CLOSED: 2012 list of upcoming SWAPS - Page 3

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

We came from here:

This is the link to SI Likes and Dislikes for future swaps. Feel free to add yours or update your old one:

And here's a link to the "MY FAVORITE THINGS" thread that Deejay9 (Susie) has going to anyone to add their likes/dislikes/wants and haves..please feel free to add a post of yours, to help any future swap buddies :)


This is a trade for live plants- please check it out and look at how Susie runs her swap. She's done this for quite a while and it is a great way to get new plants!

SocksSniffSip Swap- Crit (Patti) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
This sounds like it's going to be a very popular one! I can't believe how many have signed up already :) Patti is taking signups until Jan 15 and boxes to be sent by Jan 31. Better hurry over and get in on this one!

(1) Valentine Day Swap- Crit (Patti) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
This is always a favorite type of swap.. let someone be your Valentine! Patti has it open and is taking names until Jan 31st and boxes mailed by Feb 10th, so your valentine gets her goodies in plenty of time - you know the drill! Hurry up and sign up lol

(2) 4th Annual Windchime Swap- Clancampbell (Chris) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
Ok, the sign up has begun :) Please join me for my 4th windchime swap!

(1) Best of the Blarney- Crit (Patti) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
St Patrick's Day swap- should be fun! Sign up is now open and continue till March 2nd- mailing to be done by March 12th. Come over for a showing o' the green!
Here's the Reveal page if you'd like to see what gets sent out -

(2) 5th Annual 3-B House Swap- Purpbutfly (Cindy) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
Signup will start Feb 20th for this bird/butterfly/bat house swap..I think the fact that it is Cindy's 5th swap shows how popular this one is! You can specify which type of house you'd like or just let your buddy surprise you :) Names will be taken till March 6th and mailing be done so your buddy receives it by March 20th-in time for Spring! Go over and check it out :)

(1) Froggie Swap- Tater55 (LK) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
This was my first swap to join in and it is one of my favorites! It's amazing how many 'frog' items you can find for your buddy :)
I'm already signed up.. hurry up and join me! lol

This is the month of April - I'll add the new link each month, so keep watching! It's a trade for live plants- please check it out and look at how Susie runs her swap. She's done this for quite a while and it is a great way to get new plants! This is the page to sign up, so head on over there!

(1) Houseplant/Tropical Swap- FOTV (Susan) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
This is a plant trade - get your starts going for this one! Names will be taken until May 14th, so head on over :)

(2) Red, White & Blue Swap- Heavenscape (Jaye) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
Just as it says- our patriotic colors are sent out all over the USA and Canada! Names will be taken until May 19th, so get in the fun of things!

This is a monthly swap that Susie has done for a long time. If you're in need of some plants and have some to swap, this is the place to be!


(1) Raise My Baby- jordankittyjo (Kathy) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
This one can be a little wild sometimes LOL.. from hiding the 'babies' in the closet to feeding them alcohol to a bird trying to eat them (I have the pic to prove it too!) In this swap, you send your buddy a plant for them to grow and an impartial judge will determine who has the cutest baby lol.. Names are being taken till June 3rd and then the plant has to be sent by June 27th.

(2) Uglee Mug Swap- AmandaEsq (Amanda) CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
Everyone can use a new tea/coffee mug.. find something unique! Sign up till May 31st and boxes to be sent no later than June 10th. This one was really popular last year, so go over and get yourself a new mug :)

(3) ROUNDUP- 3rd Annual South Central VA Spring RU- FOTV (Susan)
This is not a swap, but a gathering of all our friends who can come for good times, laughs, plants, food and so much more! I went last year and we had such a good time!
If there's any way you can make it, please'll have such a great time :) For all the information on the RU June 30th, please go to the thread below:

(4) Old, New, Borrowed, Blue Swap (Rouxcrew) Joy CLOSED TO NEW PARTICIPANTS
A new swap with a new hostess- lots of fun! And a bit of a different challenge in this one for us! Only 4 items can be sent..should get interesting! lol
Names are being taken until June 14th and boxes to be sent out no later than July 4th

(1) Trash to Treasure (BettyPauze) Betty
Repurposing/recycling whatever you can find.. make it into a garden sign, a new birdhouse, whatever you can think up!

(2) Fairy/Gnome Swap (Mud_Elf) Kris
Just as it says..we find different art objects for the garden, inside or wherever your buddy prefers. Always a popular swap :)

This is a monthly swap that Susie has done for a long time. If you're in need of some plants and have some to swap, this is the place to be! This month is a little different as the swap is for 3 plants - colors of red, white and blue.. love it!

(1) Neck of the Woods Swap- FOTV (Susan/Fruity)
Start finding items made in your town/state for this very fun swap!

(2) 1st Bi-annual Memorial Wind Chime Swap- ClanCampbell (Chris)
My first 2nd wind chime swap of the year - in loving memory of my late hubby Glen

(1) PJ Swap- Tater55 (LK)
One of the most loved swaps we have :)

(2) Halloween Swap- OutlawHeart81 (Kelly)
If you love Halloween, this one is for you!

(1) Painted Rock Swap- Crit (Patti)
Exactly what it sounds like :) And if you can't paint, you can find one already done..or decorate it some other way, like stickers or tiles or whatever you decide!

(1) Christmas Swap- FOTV and Crit (Susan and Patti)
VERY popular swap- we all love getting Christmas presents, right? :)


This message was edited Jun 23, 2012 3:33 PM

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks for reminding me, Michelle! I knew we were getting close :)

The picture I used this time is from my very first swap after joining DG- it was the frog swap and I received that welcome sign. That's a very young Miss Sarah checking it out .. I think she was around 3 months old at the time.

Here's a recent pic of her.. she's grown just a little!

Thumbnail by ClanCampbell
San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm looking forward to the sock, sniff, sip. With these kinds of swaps do we put seed in too. Or is it basically like getting a present and then filling the empty box with the presents for the next person? I'm new to all of this so I'm trying to get the idea of each one. I really like the gardening in the new year one. Robyn

Mountain View, CA(Zone 9b)

Thanks, Chris :)
Robyn, it really depends on the swap you join. Each swap describes the rules you're to follow at the beginning of the thread. I haven't done many of these yet, either, but here's what I've figured out so far. Some swaps, or round robins, have you take something (like seeds or plants) out and put others in for others to choose from. Other swaps give each participant the name of someone they are to send to, and you send the items as described in the rules for that swap (anything from seeds/plants to windchimes to food, etc). And then there's the birthday club where each participant sednds all of the other participants something (cards for 2012) on their birthdays and they send you something (again, cards for 2012) for your birthday. Feel free to follow some of the links to the various swaps to read more about them. Even if they're already closed, it will still give you a better idea of how things work. Hope this helps :)

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Thanks for leaving a trail, Chris. ;)

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Thank you for explaining it. I'll wait until they start and read each one. This is going to be fun.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Thanks for the new thread Chris...

Just got in from Buffalo, all the workshop kits have been sent...imagine by mid weeks some of the participants will be working on their 5th annual DG workshop..

So laughing, saw a piece I think might be just the whymsical piece for our 2012 - 6th Annual workshop..nothing like getting ahead of the game. Lol

(Debra) Derby, KS(Zone 6a)

Chris, your Miss Sarah is gorgeous.

Northern Michigan, MI(Zone 5a)

Definitely going to have to watch the upcoming swaps!!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Thanks Debra :) She's my spoiled rotten fur baby!

Hi Julie.. please do! There will be even more added as we get into the new year.. many of us have annual swaps. Some months get pretty busy with them too!

This message was edited Dec 5, 2011 6:52 PM

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I was at the store today standing in front of the racks with coffee and cocoa and flavored creamers. I just love this idea.

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Betty - if I weren't broke I'd be participating in your swap - what a delightful host you are. I can't believe you ship the whole project. Kudos. :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Hello all. I'm thinking of maybe putting up the sign up thread for the Sock, Sniff and Sip swap. Sounds like there is going to be plenty of interest. I think I may put it up next week for delivery around the middle to end of January. This swap will be a person to person swap. Each person will be assigned a recipient and will send to and receive from one person. Boxes need to be sent with a delivery confirmation number sent to me so I can keep track of delivery of everyone's boxes, and follow through if one does not arrive. Thanks everyone for your interest!

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

Sign me up. I'm already sipping and sniffing.

Victoria Harbour, ON

Amanda, how sweet you are..

Yes, was in Buffalo Saturday and mailed all the kits far those delivered had no breakage..

Now our fun begins..those who have them are antsy to get started..

Sorry you were not able to join the DG 5th Annual Christmas Workshop..perhaps next the meantime why now drop in from time to time and listen to their excitement..

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

LOL Robyn. I'm glad you are so excited. I think it will be fun.

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

well sorry to do this i didn't know there was a SSS swap for jan & I was going to open a swap but to be fair to all I Don't think i could keep track of it as well as A hostess should so I think I Better not start one.

HOWEVER if someone else wanted to open a NEW YEAR Swap I Know I Can find lots of goodies to share :) I Hope you all understand
& know i love to host a swap but at this point I Think it best I don't

ya all have a great day & hope to chat later .

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I think you have done a great job deejay. With everything on your plate, I don't think I could have done half the job you have done. It has been a pleasure watching the round robin and everyones excitement, you made all that possible. Job well done Susie. Take a bow.Robyn

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

ty robyn but its the members who that make then fun & Run smooth :) But am I overload right now as for keeping track of things so I Will Join what ever takes place just give me a NUDGE :))))

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Sock, Sniff and Sip interest thread is up if anyone is interested!

Please check it out and share it with other threads you visit if you want to. Thanks!


(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Sorry, Patti.. I'm late, but I got you up at the top finally :)

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

I'm excited!!!! Have 17 for the SSS swap so far. This is going to be FUN!!!!!

Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

If there's any interest in a lunch & plant/seed swap in the Greater Philly
area please let me know. I'm thinking perhaps the 2nd or 3rd week in
April and holding it in a restaurant near the Christmas Tree Shop
in Cherry Hill, NJ, but I'm open to suggestions as well.


Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

aHA! You found a Christmas Tree Shop. No wonder I haven't seen you here. ;)


Port Norris, NJ(Zone 7b)

lol Amanda - its about an hour 20 from my home but YES there
is now a Christmas Tree shop in NJ ! Yaaaa

Victoria Harbour, ON

Favorite store every time I head to Buffalo..

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

ha ha - so glad (?!) for you. xox


Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Chris ....... I have put up an Interest Thread for a Valentines Day swap. Would you please add it to the top?

I see you plan on a Windchime Swap in February. I have had my eye on some neat ones and thinking about this swap. Are you still going to do it in February, or later on or at all?????

The Sock, Sniff and Sip Swap is in it's final stages. REVEAL THREAD!!!! This had been a huge success with 19 participants. I think this will continue to be a yearly January swap. Everyone has had so much fun with it.


This message was edited Jan 19, 2012 9:45 AM

Victoria Harbour, ON

Omg I've sooo many windchimes from this sway, let's hope another gets posted!!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Patti, it's up there and yes, I'm going to do my windchime swap-- so start gathering up those windchimes!

I'm sorry I've been MIA on DG.. life has been totally crazy for me- planning a trip in March to Cozumel, looking for a place to buy (NOT in Cozumel, dang it!), mandatory OT of minium 8 hrs each week, son in law in the hospital, and on and on...

And this weekend, I have 3 grandsons coming over to go to Battle At the Barn with me.. they're 14, 14 and 13.. this will be FUN!
BATB is indoor racing of go-carts, riding lawnmowers, golf carts, basically anything small.. and just for the heck of it, they smear coca-cola syrup on the concrete track to make it slick. Gage and I went last year and he's been waiting impatiently for it to come around again :)

Hey, who else is thinking of hostessing a swap this year?? It looks kind of bare up at the top.. let's get a list of upcoming swaps going cause that gives us something to look forward to while we're snowed in!

(Linda Kay) Amarill, TX(Zone 7a)

Put me down for the froggie swap in April please? Or if that is when your having the wind chime swap, I can make it another month.

This message was edited Jan 21, 2012 7:13 AM

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

Oh goodie..... have froggie stuff and always make a mental note of where I see froggie stuff! Been looking all year!

How about put me down in March for a "Best of the Blarney" swap for St. Patricks Day???? I'll figure out something for this.

Surely someone will do an Easter swap?!?!?! I know we had one last year. If not........arguh! do I dare???? lol

San Bernardino, CA(Zone 9a)

I'm hoping to host my first swap towards the later part of the year. I want to participate in a few to get my swap legs under me. Maybe something small and easy for a first timer.

Sand Springs (Tulsa), OK(Zone 7a)

That is GREAT Robyn. The SSS swap was my first one to hostess. I've been in a lot of swaps, and the fact that this one has run so smoothly has me hooked. lol

I know one suggestion that I was interested in that I didn't see take place was a dishtowel swap and a pet toy swap. We also had a painted rock swap last year. I wonder if the hostess is doing another one of those? I enjoyed that!

(Chris) Des Moines, IA(Zone 5a)

Terrific! I added both of them. :) LK, I won't be doing the chime swap in April..if I finally start doing the 2nd one, it'll be in Sept.

Patti, I'm guessing you're doing a St Patrick day swap.. so maybe things that are green only or have the names of 'shamrock, Ireland, Patrick, Patty' etc in them? Don't want to make it too challenging though :)

Robyn, you will have a blast when you do host your first one! And if you're nervous about doing one on your own, there are plenty of 'seasoned' hostesses around to co-host with you!

Greensboro, NC(Zone 7b)

Hey Chris - I'll do the Uglee Mug swap again - was it June? Can't remember. :)

Clarksville, TN(Zone 7a)

Oh good. Just checking over here to see what's coming and I definitely want to do Amanda's Ugly Mug swap (or whatever it's called).

I did so many last year that I decided to sit out the holiday swaps this year since I'm not a big holiday decorating type of person ... but I'm definitely in for LK's frog swap which I've never done, as well as ClanC's windchime swap this year (one anyway).

I've already started shopping (which should come as no surprise to anyone). :-D)))

Susie's "Gardening in the New Year" sounds intriguing. ^_^

(susie) Hastings, MI(Zone 5a)

"Gardening in the New Year" Should be Held in " MAY " with it being PLANT EXCHANGE To share Plants From our Gardens.
If New Members don't have plants maybe they can Send a Gift card for a Favorite store to their partner to pick out what they would like.
$20.-$25. limit or they can share CRAFTS or Gift boxes .???

Victoria Harbour, ON

Lordy, some of my favorites being discussed, will have to make sure I don't miss them!

Blue Ridge Mtns, VA(Zone 7a)

Chris, would you please put me down to host our 3rd Annual "Neck of the Woods" swap in August? I'm also planning to start another Houseplants / Tropicals round in mid-May or early June.

Robyn, you'll enjoy hostessing. Take the plunge! We're all here to help you any way we can.

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