Wanted Corkscrew vine seed

Mulberry, FL

Hi this is the fragrant one. I have fresh Brug seed plumeria, 4 o"clock seeds , yellow canary bird vine seed, Double blue pea vine seeds , lions tails seeds, mixed cleomes seeds few different sunflower thanks...Dana

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I've been trying to find these too. Check ebay. I got outbid last week so I ordered other seeds but I saw yesturday that they have another auction up. Good luck. Robyn

Mulberry, FL

Thanks but ebay is not trust worthy of these I bought these last year and what I got was flower seeds then the snail vine seeds look just it too there not fragrant

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I wondered about that. I went ahead and bought yellow ones. I was thinking about planting the chocolate corkscrew later. Burpee has them but they are on the expensive side. At least with them you get a guaraten. Good luck.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Dana, I have Corkscrew Vine seeds .. I checked out your have list and am interested in your Sea Hibiscus if they are Talipariti tiliaceum. Do you know the cultivar you have? Perhaps a picture of the plant and flower?


Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

X- beautiful picture. How do you have luck with getting them to seed. I've read so many remarks about how people tore them out because they couldn't stand the ants. I don't think too many people know that they need the ants to seed. Do you put it somewhere away from people areas? Again, beautiful picture.

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Ants don't pollinate the Corkscrew Vine - that's a misconception .. ants hang around them because of EFN's, extra floral nectaries and act as protectors of the plant. I know this first hand as I hand pollinate mine and have ant's swarm over my hands while doing this. I usually get one pod out of every 5 attempts. Hand pollination is not easy either .. you have to pull the petals apart in a very specific way to expose the anthers and pistils.

Thumbnail by Xeramtheum
Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

X, mine set seed pods this year but they fell off the vine before they fully developed - any idea why?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

Gosh Kay I really don't know for sure - that's happens to me too .. very frustrating.

Mulberry, FL

X I have a extra rooted cutting of hawaiian sunset vine the sea hibiscus I have came from a friend in Ft. Myers I collected the seed and grew a few I have the varigated its 6ft tall and a maye 2.5 ft plain green they had red and yellow flowers they looked to be made from crape paper . I am rooting Gail passion flower thats a keeper for sure its been blooming now for 3-4 months at least a doz flowers a day

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Dana, don't those grow down near the waterways in your area? If I'm thinking of the right plant, they are loaded with seed pods.

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Wow, Do the ants bite? How do you deal with them? I'm thinking of ordering the seed but have no idea how to keep the ants with the plant and not everywhere else. I also read that they usually seed really well the first year and then in contiuning years it gets hardier to get seed. Is this true? At least now I know why the seeds are so hard to find and so expensive when you order them.

Mulberry, FL

Nope sorry no seeds here I have had my big one 5 years its in a big pot has NEVER flowered it gets hit by the cold every year this year its in a green house if I do not get flowers this year its history. Flowers are cool but these are not all that no scent.

Lee's Summit, MO(Zone 6a)

Dana, do you keep it in the g.h. all year round? It needs full sun and insects to pollinate it, to get seeds. I put mine outdoors in April and bring it in at the beginning of November. It sets seeds - it just doesn't hold the seeds.

Mulberry, FL

No it stays out all summer full sun never a flower

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

This one little pain in the butt plant isn't it? It's difficulty keeps it in demand. We want was is harder to get. What seems to be the zones it likes best?

Summerville, SC(Zone 8a)

I sent you a d-mail Dana .. do you want to trade?

Mesilla Park, NM

Dana, I just saw this, and wanted to let you know that the seeds (2 packs) I sent you are for the fragrant caracalla, the seeds are flat, almost black, drk brown like M & Ms type. the two seeds I kept germinated and are small plants in dormant stage in my studio.

The regular snail vine seeds are nothing like the fragrant one. The seeds are tiny and more bean like. I sent them all to you so I don't have a photo of the fragrant type seeds.

They have them for sale in several places too. If I may ask, what happened to the seeds I sent you? I'm just curious.


edited to add this thread which will answer many of your questions: (by Dee pudgymudpies


This message was edited Jan 8, 2012 1:07 PM

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