Amaryllis is growing

Lakeview, OH

Great news, my little sprout is growing up! Here is a couple of pictures, the first was last night before I went to work and the second is this morning, they were right when they said you could sit there and watch it grow! I finally did what you guys said and left it alone and it started to grow again.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

This morning.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

a side view.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

progress report, my little plant is growing rapidly, gonna try to put the pictures like pirl did, but not sure how to do it, so gonna experiment (with pictures not plants)!I guess she has the software and the know how to do this, I don't so gonna have to do it the old fashioned way and post the next picture in the next post.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

growing like a weed, would you guys and gals rather I did not post to this forum anymore? I was going to document the day to day growth but I think I will stop until it blooms if it does this year. Just thought you good people would like to see how it is doing since you were the ones who finally pounded it into my head to leave it alone and stop obssessing about it. My hubby used that word a lot when I started this project and I guess I have alienated my friends here because no one is saying anything about my pics. I don't expect a fanfare every time I post, but when NO ONE says anything, it gets kinda scary, because the few friends I have on here I did not want to lose. I love this page, you have all been so helpful, thank you.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Dublin, CA(Zone 9a)

Don't take it personally--things are always a lot slower around here in the winter because people don't have as much to do in the garden, and especially with Christmas being just a couple weeks away people probably have lots of other things going on.

Lakeview, OH

I was hoping that was the case, how do you like my little green sprout? He is growing inches every day. I am trying to keep a picture diary of sorts, here he is this day and how many inches he has grown while I was at work. The one thing about work that is very good, I don't think about the flowers so much and it is a surprise when I come home and he has grown a few more inches. I do have one question, I have noticed in the daytime the leaves separate and in the evenings they close up together again, why is that?

Lakeview, OH

I am making a photo diary of my plant, I have a folder on my desktop that I have put the photos of it as it is growing. I measured it this morning when I got up and it had grown to 4 inches from soil to top of leaves. So it is growing QUITE WELL! I am sorry but I am so excited about it, waited so long for it to take off again. Even if it don't bloom this year, at least it has leaves and I know it is alive. I did not know about the differences between them and the Naked Ladies, I thought they were all the same thing. But we will see what we will see. Merry Christmas!

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

from what you see here, do you in your honest opinion think it will bloom this year? As far as I know it did in my neighbors garden this past summer.

Ayrshire Scotland, United Kingdom

I have trouble getting those beautiful plants to flower the second year, I get lovely tall elegant leaves that grow like Topsy, but most times, no flowers ,yet the bulbs look healthy and plump, Oh well will have to follow your diary Teddy to see if you fair any better eh.

Don't worry about the lack of replies here, as Ecrane said, winter for a lot of people is the time they put their garden to bed and take up maybe some other hobby till spring, or maybe with Christmas just around the corner everyone is busy with preparation for that.
I feel quite sure your friends will still be around once the gardening weather picks up again, meantime have a lovely Christmas, a fruitful 2012 and stay with us all, there is always a friendly member who will chat back to you.
Best of luck with your new study. WeeNel.

Lakeview, OH

hey Pirl, how are your Amaryllis doing in the windowsill? Even with the storm window on the outside it is too cold to put the flowers there, but it is doing quite well where it is now. Has any of yours bloomed yet? You were right when you said leave them alone, I did and look what happened. Even if mine don't bloom this year, it is nice to know that I can grow flowers inside in the winter. But I might just have one inside next winter instead of 4, don't know yet, a lot of things can happen before next winter. Still have most of this winter to get through. I just wanted to show you that mine is doing good. How much taller do they need to get for me to stake them? Or should I find something now?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

As you can see the leaves are beginning to spread out, and I had to take a picture of it. What is the difference between the regular Amaryllis plant and the naked lady plants that you see out in the summer?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

It is really getting tall. I found out that the kind I got is Amaryllis Belledonna, it has the pink flowers on it in the late summer. I was also told (not saying I believe it) that the leaves come first and the flower stalk comes later, as you can see the leaves are really doing a good job, do you think I should try to stake it any? It is a small pot and I don't want to topple it over. Any suggestions would be helpful,

(Zone 7a)

No staking necessary. The leaves will flop a bit but the flower stalk will be quite sturdy.

The difference is the Genus. They're both in the Amaryllidaceae Family but your Naked ladies are the Amaryllis Genus and the others are in the Hippeastrum Genus. Same family but cousins, so to speak. Amaryllis belledonna is more suited for your climate.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

yeah, the leaves come before the flowers, they take up energy for the flowers. when the leaves versus the flowers grow depends on the climate. maybe february or march you'll have flowers.

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

my 2 flower stalks came up fast but the leaves stayed barely poking out, and now i have fully blooming amaryllis but no leaves ? Is this normal?

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

Bloomfly: yes. happens all the time.

Lakeview, OH

here is another one that is getting started. I think I read that I need to leave the papery covering alone, is that true? In fact I think pirl told me that. Was I right pirl? And how are your Amaryllis doing?

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Hi Teddy. Most of us did not know you had started a new thread. A lot of members use their Thread Watcher to advise when there are new posts, so they do not see if you open up a new thread and stop posting on the old one. If you go back and look at the old thread, you will see the link to this one.

Lakeview, OH

thank you themoonhowl, I was wondering where everybody went.

Virginia Beach, VA

This is the longest Thrad I had followed!! i am going to look for the amaryllis that i had last year for the Holidays.


Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

pirl has lotsss of experience, dont remove the papery stuff. if any comes off by itself its not a problem, just like the onions for cooking - theres always little scraps of papery stuff wherever you keep the onions. yes very long thread! lol

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

Great! Another flower opened this morning to reveal a amaryllis Susan flower. Last year i got one as a present and it didn't have flowers, so this year i chose a HUGE bulb with two flower stalks just poking out of the neck and bought it. It is so wonderful to have a blooming plant in the dead of winter.

Orlando, FL(Zone 9b)

it really is. Wow, just loooked it up, susan is such a pretty shade of pink!

Lakeview, OH

That is what I thought would happen with mine, then remembered where I got mine, I wish I could find a bulb for Christmas, but I think it is a little late for that, especially when Christmas is so close. Got good news, got a van to replace the truck, we sold the truck and got the van, it is a Town and Country and it is in good condition especially for the price. Lots of storage spaces and lots of room to haul things in, I never had a vehicle that I could get out of the front seat and go to the back without going outside and he has the key that unlocks it electronically. That way in the winter when he has to go somewhere after it has snowed, I don't have to go outside and unlock the door manually! That was a bear espcially when you had to warm up the key with a lighter because the lock was frozen, that really sucked! All in all I love it! Here is the latest picture of my leaves, just love to share it with you guys.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

Well the box said susan, but the flower turned out to be more of a redish color not pink like the photos. Heres an example of mine.

Thumbnail by Bloomfly22
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

And this is the box's flower color:

Thumbnail by Bloomfly22
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

Oh and my cosmos which had pretty much the same colors as teddy's are still growing! In the dead of winter too. But when they grew up from seed they were only 1/2 to 1 foot tall. Why did this happen? They were seeded in spring into seed trays, then planted out when the first true leaves grew(took a while).

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

They weren't dwarf varieties.

Lakeview, OH

As you can see, my little Amaryllis is not so little anymore, I enjoy the leaves, they are some greenery on these rainy days. The little one has started to grow, it is peeking out of its papery skin more than it was before.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

Bravo! I knew you could do it....just takes a little patience.....grin

Lakeview, OH

As you can see, it is peeking out, now I will have 2 bunches of leaves growing. I won't post these leaves as they grow because I know how to take care of them now, thanks to pirl and all my friends here who have given me bits of info and some of their wisdom. Thank you all again. Yes, themoonhowl, you are right, just take oooops, can't say that word, its bad ;)

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Prairieville, LA(Zone 9a)

GRIN!! Have a Merry Christmas Teddy.

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

Was my amaryllis flower mutated, or was the bulb labeled incorrectly, in that case , I'm off to the identification forum.

Lakeview, OH

This is my Naked Lady plant, its leaves are really growing. It will be interesting to see the flowers when they bloom

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

I have this picture of my Morning Glories, someone told me that I needed more light, so I have my clamp on light as well as the lamp. Do you think that is enough light? If anybody knows of a good link about them I would be grateful to read them. They were at the windowsill but it was too cold and they were not getting enough light, so I moved it to the bookcase where it can get lots of light. I hope evryone had a great Christmas and I wish everyone and their families a great and prosperous new year and please, please tell me if my threads get too long and I will start a new one.

Thumbnail by teddy_8905
Lakeview, OH

Since I found out what kind of plant I have, I have a question, is it possible to grow Naked Lady plants in a vase with just water? Like the Amaryllis that you get to grow for Christmas, I took the one that I had in there before and put it back in there again, someone said that I had a kind called Lacrois or something like that. If someone can find me some more information on this type of plant for me.

Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

I decorated my amaryllis pot after the first stem was removed and an unattractive stump was left behind. I used sphagnum moss to give it an aged look, while also being apparent that it is recently grown. Tell me if you like it!

Thumbnail by Bloomfly22
Palmdale, CA(Zone 8a)

The first flower is about to open in my recent post's picture.

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