CLOSED: Longing for Spring, January Chat

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Pull up your favorite chair and stay cozy by the fire as we wile away the long gray days of Winter. What's everybody up to and which seeds, plants and bulbs would you like to try this year? And which ones did you try last year that for one reason or another didn't meet your expectations?

Everyone is welcome to join us! The more the merrier.

We came from here:

Wish lists:
deejay9 / Susie:

This message was edited Jan 7, 2012 7:18 PM

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Athens, PA

Debra - love your picture and you don't have to shave your legs when you wear that outfit...

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Thank ya'll for making me laugh reading about who wears make-up and doesn't, and who shaves their legs and for what occasions!

I'll go first about my disappointments last year. Sadly, my coneflowers came down with Asters Yellows virus and had to rip them out. Never had heard of the disease til somebody here on Dave's recognized the problem from a strange-looking bloom I posted. Late in the Season I found an orange one at Lowe's named Papaya or something like that on a clearance rack and will add more coneflowers this year. The pics of Creeping Zinnias looked good in catalogs, and I ordered a couple of different ones thinking they'd be good candidates to add to my hanging baskets, but only a handful germinated, maybe I did something wrong. Overall, I can't complain and did have a lot of beautiful blooms

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I'm starting out the new year with new additions - a bunch of orchid cactus cuttings!! My niece gave me an ebay card and I took advantage of end of the year sales. I am disappointed by one I bought though. The seller had a picture of an all red that looked like my nanas but it's actually pinkish purple.

(Ang) Bremerton, WA(Zone 8b)

I totally didn't see your question Debra. Long story short - a great guy (specifically my bf.) I sent you a dmail too.

This message was edited Jan 1, 2012 5:32 PM

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

My red one didn't bloom this year, Ang, but will be glad to start a cutting for you.

Athens, PA

Oh Sooze -

I had Asters Yellow 3 or 4 years ago and pulled out all my coneflowers and rudbeckias. I was sick, but I knew I had to do it. I started adding coneflowers in 2010 by seed and then last year, I added some plants. At the end of the gardening season, I was still doing ok - I am hoping this next year is even better with my coneflowers. I did find a Hot Papaya on the mercy shelf at Lowes for $3 and I spent a good part of the summer babying it. I am hopeful that it will be gorgeous in 2012.

Thumbnail by Carolyn22
(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

I also had to pull out all my cones, they were all diseased.. this year I hope to have more natives growing in my beds, and huge barrells filled with one of the same kind of flowering plants. (Joe wants me to put like all salvias or all gomphremas etc in some pots. ) I am hoping to get more arbors to line up and down the north fence, and that my crape myrtles and ros make it thru winter I planted this year.( on the new bare south fence)

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Is that Milkshake or another one? It's sad to think we have to start over, but it's OK in the greater scheme of things since I only want to grow healthy plants and eventually be able to share them.

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

me too ..... I really want a nice yard of prennials... I even lost my white swan.. but.. ws'ng with new seeds, and inside seed trays get set up next week..

Athens, PA

I think it is Meringue. I have both and there are some differences in the cone - Milkshake I believe is taller than Meringue.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

I think so too, Carolyn. I have Meringue and it is shorter. Don't have Milk Shake.

Cute picture over there, Debra. :-D)))

Just waving hello to ya'll.

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Kansas City (Joyce), MO(Zone 5a)

Debra, that is a great pic, gotta love college girl... ;)

Hard to remember last disappointments, still major disappointment with north garden, after 15 years it is still full of weeds and grass, just not getting rid of it. Think it is time to clean it completely and start over. Just need to make sure I keep some of the poppies my DM gave me.

Fruity, I have never heard of that cone flower problem, gosh it is amazing all the stuff I have learned from DG. Guess it is good but darn it is awful to lose flowers. My toppers cone flowers have gone crazy. I have gotten a couple that look like mums they had so many petals. I think I harvested some seeds but I am not good at it, in fact I need to figure out where they are.... won't have that problem this year cause one of the swaps I recvd a great seed box, which I really needed...

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Heck I would be happy if I could get coneflowers to stay alive. Didn't know about that problem either but I don't think that is mine, can't find what they like. Really frustrating.

Ang, you know I have that huge scarlet holiday cactus that is 10 or 15 years old. Need to repot it after it is done blooming this year and I know I will be knocking off arms. Let me know if you want some.

Will be 30 tonight, then 65 tomorrow. Get tired of covering and uncovering my herbs. I know, quit complaining, you guys have got it tougher. Blonde funny, I was freezing my you know what off today in the house, grousing about menopause, and DH walks over to the thermostat and says, "Gee, you never turned it on heat, it is 61 in the house." Sigh.

Here is one of the kids before the paint even dried on her. She is the one with crooked legs, her brother is to her right.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

She is so cute. She's going to be beautiful. I think she knows it too, look at her expression. LOL

Athens, PA

She is adorable! I agree with Robyn though - she has the same look that my persian cat has on her face - but then she is the Princess!

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

I can't keep up with you all right now.. :0) I'll just hang out. Joy it's that time of year already??

Debra that is too funny. You made my day. I loved Wonder Woman. Where did college girl get that? I need one.

Demolition on my kitchen starts tomorrow. Anyone have any extra Xanax they can share?

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

i got it but i ain't sharin. :P

froot mine were diseased also. spread by leafhoppers supposedly. can you avoid by planting far apart?

Athens, PA

My understanding is that leaf hoppers are more prevalent in weedy areas.

We had a vacant house/lot in back of us at the time. I don't know if there is anything to this or if it is just coincidental. One of the things that bothered me was I had no coneflowers to leave for the birds that winter :(

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

I know what you mean, Carolyn. I didn't collect seeds this year unless someone asked for particular ones and left the rest for the birds or to reseed on their own. A neighbor surprised me with a wooden seed platform for Christmas he made and has walls that look like a church, and he included a seed "bell" I thought was an especially nice touch. He only has one arm and it never ceases to amaze me what he's able to do and craft.

It would be easy for me to plant Cones far apart, Manda. My mistake, or one of many, was clumping several together thinking I'd have a 'show'..... and I did last June before they were history, live and learn. You'd never know from the pic there's a stone pathway to the left of the solar light.

Ya'll know how much I love Agastaches. Haven't seen any new ones yet I don't have, but that could change with the next Next I want to add more Salvias. May Night is well-established. Black & Blue was new last year, only a small plug though, and hope it survives the Winter. I'd really like to have a red and pink ones that are perennials. If any of you have suggestions, let me know and I'll go on a search.

There's a new-to-me Zinnia in Jung's catalog called "Swirls" that looks intriguing with 4" diameter bi-colored blooms. I don't need 100 seeds though. If I order a pack, would anybody else like to try them?

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

That picture is beautiful. All those colors together are amazing. When does spring get here?

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Is it spring yet? I am freezing my tai tai's off.

I have alot of zinnia seeds, we took them in arkansas from the dried dead heads. they were huge ones to.

Joy, your babys are so dang cute. I wish I had a farm.
dang it.

I have no clue where she got that WW thing, but my little sister sure looked cute in it this weekend while she was here.

I walked around the yard this weekend, and decided I like it better downstairs in the jungle better. Sticto cardia is about to bloom. can't wait!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Good for you, Debra. It seems like I've been waiting forever to see my night-blooming Cereus bloom. We have a toasty fire going in the wood stove and your tai tai's would be thawed out in no

Robyn, Thanks for your compliment. That pic was taken the last week of June. Our last frost date traditionally is around the middle of May. Which means we're basically cooped up for six months and the other six are hey days I enjoy being outside. Houseplants are helping my sanity til Spring.

FLOYD, VA(Zone 6a)

Frootz that picture made my day. Positively gorgeous! Getting ready to gather some kindling for a fire since I will be cooking over a campfire tonight :0)

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

aww neener....... hay sounds fun, a campfire? and Fruity I agree with everyone, your garden shot rocks our world.

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

For sure. ^_^

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Fruity your garden pictures always look so lovely. There's been plenty of rain so far this fall/winter so we're hoping for a good appearance of wildflowers in the spring! I'm thinking I want to throw more seeds in the backyard since I'd rather see flowers than the weeds we have now!

Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b) your pix, wow your bed is so full of vibrant blooms. I look outside and only see snow at the moment, yuck, not really but I'd rather have blooms . lol. Last fall I picked up some new agastaches 1) cana Sonoran Sunset, 15"^x12-15">; 2) X Ava, 4-5'^x 24">. I also have blue fortune. Remember I have a trade for you this spring......Some of the Salvias I have if interested: s. gigantia or guarantica, 30-36", blue, June- July, s. nemerosa (supurba), Rose Queen, Blue Queen and White Queen, 28", mine bloom all season if deadheaded. I think I have something else out there also but can't think what it might be, lol. Last fall also got s. azurea Pitcheri 'Nekan', 4', late summer, sure hope it makes it, if so will have some seed next fall. Kathy.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Joy ....... I am laughing out LOUD at the mental picture of you in my head while reading your post from New Years Eve Day. ^_^ And I'm with you ..... my first attempt at coneflowers was a wipeout

I will be anxious to see what has survived the summer of 2011. With the 115* heat and extravagant electric bills!!!!!, it wasn't fun. I know I lost a lot of plants and flowers. Will see if anything comes back in the spring.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh Joy ....... I am laughing out LOUD at the mental picture of you in my head while reading your post from New Years Eve Day. ^_^ And I'm with you ..... my first attempt at coneflowers was a wipeout

I will be anxious to see what has survived the summer of 2011. With the 115* heat and extravagant electric bills!!!!!, it wasn't fun. I know I lost a lot of plants and flowers. Will see if anything comes back in the spring.

If anyone is interested in a January swap that hasn't already joined, check out the Sock, sniff and sip swap. Sign ups until January 15 with mail outs by January 31.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Love the pic of your flower bed Fruit!!!!! Someday......

Hey, took the crippled girl to Texas A&M today, Evan got me in to see one of the vets he works for. Here she is, all repaired. Hopefully she will be out of the splints in a week or two. She is back with Momma who was glad to get her back.

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

And this is what I came home to today after the trip to the college.

Oh, the little girl in splints is now named Bows (for her bowed legs)

Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

What a brave little girl, Joy. Remind me again when Evan graduates.

Thanks for the compliments, Ladies. Going on three years now, that bed pretty much takes care of itself with Daylilies as the 'backbone' and is mulched so thankfully there's very little weeding. We do have some kind of running wirey grass that sneaks in in spots and drives me crazy, never can get all the roots / rhizomes or whatever they're called ripped out. Somebody besides me keep the pics coming.

Kathy, you jogged my memory and forgot I have Blue Fortune from a trade or swap. I'm definitely interested in Rose Queen and White Queen. Spring will be here before we know it, I How much snow do you have? At least you have some 'insulation' on your gardens. Your prairie shots are always so pretty.

Thumbnail by FruitOfTheVine
Kiowa, CO(Zone 5b)

Fruit.. the rose queen at my daughter's hse. needs dividing this spring so there ya are, new My white also needs division. Only have one but will be split into several plants. Still have several inches of snow left from my 12" a week or so ago. Been warm here the last few days, 'spose to be 60 for a few days. In Denver was 56ish, but I'm 40 miles south and east, also higher ground. We had what they call a mountain cloud, sat over us all day, just one BIG cloud. To the west I could see the mts., clear on the far horizon to the east and south, weird huh? New weather report said we should get more sun tomorow, sure hope so as was only 36* here today.
Need to get my pix transferred to this puter so I can post again. Actually I ready for some new ones, lol. Will try to do a better job of such this coming season, seems like after the first month or so I get busy and forget or I get that nasty H stuff and pix are too sad to show! Kathy. And Fruit...don't let me forget, 'k?

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I love the name Bows. She is beautiful.
Fruit-your cat is beautiful too.

(Carey) Austin, TX(Zone 8b)

Some of my plants are evidently very confused by the weather here. Some of the iris bulbs I put in the ground a few months ago started popping out of the ground this week.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

It makes sense that the plants are confussed since this weather is confussing to us. At least the weather here has been consistent the last week. Before this it would be warm and beautiful one minute and cold and wet the next. We never leave the house with less that three layers of clothes.

(Joy) Hempstead, TX(Zone 8b)

Neener, Judy kidded yesterday! She is my best doe, had twin girls, and both are big and healthy. Just need someone to help bottle feed them. Judy is so full of milk they can't get hold. Such is the life of a dairy goat. Here is the black one. Definitely will need names for these two.

I took a fall up there right after I took this, so I am headed to the medicine cabinet then to the couch for the evening. Ouch.


Thumbnail by rouxcrew
Athens, PA

So cute, Joy. Feel better soon!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

On my drive to Mickey's grooming appt last week, I noticed several Forsythia bushes blooming. Crazy since they traditionally bloom here around Easter. Bet they were shocked with the cold temps we're had this week though and will be even more confused with roller coaster temps going from the high 30's today, to 40's tomorrow and pushing 60 on Friday.

This isn't very original, Joy, and don't know if you've ever named a goat after a cat breed, but that little girl looks like Calico might be a possibility. Hope your boo-boo wasn't too bad.

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