Walmart's in my good graces again

Deer River, MN(Zone 3b)

After boycotting Walmart for quite a few years because I didn't like the way they were managing their live animals, I finally relented and started shopping there again after they quit selling live animals. Then last night, Walmart dug me out of my last minuteChristmas shopping hole with a very impressive performance. I have an 8 yr old niece who I just found out yesterday enjoys jigsaw puzzles, but only if they have cats and dogs in them. Well, I've got thousands of pics of my cats and dogs on my computer, so I thought, "Hmm. I wonder how long it would take to have a custom photo jigsaw puzzle made?" So I shopped around online yesterday and found that Walmart could do the job for the cheapest price. I spent several hours making a photo collage of all of my cats and then uploaded the finished collage to and placed my order for the photo jigsaw puzzle at 7:21 pm last night. When I booted up my computer this morning, there was an email from Walmart stating that they had ALREADY SHIPPED the puzzle! Good grief! Those Walmart elves are working 'round the clock! I might have expected them to ship out an order with regular merchandise that quickly, but I never expected such quick turnaround on a custom order. I hate to admit it, but Walmart, I'm impressed!

My young niece will enjoy seeing pics of all of her feline cousins come into view as she puts together this puzzle. I hope she's half as excited to receive it as I was to make it for her.

Oh, and I received another wonderful surprise this morning. Some anonymous soul renewed my Dave's Garden membership, and I have no idea who. It may have been one of my family members (in which case I'm sure to find out who on Christmas morning), but I suspect that it was one of my friends here at DG. If you're out there, my dearest Secret Santa, thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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