New Bees Chat - Friends old and new, come on in 12-9-2011

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Jan thats a really pretty arrangement...I love cedar trees also..The ones around here do grow large tho, but arent real fast growers. I assume you could trim them every couple of years to keep them at the stage you want them once they get that large

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Awww someone so kindly renewed my subscription to Daves, what a really sweet thing to do.I havent a clue who did it, but I sure want to say thank you....There is so many wonderful people here...Love you guys...

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Honey congratulations - someone did that for me a week or so ago and it felt like Christmas. :)

Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

I agree Amanda..Now maybe I can pay it forward for someone else one day soon..

Good Sandi, and like Trish said, you can trip cedar anytime at all. Some trees you can only trim at certain times but with cedars you can trim and keep them at any size you want. Hemlock trees are ever green also and should also be great. Those you can trim like a hedge and keep shaped at a particular size. They have very tiny pine cone looking seed pods too that are Soooo cute.That would be nice. But I am partial to cedars. The smell is awesome. Birds love em and they are always green and pretty all year round. If you choose cedar let it get as tall as you want before trimming the top off it wont get any taller. You can trim all the other places and it bushes more and gets thicker, and you can shape it like you want, then take off the top tip and it will stop getting taller. So you really can control them. I trim mine sometimes. I can find you many small seedlings to start off with if you want some. This is the best time for transplanting them while it is cold.

Sundance, WY(Zone 3b)

Thanks for all that info! I had no clue that you could control the height of them by trimming the top! Wow! Now that brings all kinds of ideas into my head, lol!

Yes , my Dad and I use to go get a tree for Christmas in the woods and he told me a story af when he was a kid and his Mom would send him and his brother out to get a tree. Really was funny. BUT they had a large place and woods mixed kinds of trees, and they would find the size tree they needed but not filled out good or too thin or a hole in one side etc. , well Uncle Walker didnt want to go deeper in the woods and decided to get one of the huge trees close to beginning of the woods. Daddy told him no because they were told not to cut those, they were so pretty Papa and Granny didnt want them cut.Well Uncle Walker says well they will grow back fast and no one will notice so He climbed the tree and cut that top out. It was awesome! Perfect tree. Drug that baby home and a next day or so Papa asked where they got it because it was so pretty, and Daddy said in the woods. Well just happened Papa went walking and saw the gorgeous tree with no top and really got eel. He took them out the next day and told them to show him where they got it, so they had to confess. Papa spanked them both and told them you cannot top a cedar because it will stop growing. It will spread more or bottom limbs will keep growing but it will never get any taller. So they understood then why not to top a cedar. You can actually trim them like a hedge and they look good. But always leave the top tip if you want it taller.

Booneville, AR

hi all just a note to say hi hope you are all well im still trying to get better. just takes time i just hate to wait. i may do a book about this last visit to the dr. and i may not could get into trouble could always run off to oklahoma and stay with enid, help her steal all her neighbors flowers . love and hugs nettie.

hope you feel better soon. snowing around here, blowing off the mountains.rained all day mixed. now winds sound like a tornado they so strong and it 22 degrees but feel low teens. Hope the power don't go off. everyone stay warm and dream of the spring flowers. Thought this was cute and same goes for DG.

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ok now think spring. LOL

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Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Cute! Thanks Mekos. ;)

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Wow, people are getting really generous around here! Folks sending me all kinds of stuff in the mail.

We're taking a drive south for a couple of weeks, eventually to Sarasota and later the Florida Keys. Trying to stay warm for a little while and search out all the lovely seed racks as we go. They just don't have them ready to browse here yet. I've got my new computer to keep up on stuff, and a new kite to soar on the beach.


Good morning everyone. Hope you are all having a good weekend. Have fun Al and find some really pretty flower seeds. Warming up a little here, the weather people say, BUT I can't feel it.

Thumbnail by mekos
Montrose, AR(Zone 8a)

Hello all.. Al hope you and the wife have a nice drive up towards the East coast. Thanks for the seeds you sent me they arrived safely. The weather hear cant decide what it wants to do. It will be cold for a few days then warms back up. Last two days its been nearly sixty degrees. I went out and raked the last of the leaves that had fallen. I found baby lilies and baby petunias coming up all over..I raked leaves over them hoping they will survive the rest of the cold to come..I sure do love these warm days tho..Nettie hope you are feeling better soon..Hugs all..

Philadelphia, PA

Happy Birthday Trish

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Happy Birthday huneybunch!!!! Hope it was a great one!

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

♫ Happy Birthday to♪ you Trish.
Charley sends you mule nuzzles..

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hey all ..... if you are interested in being in a Valentine's Swap, here is a link to the interest thread:

Booneville, AR

hi mekos thanks for the card im feeling better have to go back this week and go again don,t cARE ANYTHING ABOUT THAT BUT I SAID I WOULD DO IT THE FIRST TIME DID SHRINK SOME LYMPH NODES THAT IS GOOD LOVE TO EVERY ONE HAVE A GOOD DAY EVERYONE NETTIE.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Feel better Nettie!

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Hi Ya'all, we're in downtown Savannah, GA as we speak. Having a great time on the city square, lots of good ole food here. Everything to see and do, but just a touch of rain. Grass is a lot greener than NY. Charlie is with us, having a good ride and so far behaving himself. We're keeping the apples in the trunk.


Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Bribery will help with that mule. Glad you are lovin it..

Happy birthday Trish, Sorry I remembered on FB but forgot it here. Hope it was as nice as you.

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Hope you all are having a great weekend.

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Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We're now in Orlando FL enjoying the definately warmer weather, I'm into shorts and short sleeves today for the first time in months! Nice 73 degree temp this morning, everything is green here! We're just lazin' in and reorganizing for a day before hitting the big parks later this week. We'll be here for 6 days before heading south to Sarasota and Keys.


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

So jealous of you and Charlie. Would you pack me in your bag one of these times?

Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Al, so glad you found a warm place to thaw out. I know you are enjoying your trip.

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Found these beautiful transplants at Lowes in Orlando. Wanted to take them home to NY but they wouldn't fit in the moonroof of my Lincoln.


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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Durn Al. I bet they'd have their tops blown off before you got home....

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Here's Charlie sniffing the beautiful flowers ar Epcot Park.


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Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We're riding high on the park monorail.


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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

Charley is flying high now. I know he loves it....

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We even got a chance to chat with the GM Crashtest Dummy at the GM Racetrack

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Wow Al! That is awesome. Love the pictures and I also want to get tucked into a bag on a trip to a warm climate soon. More storms headed here again and possible tornadoes again. Enjoy your trip and love Charley's adventures.

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Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

We found a nine pound lemon growing in the greenhouse at Epcot!


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Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Or an upside down waterfall!


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Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Beautiful landscapes and gardening everywhere.


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Barnesville (Charle, GA(Zone 8b)

wow!! I hope Charley can explain that waterfall to me. Beautiful...

Hornell, NY(Zone 5a)

Heading south to Sarasota tomarrow to visit friends


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks, Al. You're trips with Charley are so much fun. :)

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