Split an order of Bok Choy & Asian Brassicas? Nov 2011

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

I'm planning an order to Tainong and/ or Kitazawa right now (Nov. 2011) ...
if someone is interested in something they have, let me know and maybe we can split a pak.
Your shipping cost would only be from me to you (like $2.75-$3), not $5-6 from Tainong.


I was thinking about getting some of these, mostly from Tainong (but not all ten Bok Choy varieties!):

Spinach Mustard Japanese Komatsuna OP
"Oriental Spinach Hybrid" (? Spinacia oleracea??)
Special Green Petiole Ching Chang OP - Big, bright green body. Tolerates high heat.
Dark Green Gai Lan "Chinese Kale" OP
Late Season / cool weather Gai Lan

Bok Choy 'Dong Zhi' - cool areas. Big size with heavy bulb base
Baby Bok Choy 'Mei Qing Choi' (Sakata Seed) - green stem, compact, extra early, good bolt resistance.
Baby Bok Choy 'Ching Chang' #5001 - bright glossy green hourglass body
Baby Bok Choy / Shanghai Bok Choy ("Ching Chang Bai Chai") green stem

Dwarf Bok Choy white stem (Tainong)
Tall Bok Choy white slender petioles, 8-10" tall (Tainong)
Bok Choy 'Joi Choi' (Sakata Seed) F1 Hybrid large white stem, up to 18"
'Round Leaf San Tong Pac Choi' ("Taiwan Bok Choy") - large, oval light-green leaves flat white stems

Tainong says they give 1 teaspoon (~3 grams) in a $2 packet - and it is a big pkt.

I think Kitazawa has the next-best prices, 400-800 seeds for $3.50
and Hazzards for once is a little more expensive.


This message was edited Dec 19, 2011 7:20 PM

Thumbnail by RickCorey_WA
Rose Lodge, OR(Zone 8b)

Rick, you still need a partner? I'd love to share with you & am not at all picky. So let me know ...

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Well, I already placed the order and shared a bunch over in the Hog Wild swap. When that seed orgy dies down, I'm going to total up what I have extras of and offer them as small trades instead of a co-op buy.

But I'll remember this thread and either duplicate the information here or mark this thread "CLOSED" and/or add them to my DG Have list.

BTW, some of them will find their way into the New Bee Stash, which now has few or no Asian greens. You can always get things from the New Bee stash by trading or contributing.

(The few Asian herbs that I bought came in very small quantitites and got snapped up quickly.)

If you are going to order from any of these, I might be interested in adding to the order:

Tainonong Seeds
Baker Creek heirlooms

I might go to this guy again soon for one thing I'm already out of:
Sandy Lao [mebegreat@gmail.com]

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Bluespiral reminded me you might still be itnerested. My Tainong & Hazzards orders already came.

But Kitazawa is backordered on on thing, so I could add to that order if you're interested.

And I might go to this guy again soon for one thing I'm already out of, water spinach:
Sandy Lao [mebegreat@gmail.com]
(Check him out, some of his seeds come direct from thailand, yet S&H was jnot bad!)

Bluespiral is going to order a big pak of Mustard 'Red Frills' from J. Hudson Seeds

I plan to get small pkts of these from J Hudson via Bluespiral :

—Papaver atlanticum. PAPA-9. Packet: $2.50
'ATLAS POPPY'. Orange or scarlet 3" flowers; club-shaped pods. Hoary perennial to 2 feet, from a thick woody root. Mountains of Morocco, 6000 - 7000 feet. Rare.

—Ruellia humilis. RUEL-11. Packet: $2.50
'WILD PETUNIA'. Violet-blue 2" long petunia-like flowers in mid-summer.
Hardy perennial to 1 - 2 feet, with 3" leaves. E. U.S. Zone 4.
Good in dry rocky areas. Give 14 weeks cold or GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.

—Salvia forskaohlei. (d,v) SALV-27. Packet: $2.50
Violet-blue flowers with white lips. Hardy perennial to 40". Balkans.
Long-blooming and good for cutting. Sometimes dormant and needs GA-3.

NEW—Salvia roemeriana Hot Trumpets. (10) SALV-74H. $3.00
'CEDAR SAGE'. Bright scarlet inch-long flowers in 8" spikes in June to September. Rounded perennial to 1 foot. S.W. U.S. Zone 7. Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.

If you see anything at Kitazawa or J Hudsons you wnat, or might split, let us know.

I also have multiple types of Bok Choy, 3 Gai Lan, 1-2 Tatsoi, some snow peas, and 1-2 Asian Herbs.
If we split some orders and mail things around between the three of us, we OUGHT to be able to save a little on S&H. And if not, it's an excuse to buy more seeds!

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Summerkid, there's so little action on this thread I'm probably only fgoing to keep track on this other thread.

I updated the list of what I have available - I'll share small sample packets for postage. And I'm goping to try a packing method by First Class Letter. A cardboard/chipboard spacer with seed Ziplocks taped in the open center, inside a Santa Claus card.

Maybe plus 'hand-cancel only' or "non-machinable surcharge", but then I would have to standd in line.

So postage should be only 44, 64 or 84 cents instead of $1.71 + bubble mailer ($2 +).

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Corey ~ Are you going to be ordering from J.L. Hudson? They have a lot of interesting seeds. I will have to look at this year's catalog.

I totally missed that sale at Summerhill. Did you order anything from them? I just put a lot in the shopping cart, but did not check it until the sale was over. Busy with other things, and also was under the weather with a "bug". I am sure I don't *need* any more seeds as I have not sown the seeds I already have. Still those 2 Salvia look mighty tempting....

Evelyn ^_^

Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

How are you feeling, if you don;t mind the question?

>> Corey ~ Are you going to be ordering from J.L. Hudson?

Yup, through Bluespiral. Already did, but they haven't arrive4d yet.
Let'sd see if I can find what I looked for ...


—Papaver atlanticum. PAPA-9. Packet: $2.50
'ATLAS POPPY'. Orange or scarlet 3" flowers; club-shaped pods. Hoary perennial to 2 feet, from a thick woody root. Mountains of Morocco, 6000 - 7000 feet. Rare.

—Ruellia humilis. RUEL-11. Packet: $2.50
'WILD PETUNIA'. Violet-blue 2" long petunia-like flowers in mid-summer. Hardy perennial to 1 - 2 feet, with 3" leaves. E. U.S. Zone 4. Good in dry rocky areas. Give 14 weeks cold or GA-3 to germinate in 1 - 2 weeks.

—Salvia forskaohlei. (d,v) SALV-27. Packet: $2.50
Violet-blue flowers with white lips. Hardy perennial to 40". Balkans. Long-blooming and good for cutting. Sometimes dormant and needs GA-3.

NEW—Salvia roemeriana Hot Trumpets. (10) SALV-74H. $3.00
'CEDAR SAGE'. Bright scarlet inch-long flowers in 8" spikes in June to September. Rounded perennial to 1 foot. S.W. U.S. Zone 7. Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.


>> I totally missed that sale at Summerhill.

As I recall, I looked but did not buy. That's one of many thingas the Hog Wild swap is gopod for. "Buy more seeds?!? Where would I PUT them!?!"

Sierra Foothills, CA(Zone 8a)

Quote from RickCorey_WA :

How are you feeling, if you don;t mind the question?

NEW—Salvia roemeriana Hot Trumpets. (10) SALV-74H. $3.00
'CEDAR SAGE'. Bright scarlet inch-long flowers in 8" spikes in June to September. Rounded perennial to 1 foot. S.W. U.S. Zone 7. Royal Horticultural Society Award of Garden Merit.
As I recall, I looked but did not buy. That's one of many things the Hog Wild swap is good for. "Buy more seeds?!? Where would I PUT them!?!"

That Cedar Sage looks interesting. Still, I have to say, I do not need more seeds. I am in the process of sorting out what needs to be sown early, both indoors and outdoors. I am sorry to say that most of my seeds are of an age that would not be for trading, though I see that my 6yr-old sweet pea seeds are viable. I did sow them thickly, and now I will have to thin. I cannot believe they are coming up so early. It must be that warm, sunny weather that we have been having for Dec-Jan. That will soon come to an end as a front is finally moving in. It has been like springtime, but I sure hope the nearby orchards don't have all their fruit trees in bud now. I will have to check mine. The lilac looks like the buds are swelling somewhat.

Thank you for inquiring of my health. I am better. The third day for going for a walk. "Better late than never", though it was chilly out. The ground is frozen and the hoses are frozen. The winter veggies look great so far...A neighbor has shared some of his corn seeds with me. I am happy about that as we now have more sunshine in the veggie garden now that a pine tree has been felled. He said he usually has a 20' row of corn! I don't have that much room in my fenced area, so I will have considerably less. I will try to stagger the plantings so they do not all come up at once. I will have to inquire as to how early he sows his seed.

Well, happy seed-sorting! And I hope that you get around to sowing a bit of those seeds that you have saved for yourself.

Take care and Happy New Year!


Everett, WA(Zone 8a)

Hi Evelyn. I forgot this was a forum and not Dmail.

Some of the perennials coming from JL Hudson say 'difficult germination, may need GA' but I guess not that one.

If I get it growing, I can send you a division.


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