CLOSED: oops! looking for orangeglo and royal golden watermelon seed

Anderson, IN(Zone 6a)

as it says

Mesilla Park, NM

I'm placing an order at Baker Creek seeds and they have both of the watermelons you are requesting, Royal Golden is 2.25 a pack and Orangeglo is 2.75 a pack. Let me know if you want me to order you a pack of each, I'm going to order some for myself, each year I try out a new watermelon and these sound great.

Dmail me if you want me to order some for you and I'll mail them out to you when they arrive here. It would be 5.00 and you would get true seeds for them. I may order a couple of other types too. (or we can split the packs and get four kinds)

check this out:


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