CLOSED: Longing for Spring, January Chat

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

awwww. such cute babies! Gosh Joy, just hope u didn't sprain anything.
will feel like spring tommorrow, too bad I have to be inside working..
stictocardia thinks it is Summer..

Thumbnail by joeswife
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Cagney and Lacy? I want a baby goat. You think my neighbors would notice? Feel better Joy

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I want a baby goat too. Right now I could put hay in my foyer and let them roam the house and no one would notice. :0) Feel better Joy. I always fall when I am hurrying around.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

the last baby goat looks like a daisey to me.. Daisey and Duke.. LOL
she sure looks like she is bumbling along... cutie pie.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Those are cute names.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

I have missed you - been fiddling with my sick computer for a few days and have quite a bit of catching up to do.

Joy I love the goats and Bows is so sweet. Take good care of yourself so you can get back out there to take care of all your kids.

Froot - I have started collecting salvias too. And have loved the agastaches since I first started them from seed here in 2009. The "tutti fruitti" you gave me is my favorite so far because it's pink. I babied it all summer. You also gave me a start of the blue fortune which is my favorite blue of all of the blues so far. there's also the golden jubilee which I just love for the foliage. The one I started from seed was supposed to be the 'Black Adder' x, but I'm confused because I have read it was supposed to be sterile and not set seeds (!) so what kind of seed I collected from the 'Black Adder' I have no idea. I think whatever it is/was reverted to the giant hyssop or Agastache foeniculum. What do I know?! -sigh- Just that I love 'em. Some major flower/horticulture magazine (can't remember which one just now) on it's cover this past summer said that Agastache was the perfect perennial. I agree!

O and Froot - silly but I could always use more zinnias if you have extra seed. The butterflies love 'em.

My eyes are tired so I must depart. Check you all tomorrow -it's Friday for goodness sake! Make the most of it. ;)


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey A. If Fruity doesn't have any zinnia seed, I do. All different colors. Just let me know.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey P:

I only go out of my way to have these 2 after having tried many many many: Burpee pink 'Enchantress' and Burpee yellow 'Canary' (think that's the color).

NOW after this year and Max's memory garden, the white 'Purity' from Weeks Seed Co. were SO awesome it will be added to the list of must haves. Collected seed heads but haven't touched them yet to inspect for seed. I also sowed a packet of what was called 'Oklahoma' which was an old packet from 2006 or earlier. Only one survived but it was something Court called an "old fashioned" pink. I collected and saved those seed heads too. It was short- not more than a foot high, but I do love my pinks. And yellows. And purples. I tried Burpee's royal purple and green varieties, but was disappointed with the colors. So I don't go for them anymore.

My company Metrolina Greenhouses puts out some really swell colors in late spring/early summer, but I am either too busy or too poor to purchase when they are readily available.

I am a flower girl after all. Tempt me. But read my have lists to see if there's anything I can offer in return. Thanks. :D


(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

quote" I am either too busy or too poor to purchase when they are readily available."

echo that!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

same here. I took my mom shopping today at Big Lots (Pic n Save) and they had all kinds of packages of bulbs for three dollars and potting soil and gardening tools... and not a dime in my pocket. Could have cried. Watch, as soon as I have cash I won't be able to find anything.

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Well again I am trying to not purchase anything more until I get all these plants I am overwintering in pots in homes of their owns. Heavens. Then when I am done, it should be fall and I can find some good bargins and overwinter those...rofl.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

So far the only confirmed flowers I plan to grow will be Anise Hyssop and some other Agastaches. I'm thinking more of simple herbs and then some vegetables. I have Armenian Cucumber seeds to grow for Dad so he can once again enjoy the flavor of cucumbers without the, um, results. I also bought burpless cucumber seeds as well. Planning on eggplant and peppers, not sure which ones though.

I'm going through the catalogs I've received right now while playing laser chase with the kitties. I've found that giving my boy kitty catnip encourages him to play and chase the pointer. He needs the exercise.

Question to cat owners: Does anyone have picky cats when it comes to the 'nip' that is store bought? If so, you might want to look through it. I bought three brands and they have rejected all but one. I noticed the two they rejected had weed seed and Kong had very pointy, pokey, pieces. The one they love has zero weed seed.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

Well I found you all chatting without me :( I am so bored of movies today got to looking over the forums & well i found you all :)
Cute Kids Joy :) HEHE

Can hardly believe this this weather yesterday it was 54* today about 40* No rain or snow so nice out wish i could play in the garden .
I have been making list of plants I Would like to fine .
wish i could show the pictures of what i want so you would know if you have them or not , many of my plants i do not know the name of them unless i see a picture of them with their name s :)
post a list of your wishes if i have i will be happy to share with you in spring ..

Anemone hupehensis 'Susan'
Arisaema consanguineum ‘Silver Center’
Corydalis solida
Cyclamen hederifolium 'Sweetheart Flame
Epimedium 'Creeping Yellow'

susan i have a few coneflowers i can share with you come spring I Have

ECH: sunrise, sunset, dbl delight, hot papaya, & white swan.
should we maybe start a a thread for a few wants & have :) for a spring swap ????
brother is bring my super out soon so will be back later

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Awhh, Susie wish I was there to entertain you, course after I was there for awhile you would be ready to send me on my way...LOL

Pretty nice here today for Jan. I went out and walked around, problem! I have a rose bush budding out! It is on the west side of the house but dang wasn't expecting that! Goodness. Another still has green leaves, guess I know where the micro climate is. What a shocker.

I am ready for spring, still need to catch the house up, but gosh that is still not as fun as the garden.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

OH Happ I Would love to Have you visit :) I Would love any company I Could get :) all i have right now is A DOG & Cat & They Don't say nothing .till i open the cupboard with their food :(

has anyone found any good sales yet on perennials for spring ???? Jim Made some Tappioca Pudding & Brought it out to me so guess i better go eat it :) & get off here have a great evening .

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Oh that sounds great, Susie. TY for the offer! I'm pretty sure the Ech I bought late in the Season is Hot Payapa but let me check. I'll be glad to send you a box of plants in return. And I'm glad you found us and are starting to feel better.

DG needs a big bus we could rent, ride all over the Country picking up friends and touring each other's gardens. Now wouldn't that be fun?! Of all the techy gadgets out there, no one yet has developed a transporter like Neener suggested.....'Beam me up, Scotty'.

Edited to add: I started a list of wants with links at the top of the page. Point me to your post if you would like yours added. It could be a tool to work out private trades too as we wile away Winter. If any of you would like to start a new thread, that would be great too and I'll follow along.

This message was edited Jan 7, 2012 7:56 PM

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Happ-I checked your trade list and you don't have any wants. Isn't there anything you want? Come on now, dream and share with us. Susie isn't the only one bored. Robyn

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Fruity I had some Red Salvia seeds or I could send you a few plants now or in the spring. I have one that comes up everywhere. The plants would give you a head start.

Joy what cuuuuutttteeee babies...I want one too. :)

I had lost you all but you couldn't hide for long :)

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

GM to all looking out the window to a bright sunny day looks like spring NO Snow But only on the hillside :) was going through many of my New 2012 garden plant books from JUNG"S, BURGESS & many others but i would rather trade plants with others then to buy them.

i have better luck growing the ones from friends then when i order tiny plugs . well going to try to venture out today for i need some fresh air . wo't be gone long just to wal-mart & home . dad misses my cooking so off to get some face mask so i don't carry this over to him .
so you all have a great day will try to get back in later .


(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)


Striped Giant Reed
Arundo donax 'Variegata'

Hemerocallis 'Red Ribbons'


American Lily of the Valley
Convallaria majuscula

Louisiana Iris
Iris 'Black Gamecock'

Star of Bethlehem
Ornithogalum umbellatum

Black-Eyed Susan Vine (SEEDS)
Thunbergia alata
Italian Arum
Arum italicum

Mock Orange

Bird's Nest Snake Plant ( I THINK THIS IS WHAT I HAVE )
Sansevieria trifasciata 'Golden Hahnii'
Foeniculum vulgare

Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

We are going to hit 50's again next week and then hit single digits, that is not good. Looks like you all in western Texas might get nailed with LOTS of snow if these guys are right.

Oh, there are tons of plants I want rofl, and everytime someone mentions a plant I get the "I want". I am soooo far behind in planting and I have promised myself I would get those in the ground before I get any more. I am terrified I will lose these as it is and I would feel horrible..... I have been trying desperately to get my have list up to date so I know what I have in the garden and try to get them tagged, so my want list is ignored. Last year I can't tell you how many lilies I lost to mice. I had over wintered some the year before in pots and it worked great, then last year I guess with all the snow the mice got in the pots that were being overwintered and ate almost every pot of lily bulbs. I was just sick. So that is the promise to myself to get all the wonderful plants I have in pots planted before I get involved in more plants. Course that is easy now that there aren't any swaps going on, the test will be in the spring.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

evening all couple more nice days then its back to winter weather . guess it is time to fly south :) HEHE
Thought I Would share the Birdhouses that brother Jim is making for us & Our sale this spring :)
I 'm Going to paint one of these to see how it looks :) .
the top opens for easy cleaning .

off to watch the news back tomorrow :)

Thumbnail by deejay9
Frederick, MD(Zone 6b)

Heya! I know Sandy (ILJ99) chats with you all here, so I wanted to let you know her friend Chris (the one who is battling metastatic breast cancer in her liver) is in the hospital today. Sandy's wishing she could be with her, so they could both use your good thoughts & prayers. There's a support thread here so drop by if you can.

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thanks for letting us know, Jill. Gosh this is a sad time for so many of our friends.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

oh dear, I had hoped for better news.. hugs and prayers to Sandy during her time with Chris.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

OK this year was supposed to be better. What gives?

Victoria Harbour, ON

As I sit here looking out at the snow melting I'm right along epwith you all in thinking spring..of course listening to the weatherman has brought me back to reality..lots of time for planning

I am hosting the 2012 gathering for a lot of DG sistah's and am trying to go back. Time, seeing which months my gardens were flourishing so they can enjoy my pretties..don't do well with coneflowers but, will try a few again this year..

Got gift certificates for Christmas for the Garden Gallery, biggest nursery in the area..last year they had ground cover roses..that is what my $$$ will buy..ok maybe another mini mock orange and some garden art!

I don't feel as lonely for my gardens this year, little snow so much of the garden art left keeps me from wearing a frown..

Enjoyed the photo's both floral and the goats..when on the farm raised goats and know how much joy/laughter they bring...

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

I was able to see Chris today. hey are stopping Chris' chemo. The dr says it is harming her more than doing good. She told Chris her cancer is growing and it is starting to take a tole. They are giving her 2 units of blood in hopes it restores some energy. They are giving her fluids and she was more alert her son said even since this morning. She ate so very well. 2 vanilla pudding, some roast (a few bites) a few bites of turnip greens and mashed potatoes , some peaches and 3/4th of an Ice cream sandwich and 2 pieces of mounds candy :) That was Amazing. She still can't hold anything as she drops it. She is doing good. The liver is failing and hospice is being called to Brandy's house (she is a friend of the family) I have some more good news also but am tired. I had a terrible night. 1 hour sleep and alot of crying. I am doing better but not sure I feeling like typing it out.. The doctor said hospice can be rescinded if she gets a lot better as this could go one for a while...only God really knows.

I am excited for her and her family as she has more life to live atleast for now. :) Arrangements are taken care of for me to have a way bak and forth to see Chris. Brandy lives 50 miles away but I told her I may be camping out on her lawn. :) because I am in this for the long haul.

Love and Hugs to all

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

God Bless You, Sandy

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Thanks so much. Will rest some then go up today. :)

Victoria Harbour, ON

Sending prayers with those before me Sandy!

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

It was 77 here on Wednesday so I actually was moving some dirt around! Of course a cold front blew through (literally - no rain) and Thursday didn't get out of the 40s. Supposed to be a nice weekend though. Got into the low 60s today.

Fruity, the CC clump you sent me last fall was doing wonderfully until the squirrels found it. I was able to salvage one - ONE - paddle. It's regrowing itself out oh so slowly. I had to pick up another pink to cover the season this year. :) The red and the white plants have buds but they are taking their sweet time opening. Probably because I keep the house around 65?

Hope everyone is doing well. Anyone hear anything new from Sandy?

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I am busy organizing my indoor jungle. I replaced my plastic white shelving with white coated metal shelving. It has to be organized by the time we try to sell this place and also so I can fit my new orchid cactus cuttings on it. Mostly because of the last one.
I have three thanksgiving cactuses with berries forming. I nearly removed my niece's boyfriend's hand when he went to dead head what he thought was just a spent flower - it was a berry with a spent bloom.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Chris is holding her own.They are sending her to Brandi's (friend of the family) tomorrow. The pneumonia is clearing up but her blood pressure is low. They had her on lasix and her urine turned back to yellow. Since they can no longer give because bloop pressure too low it it has turned back to brown. :( She walks once a day and did yesterday and slept most of the rest of the day. She is in no pain and taking no pain meds. I thank God for that. I am spending many hours a day with her. Anywhere from 6 to 11. Her sons spend the nights and sometime during the days and Brandi is there mostly the whole day. Chris eats very well but yesterday slept a lot.

I have to run and shower and be on my way.

Love and Hugs to all,

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm keeping both of you in my thoughts. I'm so glad she's not in pain.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Me too, God Bless her.

Is it spring yet? I planted some tulips.. hope they come up.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Sandy thank you for stopping in. We love you girl and glad that Chris is in no pain and surrounded by love.

Debra, I was going to take advantage of our forecasted 70s tomorrow and plant some daffodil bulbs. I figure since the iris are already popping out of the ground, the daffodils will be just as happy. *shrug* I also have a couple of amaryllis bulbs I may as well plant. Going to keep them out front away from the squirrels..

Baytown, TX(Zone 9b)

Chris son told me tonight Chris may have 30 days. She will slowly and gradually sink into a coma and then it is a matter of time. She is so very tired and her eyes are closed but she hears us and talks to us. They discontinued the chemo as it was doing more harm than good. Her kidneys are starting to produce less and it is brown due to the liver. It is hard once I get home to think about and talk about. She is a very good friend and although I knew it was coming it doesn't hurt any less. I am so much richer for knowing and sharing her life. I will surely miss my buddy and the times we spent together.

She will be moved to Brandi's tomorrow and I will try to go atleast 4 days a spend time with her. She will be around 75 miles away so I will spend some nights there with her. He family is so good to me and include me in everything. I have grown to love them all in such a short time.

Got to get some sleep.

Love you all,

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

Debra, one of the honeysuckles you have me is making a return, just as we get snow.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Dear Sandy, I am blessed to have you share your fears of loss with us. I have lost somany people to cancer, and even tho my sister has been told she is cancer free, I know someday it might rear its ugly head. I felt so helpless with the ones I took care of as their lives spun away from me with Cancer, and I know you feel helpless to. Just think of the better place she will be at when you get to go see her.

well it thundered, lightening, but the rain passed us by. *sigh*

Ang, it will be okay, honeysuckles need cold to be more vigourous in the spring.

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