I remove my lids and pack the mix in the neck of the bottle. I am growing a few different Hoya and other plants in them. Wasn't sure about gessies. Good to know, Sis :) Earle, I was directed to this site for mine but not sure how Jan does it. http://toppertwo.tripod.com/pop_bottle_pots.htm


Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Thanks for the link, Connie!

That's essentially a low budget, do-it-yourself Oyama pot. So very, very cool!

I need to try this ASAP!!!


Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

Blue Blazes...mini

Thumbnail by meag848
Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

Wranglers Winter Hawk

Thumbnail by meag848
Chicago, IL(Zone 6a)

Wow, Melanie!

'Blue Blazes' is AWESOME!!!

I had to go ahead and tried the pop-bottle-self-watering-pot project...

The plant is O/T but I thought that I would choose an ever thirsty plant like this variegated Hibiscus as a Guinea pig...

Thumbnail by bsimpson1972
Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

Here is a planter that Jan told me how to make at the 2010 convention. I still use them with good results. Thanks Jan!!

Thumbnail by meag848
Kittrell, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks Olaf, Blue Blazes is such a sweetie!! I'll always have one now!!

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