Burning Pickle Patio - Gathering to Chat at the Holidays

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I have begun decorating the Patio Cafe for the Holidays. Since we go away I don't do much decorating inside, but it is fun to spice up the patio for the season. If you have some decorations you want to bring in with you by all means please do.

Thumbnail by haighr
Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Happy Holidays!

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Ohhhhhhhhhh that looks beautiful on the table! Thanks for bringing it in.
Got my hair done today at a new salon for the first time in 20 years! Yuk! Same style I went in with and wanted highlights in my blonde hair and they darkened it before highlighting so now it is darker than ever. Just can't seem to get my hair looking good since the cancer treatments, dang! Well, least it is hair!
Done beechin!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Been baking.. got some cakes put up and some cookies done... Still no decorating. just not in the mood yet I guess...been writing cars too. Usually I have those out by now , but nope.. Im gonna be late.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Yum, I'll have a couple of those with my coffee this morn before going to the cabin for the final weekend of hunting. Mind if I take a few for the fellows?

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

BB - homemade cookies are the best.

Have no decorations up yet so nothing to bring to the cafe.

I just look at the previous Burning pickle thread - Candee - that is a gorgeous doily that you made. So creative and intricate.

Cville_gardener - welcome to the burning pickle Patio!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Thank you, soilsandup. What a nice hangout the patio is. And lovely for the holidays! ^_^

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

At this rate, I will be decorating AFTER Christmas.. Im still not done with the cards and cleanup in the kitchen..

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)


Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Im thinking at this rate I will be Christmas in April... If I put the stuff up, Im gonna be one of those homes in 2012 that folks are gonna laugh at and go.. hey those got Christmas lights on the house in June! Maybe if people would start saying Merry Christmas around here things would get into the happy chear. Jeez, you go to the stores and everything just seems so ho hum.. I hate shopping any way, but there is no Christmas cheer. Kinda sad actually.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Infact Im just liable to leave the CHRISTmas decor up all year from now on. Im sick of this stupid stuff going on in the world how saying MERRY CHRISTMAS to someone might OFFEND them. Does anyone reallize how idiotic it is? My tree is up now. Im digging the rest of it out. So with that said.. MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE NO EXCEPTIONS!

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Bringing in a little flower pot angel to go on the patio with the poinsettia. A recent crafty gift. I liked the touch of the added moss.

I probably won't be doing much baking this year but I'm always good for a big crockpot full of homemade soup whenever it's needed here. I can decorate the crockpot to make it look Christmas-y. :-D)))

Thumbnail by Cville_Gardener
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I agree BB on the Merry Christmas thing offending some. I doubt that my presence in another country would inspire them to change their traditions just to placate me???
That poinsettia looks lovely in here. I'll try to remember to water it when I come in the morning.
Homemade soup is always welcome at our house. Steve just had some homemade crab soup a bit ago to warm up.
We got the cabin closed up for the season and deer meat in the freezer. Now time to get ready for our Christmas holiday by packing!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

I put the poinsettia on the table and it looks fab there. Thanks for bringing it in!

Thumbnail by haighr
Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Aren't you the clever one for morphing stuff from cville to the patio.

Tell Steve to make more of that crab soup - being as crabs are one of my most favorite food in the world.

I am thinking about putting up a few lights in the next few days.........but absolutely no action on my end yet.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Don't wait too long on the lights or you won't have long to enjoy them. And you don't have to put them up in the freezing temps like back here.
There is more crab soup in the freezer so come on over. I like crab cakes but not much for picking crabs as I find I get more meat under my nails than in my mouth. I don't like working for my food lol!
As for the morphing, the credit goes to Paint Shop Pro, I just know the tricks!

Sacramento, CA(Zone 9a)

Got two strings of lights up last night - although I have to admit that the incentive was a forecast of below freezing temps and I wanted to protect the new kumquat tree that I got this year for the front yard. So, got some small lights around that little guy, and then up and around a few other items in the front yard while I was at it. I have a Meyer's lemon in the backyard that I permanently leave a string of the larger clear old-fashioned Christmas lights on all year and plug it in during the frost nights. Works beautifully.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

Well here we finally have our CHRISTMAS tree up. We celebrate the birth of CHRIST at our house. Been doing it that way for years and aint gonna change and WE are ROYALLY in the SPIRIT for the SAVIOURS BIRTHDAY celebration. So I made celebration BIRTHDAY cakes and need to frost yet with JESUS name on them and made some CHRISTMAS cookies, but suddenly all the cookies disappeared. So I will have to get busy and make some more. I got my CHRISTMAS cards sent out. And the furnace is lite, the dog has found a comfy spot and things are crackling around here! Lites, trees, excitement in NATIVITY decore.. Oh how we love that! Especially the Nativities! Love the remberence. The town is getting lite up too. Christian churches all in decking the halls. We are not celebrating SantaClaus here. Its Jesus! So to EVERYONE I say a verrrrrry MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! We are gonna get LOUD and PROUD singing! Hope it shakes the foundations and sparks your spirit! Merry Christmas!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Sounds like everyone is getting decked out! And it all looks lovely.
Wow, BB, cookies gone already? You better make 2 batches the next time 'round!
I love to see displays of the nativity. Our family has one that has been displayed for 60 years.

I guess I wasn't thinking about you getting freezing temps Dianne, till I took another look at your location. Glad you were first inclined to save the tree.

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

LOL!! you mean double double batches.. I did make doubles the first time.. I cannot keep up with them! Last night I ran out of brown sugar literally in the middle of mixing a batch.. course dumb me, did not thnk to measure the ingredients first before mixing up the batch and thought what I had on hand was enough..and then had to go to the store right in the middle of creaming butter! HA! Well, will try to whip up another batch while my "elf" is out of the house! maybe I can hide a barrel where he cant find them just soz we got them for the great day!

Ok, I need suggestions onhow some of you make those perfect ROUND cookies!

I have been making chocolate chip raison oatmeal cookies and they are like a brittle..this recipe of mine does not set up so Im looking for a recipe that I can make good round cookies..

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Adorable pic BB. Quadruple triple batches and bring them over!
I've done that trick of running out right in the middle and that is when I say "Steveeeeeeeee" and he makes the run to the store for me.
Check the recipe site for the cookies BB, am sure someone there can help you out. I havent made Christmas cookies since the kids lived at home and that has been hundreds of years!!!
I forgot to mention when you were talking about celebrating the Life of Christ ... We don't exchange gifts and haven't for a long time. We give gifts to the grandkids at the T-day celebration and then as you know for Christmas we go away. We always look forward to seeing how other cultures celebrate the holiday. It is amazing the # of folks who travel with children on the Christmas holiday and their gift is just being together as family.
Have a great day,

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

That ANIMAL almost kilt me yesterday! We had a mishap inthe kitchen and I was walking from the kitchen to go sit in my comfy chair she came a running and punched my right leg out and knocked me over! Good thing I was not carryng a batch of cookies and I did not land on top of her! Cwazy dawg! Well any way I fell flat on my back toppled over and Im laying there trying to figure out what worked or dint and she comes lapping tongue all over my face as I was trying not to laugh as I figured out what was not broke!... Im a little sore today.. kinda landed on my right arm and my back is a tad ache, but ima alive! hahaha.

Yep know what you mean on the celebrating! Years back when there was family, we would go visiting, bring gifts and all that... Now we have not exchanged gifts for years or had the traveling to reletives either. Our best presents are each other. I do like the food though! We spend time with friends from our church now and/or just stay home.. and enjoy a little fellowship.

I love going out our stable at midnite. Just kinda puts the topper on smelling the hay, seeing the donkey and the horses and imagining the Miracle of Christ! I love reading the Bible. Its been a passion and we love sharing chat on that. I cannot imagine a better gift actually than what the Lord did for us.

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

OM Goodness! Must say I am laughing out loud at the site of you being lapped all over while in such a predicament! So glad you are unscathed except for some soreness! You are really fortunate that nothing broke. Perhaps you should wear one of those "I've fallen and can't get up" bracelets to alert the authorities!
The barn at midnight sounds delightful, but a bit late for me. Matter of fact this is the latest I've been up for quite some time, but kinda would making all these doilies!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)

I need a butt helmet! (strapping a fluffy pillow to my donkey!) Man the dawg can play rough! I was not expecting her to grab me, I knew she was coming, but the grab was what got me! Someone strapped a sign on me while I was laying there.. it said... I did nto fall, the floor just needed a hug! hahaha.!

Well yeppers, it is a tad late.. I am jsut finishing up Christmas cards.. I am almost done except for some stamping.. Yikes I cannot beleive the pile of outgoings! But I am glad I was able to send cards. It is so nice to get them too! I keep most of them and then when I have a huge piel of used cards make things out of them!

Tomorrow or the next day I am gonna have to go down my Internet list and send to those tha tI dont street addresses! Im glad I foudn a sender that the emails cannot be opened unti a certain date too! Cool!

Well have a great nite!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Hope you have recuperated fully!
We had a wonderful holiday in Jamaica. 82 degrees, sunny and lots of activities.
I just popped in to wish everyone a wonderful New Year of good health and loads of happiness! See you next year my friends!!!

Watseka, IL(Zone 5a)


Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Happy New Year - It's time to close this Holiday thread and move back to the Burning Pickle Patio for chat. See you there my friends.


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