All three chicks have fledged.

PERTH, Australia

Well, at last, Harry's two sisters have joined him in the fun of flying. They are a bit clumsy still, but safe in the air. I haven't seen Big Hook feeding them for a few days, with the fledglings more than capable of tackling a live fish. I've seen a little "mantling" over the food, but this "Go away, it's mine, all mine" gesture quickly passes and they all feed peacefully together or each will patiently wait its turn.

We've come from here:

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The lighting is a bit challenging to say the least, with the nest and right hand branch in shadow when the activity is occurring. These shots are really dark, but to give you an idea of how unskilled they are in judging a landing spot, here's one of the females touching down on its sibling.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia


Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia


Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

The one being landed on seems puzzled, but no more so than the one landing, who repeatedly tries to get a foothold on the feathers.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

This took place over a period of about 10 seconds. Flapping madly, it flew off, circled, almost landed in a tree below where Big Hook was sitting on the pole branch, before eventually successfully landing back on the branch.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

There it is after leaving its uncooperative perch.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Here it is coming up from the river.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
PERTH, Australia

Turning to do a tight circuit.

I didn't go to the nest this afternoon and may not be able to tomorrow. Will update when possible. Thanks for joining me.

Thumbnail by MargaretK
Marlton, NJ

Wow it's just amazing how they've all grown up so quickly! Great shots Margaret!

Columbia City, IN(Zone 5b)

crazy great photos ,it is soo amazing how fast they grow up,such a beautiful subject to photo journal,and yes too bad we cant download more than 1 photo at a time.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

You capture that landing event excellent, thanks again to you for that and sharing with us.

Looking at that branch I wondering how long that is going to hold up with having 3 this year as it doesn't look like it is going to hang around much longer.... this has been in the back of my mind about that dead tree.... Too bad during the off season a concrete crew couldn't go in and reconstruct a new structure that looks like the old one, except placing the branches where they would obstruct picture taking..... If I had the money I think I would hire a company to rebuild that tree so that there would always be a place for them to have a nest, maybe even build up a good base for a nest with high sides to keep any little ones from getting displaces or falling out.....

Thanks again looking forward to updates when you can since the season is winding down this year.


Mount Pleasant Mills, PA(Zone 5a)

Great shots Margaret. It is hard to believe these chicks have fledged. It seems such a short time ago we were counting the eggs!

I would NOT want Big Hook glaring at me the way she is at that intruder!!

I love the third chick looking at the one attempting to land on its siblings back! Thanks for the update. This is a wonderful thread.

Norwalk, OH(Zone 5a)

Margaret all the moments you have captured with this family is simply amazing and enjoyed by so many.
Thank you for sharing these lives with us!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

This year is one memorable one with the development of the Ospreys family. One I'd like to read/share with my grand children -- in the future. Thank you Margaret for sharing such beautiful story with the world!

North Little Rock, AR(Zone 7b)

Oh Mags, the pix are stunning! This has been such a wonderful adventure! The next chapter will be just as exciting!

Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

O my.....they need a bigger branch!! lol

They will be soaring before you know it...what a sight that will be...wish I could be there!


This message was edited Dec 2, 2011 12:43 PM

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

I love the pics of the clumsy attempt to fly. I'm surprised the one landed on, didn't fall off the branch. It really had a good gripe on that branch.
Very well pictured.

South Hamilton, MA

Good to see them all flying.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

such a wonderful closure to this breeding season as compared to the last 3. Here to another one just like this year for next to the osprey family.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

Don't go anywhere Jan....there is still lots to see!

Kingston, ON

Margaret, for the second year in a row I have faithfully followed your detailed recordings of this very special Osprey family. For an eighty-seven year old guy who has been a birder for over sixty years and is now confined to a seniors residence, I want to thank you so very much for the time and effort you so generously devote to this activity. I truly envy you and marvel at the clarity and detail of photographs now possible with high-teck cameras. You obviously enjoy what you are doing and are most fortunate to be in such an excellent position to get those wonderful pictures. You have indeed brightened the lives of a great many birders. Thanks again and continued good luck in all your endeavors.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


I'm not going anywhere, as the osprey family is my 1st thread that I look for every day.


Putnam County, IN(Zone 5b)

okie dokie!

Central, AL(Zone 7b)

On behave of Margaret and the rest of us here, elageo, welcome to our group of birders here on DG. Let's everyone help me welcoming elageo!

Manzanita, OR(Zone 8b)

Awesome photos of the little ones! I can't believe they've gotten to this point already.

Welcome Elageo. Hope you'll stick around with us.

PERTH, Australia

Quote from elageo :
Margaret, for the second year in a row I have faithfully followed your detailed recordings of this very special Osprey family. For an eighty-seven year old guy who has been a birder for over sixty years and is now confined to a seniors residence, I want to thank you so very much for the time and effort you so generously devote to this activity. I truly envy you and marvel at the clarity and detail of photographs now possible with high-teck cameras. You obviously enjoy what you are doing and are most fortunate to be in such an excellent position to get those wonderful pictures. You have indeed brightened the lives of a great many birders. Thanks again and continued good luck in all your endeavors.

elageo, thank you so much for your kind words. I feel honoured. I'm glad you've enjoyed what I am fortunate enough to see. Sharing the life of this family with those who would be otherwise unable to brings me great pleasure.

Sixty years of birding is some achievement. I would love to hear details of your experiences.

PERTH, Australia

Thanks again, one and all. It is wonderful that all three have successfully fledged. Nothing new to post as it's been too hot to go to the nest. If it cools down a bit later, I might head down there for a while.

Jan, the nest really worries us at times, as well. It has been there for at least 30 years and each year, the ospreys keep adding to it. Seeing it swaying in the wind is a real concern, but that's probably better than having no give at all. Just look at how an airplane's wing flexes in flight. If the worst was to happen, I'm sure an artificial platform would be a real possibility. But let's keep our fingers crossed that the nest will withstand the weight and wind for some time to come. If or when it does come down, I just hope it's not in the middle of the nesting period.

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)

I for sure have the same concerns as you Margaret on when it should come down it isn't in the middle. That would be so hard to see such a loss as that would for sure bring.

elageo I'm sure you have many insights, joy and tears over your lifetime of watching God's creatures. Welcome and please do make comments on your experiences.


Kingston, ON

To Margaret and others who so graciously welcomed me to Dave's Garden, I say thank you. My interest in birding began on a dairy farm in eastern Ontario, Canada, and grew into a hobby where I seldom went anywhere without binoculars. Ninety-nine percent of my birding has been done in Canada. Of the 242 species on my Life List, all were observed in Canada except for a few in southern Florida. I have been fortunate in that I have traveled from the Atlantic to the Pacific and into the Arctic region as far North as Cornwallis Island. To me the most interesting sites have been, (A) Bonaventure Island in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, the site of the world's largest breeding colony of Northern Gannets, (B) Cape St. Mary's Ecological Reserve located at the tip of Newfoundland's Avalon Peninsula with its breeding colonies of Northern Gannets and Kittiwakes, (C) Grand Manan Island in the Bay of Fundy for its diversity of migrating birds, (D) Pelee Island in Lake Erie also for the influx of birds during the Spring migration, and (E) the islands of eastern Lake Ontario, close to my home in Kingston, ON. DG is a favorite site of mine and although you may not hear from me very often, there is seldom a day when I do not check in.

Cuyahoga Falls, OH(Zone 5a)

Amazing photos !

Brooksville, FL(Zone 9a)


Amazing adventures you have been blessed to witness. To me nothing can top watching nature live its life.


Sandusky, OH

After last season's trials it is good to see the whole family make it this time. Dad and Big Hook have worked hard to see it through. Thank you Margaret for your time and dedication and especially your great photo's and narration!

PERTH, Australia

Thank you for sharing your passion for birds with us, elageo. You sure covered some territory.

Thanks, Countrymom.

I can't believe it's nearly a week since I was last at the nest. It's marginally cooler this afternoon so I'll head down there. All three fledglings are doing fine. They've been flying around with skill and confidence and have been using the trees outside Madam X's place. I'll post later on if I get anything half-way decent.

PERTH, Australia

Hi Burd. Sorry, we cross posted. Burd, you're right. Dad has had some years of experiencing at this parenting malarky but Big Hook is relatively new and this year has really proven herself to be a more than capable mother.

Dallas, OR(Zone 8a)

Congratulations Margaret! What a wonderful experience to see these birds all fledge. Beautiful. :)

Grand-Falls, NB(Zone 4a)

elageo, so nice to hear from you again, and to know most of your sighting was done here in Canada, some place you've mention are quite close to me.
Thanks for mentioning some of the area for birding near here. I agree, Margaret is doing an amazing job on this thread.

(Arlene) Southold, NY(Zone 7a)

Margaret - another wonderful job with photos and such detailed descriptions! The happy ending was super.

Thank you for all your work. It brings the life of the ospreys closer for everyone to enjoy.


Port Elizabeth, South Africa(Zone 10a)

Great that all 3 got through - oh love the da da daa pic - fabulous! You have done a great job again Margaret.

PERTH, Australia

Beahive, after the events in season past, I felt a great relief to see the three chicks still there each time I went to the nest.

How about that, Burn, that you know some of the places elageo mentioned in his birding ventures.

Thanks, Pirl. My own knowledge and understanding of the Ospreys has increased. There actions are now more predictable - most of the time, although I'm sure I've only just scratched the surface.

Thanks Rian. It really is a wonderful outcome.

Speaking of being able to predict their actions. This shot shows that I certainly didn't anticipate Dad arriving at the nest. This should probably go in the awful shots thread.

Thumbnail by MargaretK

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