Huntington Library and BG

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Went to The Huntington Library today with Lynda and my grandson. It was Santa visiting, Mrs. Claus doing readings and all that Christmasy stuff. Still had time to do a little browsing and take a few shots. The Huntington has a great collection. I just wish they would show more. The ones in the conservatory are great, but I know they have so many more in their collection. I have heard that the AOS is trying to get the Huntington to take their collection. Here is the building with the different environments in it.

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Some of the damage from the winds earlier this week. The Huntington is in San Marino which is right next to Pasadena, the area hit hardest

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Another view

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Shaded Glen

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

A type of Platystele

Thumbnail by ted5310
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Wow! That's a beautiful building! I've never been there. What a shame about the winds. Hopefully no damage done to the structure.

Does Mrs. Claus know orchid nomenclature? Isn't she Ms. Claus these days?

What is the AOS looking at donating? Is it the art collection? I'm not up on that. I've been told it looks like they'll be moving to Fairchild Gardens and not Longwood. That's a huge gain for Fairchild. I'm thrilled! Fairchild was decimated by hurricane Andrew in '92. The recovery has been dramatic but the orchid collections have never been replaced.

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

What I heard was that the entire collection was being moved because the AOS could no longer afford it. Huntington was one of three locations the AOS asked to take the collection. We did not see any building damage, but a tremendous amount of downed trees. Winds here reached 97 mph during the storm on Thursday.

Playsele Misera

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

This had Plex R. Kaufman and Anthurium gracile growing together. I think I got the names right. Most of the flowers and everything else at the Huntington has these great labels. The orchids had the nurery white plactic tags written in pencil

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

After investigating a number of potential strategic partners, including botanical gardens throughout the United States, our Relocation Committee made its report to the trustees in San Antonio. The goal was to find a strategic partner whose mission complements ours and with whom a partnership would benefit both parties. After interviews were conducted and the issues weighed, the trustees voted unanimously to enter into negotiations with Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden in Coral Gables, Florida (

Got this from the AOS site. Guess I'm a little behind

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

I have no idea what kind of orchid this is, but it is LONG. 12 -15 feet?

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)


Thumbnail by ted5310
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

Do you mean the orchid collection, Ted? They did sell the home location in Delray Beach because they could no longer afford it and will move to Fairchild Gardens. The site will become a school for autistic children.

Great orchid pics! Thanks. Is that you with the youngin'?

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

No, but I should have

A different plant. I have no idea what it is

This message was edited Dec 4, 2011 6:53 PM

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)


Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Here's where I got it

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)


Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Cat. Mauluna sp?

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

pretty yellow

Thumbnail by ted5310
Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Her's my wife, Lynda and our grandson Keegan looking over some of the damage

This message was edited Dec 4, 2011 7:06 PM

Thumbnail by ted5310
Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

The white Paph. looks like a nivium cross. I have one in bloom now. Keegan looks like he may be having a photo op. Sounds like a really nice day.

Odessa, FL(Zone 9b)

Very interesting, Ted. Thanks for sharing.


Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

Hmmm. Looks like I should be seeing some signs of blooming from my Phaphs, but they're just sitting there, doing nothing.

Thanks for the pics, Ted. For some reason, I've never made it to the Huntington.

Brea, CA(Zone 10b)

Thanx all, I really like going there. In fact we signed up as members a few years ago. With the number of times we go, it's well worth it. I also like growing Cactus/succulents. They have a large area for these. Rose gardens, Japanese gardens, Chinese and children's gardens. It goes on forever. Not to mention the books in the library. One of the original Gutenberg Bibles and many works from the 1450's to today. Art is all over including Gainsborough's Blue Boy. Something for everyone

Cleveland,GA/Atlanta, GA(Zone 7b)

I've not got plans to be on the other coast in the near future but I'll definitely put the Huntington on my "to do" list.

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