Rubus Probus, or Atherton Raspberry

Titusville, FL

I would like all info anyone has on these critters. I have stratified them warm for 2 mo. and am now planning 2 mo. of cold stratification in the refrigerator. If you
have successfully grown them from seed please let me know, and would like a detailed description of the climate where you are growing them and what you
think of the flavor fresh and in jam etc.
For example winter here starts in late November with temperatures that can be in the '60's. December is our coldest month usually and it can actually freeze
a couple times between then and Feb. 10. Golden Dorsett and Anna apples grow really well here as well as mysore raspberries. Late Feb. is time to plant
tomatoes and such. By June it is like 93 every day and humid until October when it becomes pleasant and drier again. May to Oct is our rainy season.

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