I just want to say hello,to all the tropic-gardeners

Bad Tölz, Germany


you maybe wonder what somebody from Germany is going to do in this forum.
But I'm a gardener,and very interested in tropic gardening,to see what other gardeners in different climates grow (for example:I never would believe,that lavenders grow in Thailand,because of the high humidity).Even if we can't share plants,we could at least share garden fotos,if you want.
Now in germany soon it becomes winter with lots of snow and frosty degrees,but after that time,I enjoy spring,with lots of daffodils and crocus.



Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

where yPlum68, What agriculture zone are you in? Or do you go by those zones there? Your weather does sound a lot like where I live though.

We are having some unusual weather this year (continuing) from summer. We had snow storms all last week. A couple of days where we got almost 10 inches. And now, believe it or not, it is raining and the snow is almost gone. The temperature is suppose to get up to 50 one day this next week!!

Normally when it starts snowing it doesn't stop until sometimes into March or April. And we have had it snow big time by October 18.

But, you see, it doesn't matterou are, there is almost anything on this site for whatever your interest. Hope to see you more. Jeanette

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Just remembered you said Tropic gardening. LOL, any tropic gardening I do is with houseplants. But there are a lot of people on here who do that type of gardening.

Bad Tölz, Germany

Hello Jnette,

nice to here from you,my agriculture Zone is 6a,I live in bavaria right close to the alps.
Poor you,such a lot of snow already.
We don't have snow at all at the moment,it is sunny and the soil is awful dry,it really needs to rain.I hope snow is still coming,because I really would like to go crosscountry skiing.
With tropic gardening I actually meant gardening in Hawaii,Indonesia etc.Im also a indoor
tropic gardener collecting orchids (cattleya) and bulbs (crinum).
So,would be nice,to send the snow to us.

If there are any mistakes or something wrong written in english then just feel free to
say it.Its a good practice for me to write and read english.



Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Gosh Andrea you do great with your English.

I am surprised that you don't have snow being that close to the Alps.

Yes, it is too bad that we can't trade plants with people all over the world. I guess I can understand the controls for it though. So many of the tropic seeds take forever to germinate that I don't have the patience for that. LOL, guess I want instant gratification.

I know there are a lot of people on here that grow orchids as a hobby even if they don't live where they are native plants. So perhaps one of them will see your post. Did you look to see if there is a forum for them on here?

Another thing you might check out is All Things Plants. They seem to have a lot of specialty forums like that. Don't know about Cubits. You might find something on there also.

Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Andrea, I just looked in the list of forums on here and there is one for Orchids and also Orchid Cactus. You might try those.


Bad Tölz, Germany

Hi jeanette,

I also wondering having no snow by now,but even the higher mountains have no snow at all.
Skiing is possible only on glaciers at the moment.
Thank you for your hints with the orchid forum etc.I will inquire about,wether its possible to send seeds from Germany to USA;that must be possible dont you think so?
Somebody in my neighborhood brought some seeds from Arizona to germany,it wasn't a problem I think.
What do you mean with cubits?You meant crinums?Those ones are really nice lilys,some,with a really strong perfume,or do you say scent?I've seen them growing and blooming in New Zealand.So after beeing back in germany,I decided also to have some.
I need to keep them in the cellar witout frost and completely dark,because they loose their leaves.



Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Hi Andrea:

No, Cubits.org is another gardening site. I find it difficult to go thru it so I don't bother but a lot of people use it. I don't have the patience.

As far as I know, most people don't have a problem sending seeds back and forth thru the mail. Just plants, soil, etc. Like that. Think more because of diseases, invasive materials in some places, etc.

We still have a little snow from a week ago. Don't know why because the weather has warmed up and we did have a rain. However, our nighttime temperatures are still in the 20s so that is probably why.

Have a good week, Jeanette

Bad Tölz, Germany

Hi jeanette,

thank you,I will try this cubit org.gardensite.There is still no snow coming soon,but we have to expect rain this coming weekend.

Have a nice week too

Greetings Andrea

Santa Ana, CA(Zone 10b)

The Orchids forum on Cubits has been moved to All Things Plants.

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Welcome to Tropical Zone Gardening! We live in Texas, near Houston. I love tropical plants having lived in Hawaii as a teen for two and a half years.

We have all kinds of tropical plants. We too have had strange weather the past few years so we lost alot of them do to two years of freezes, and then one very hot summer with no rain. We still have banana trees (about 60 at last count), Mexican Fan Palms, Rose of Sharon, Plumerias, ferns, Majesty Palms, Bird of paradise which has yet to bloom, white ginger, airplane plants, and other misc.......things.

At one time I had a "hut", but the jasmine took over my gazebo, and now it is the makeshift greenhouse for the plumerias and other tender plants.

My point is that you just have to love tropicals not necessarily live there. They allow a certain number of "wannabees", thank goodness!!!!

Please do share your photos. We would love to see them! Mine are posted on my garden journal site if you would like to look at them.

Happy Holidays!


Bad Tölz, Germany

Hello Jeanne,

thank you for the welcome,living in Hawaii sounds to me like living in paradise.Must be beautiful there.I've never been to the tropics,only have been to New Zealand,and the
northern Island has a mediteranian climate.
Its nice to have bananas,I love them,do you also grow the cooking bananas?
I think you can't eat them raw,you have to cook it like a potatoe.
In springtime this year we where mountaineering in Turkey,there they had baby bananas
tasting so sweet,yummie.The birds of paradise which you have you grow outside?
We have some plants growing in the greenhouses of the Botanical Garden in Munich.
I really like them,but where I live you need to have to keep them inside during wintertime
and I dont have the space to keep them,because they get so big.

Now I will try to post here some fotos of my flowering summer garden.At this time of the year there is nothing flowering anymore,actually we should have the first snow already.

Greetings Andrea

Thumbnail by plum68
Bad Tölz, Germany


how to post more fotos?Need help.Thank you.



Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Andrea, unfortunately you cannot post more than one photo at a time. We all have been asking for years to have the ability to do that but I think they would probably take up too much room. However, Admin has not said that is why we can't do it. So, who knows. But, if you figure it out, please let us know.

Bad Tölz, Germany

Hi jnette,

thank you for this hint,thats a pitty, so there are still more fotos to come by time.I would of course let you know,butI don't think that i write to the team.



Thumbnail by plum68
Bad Tölz, Germany


the last foto for this evening.



Thumbnail by plum68
Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Wow Andrea, I lost you and almost didn't find you again. The pictures are lovely. Is that your yard, and the one of rooftops taken from your yard? Very nice. Jeanette

Baytown, TX(Zone 9a)

Thanks Andrea! Your photos are great! Thanks for sharing.

Living in Hawaii was like paradise! It was wonderful! That's why I had to try to create a "mini Hawaii" in my backyard here in Texas. We are far enough south that the banana trees can stay outside all year. They don't like cold, and a freeze will make them soft like mush. They have to be cut to the ground but they often will come back from the roots.

Our bananas are just regular bananas. They are not very sweet. The ones in the stores are much better!

My bird of paradise is in a pot. It stays outside but is in the greenhouse now. It died in the freeze, but put out new shoots from the root also.

As for posting photos only one at a time is allowed, but you can re-enter a new message and photo as many times as you like on your thread.

You can also post photos over on your Garden Journal / blog and post comments either under it or your garden diary.

Snow is so pretty but I am sure glad that we do not get much of it here in Texas very often.

Merry Christmas!


Ubonratchathani, Thailand

Hello everyone!
We am lucky enough to have a tropical garden in N.E Thailand.
I was a total beginner 3 years ago and now I know a little about most of the plants we have in the garden.
This has turned into my mission to make a little jungle, with mostly palms.
I have started to grow palms from seed as well, I would love to find out tips and info about my plants.
I am doing a small photo blog on Daves, so you can see more photos.

Thumbnail by podge1980
noonamah, Australia

Podge, I'm doing much the same thing. I'm using a lot palms but mixing in lots of other types as well. I googled Ubonratchathani. The climate there is close to here, we have the wet and dry seasons. My rainfall is a little higher. I did a couple of articles on my "jungle"



Good luck with your jungle.

Bad Tölz, Germany

Hello podge,

that looks really nice,so green and warm and sunny.
Where I live,at this time of the year nature looks brownish and uggly,as far as we dont have snow.Thats winter in Germany.

Merry christmas to all of you



Bad Tölz, Germany

hello jnette,

sorry,but I havent seen your answer,strange.This is actually not alone my yard,I have to share it with to women and we have to pay for it.
But I love perennials(I hope thats the right word in english),I have already quite a lot of different beard-Iris and hellebores.
The picture with this rooftops,is taken outside of our garden,its overlooking our neighbours garden towards the mountains.



Northeast, WA(Zone 5a)

Andrea, do you have any pictures of your Helebores? I have only 4 different ones, but sure do like them. Would love to see yours. Jeanette

Bad Tölz, Germany

Hi jnette,

sorry,but I don't have pictures right now,I have to take pictures in spring when they are flowering,and then I show it to you.At the moment some of them have quite big buds already,but they won't manage to flower now,because on saturday it becomes slowly cold and frosty and we're exspecting
snow.I hope finally enough snow for going crosscountry-skiing.Is it possible to go skiing
where you live?



Suan Phung, Ratchabu, Thailand(Zone 11)


Thanks that you mentioned 'lavender can grow in THAILAND', so pround. I myself never would believe at that moment when starting, but along the way, I've been given ton of cheer up, suggest and advise from all over friends here in this forum. Just to let you know that, I'm Thai and do love "lavender" so much..

Merry xMas and Happy New year to all of you..


Bad Tölz, Germany

Hi iamstar,

wish you all the best for the upcoming year and of course for growing your lavendel.
I love lavendel aswell it smells so nice,in france,where they grow wild in the lower mountains,they grow even on rocks with a tiny bit of soil.The humidity is very low and summers are awful hot (40C).Thats actually not fair,that in the tropics almost everything is growing,also european plants and in europe never grow tropic plants outside,because the cant stand the german winter.Would be so nice to have a mango tree growing in the garden,I like them so much.



Hillsborough , NC(Zone 7a)

Aloha Andrea, and welcome to TZG!

Bad Tölz, Germany

Aloha jenn,

thank you,

a happy new year to you and your family.Must be nice and warm now in Hawaii?
We just now have a bit of snow and -9C during night.
Thats winter in Germany.

Suan Phung, Ratchabu, Thailand(Zone 11)

Happy New Year for all of you..

You have brains in your head...
You have feet in your shoes...
You can steer yourself...
any direction you choose...
You'll be on your way up!...
You'll be seeing great sights!...
You'll join the high fliers...
who soar to high heights...
You won't lag behind, because you'll have the speed...
You'll pass the whole gang and you'll soon take the lead...
Wherever you fly, you'll be best of the best...
Wherever you go, you will top all the rest.


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