Burning Pickle Patio - Gathering to Chat

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Beautiful site BB, great photo. We have snow this morn as well and Abygail is here for a few days and she is gonna have so much fun in it. They live on the eastern shore and don't get much snow. We will go snowboarding on Monday as she is off school and they are staying until Tues.

The surgery took 2 1/2 hours, but its over. It was uncomfortable for him with all the stitches in his nose/face and they took the graft from his collarbone area and that is quite a large incision,. He is doing great, but hates that little mushroom like thing with medicine that is sewn to his nose. It will hopefully come off this coming Tuesday and we will just need to redress the area again for a while.

Would love to see some of your relandscaping Diane, Post some pics of before and after if you can.

Here is my funny story to start your day:

I am sure you have had a moment of "Sticker Shock" when you first laid eyes on the pricetag of an item you were about to purchase. Well I sure had mine yesterday, it happened at the grocery store! Not that should be surprising with the price of milk these days, but this one about took my breath away.

Years ago I had fixed a prime rib for dinner that I baked in rock salt. It was the best my family ever tasted (and it was actually cooked in the rock salt you throw on the ice in your driveway). I could not find regular cooking rock salt. But it was good and we lived to tell about it.

With the kids coming for the weekend I thought it would be fun to have it again after all these years. We went to the Giant and I ordered an 8# angus prime rib while Steve picked up some milk, bread, pancake mix and fresh veggies. The meat cutter handed me the roast and it looked fabulous. We went to the express check out and the clerk rang up the items and the total came to $101.33!!!!!!!!!!!!! for less than 7 items. I thought the woman behind me was going to faint. The clerk asked if I had any coupons, of course not, so she graciously gave me one worth $8 which brought the total down to $93 and change! We then decided for the first time to check the price of the roast.... it was $10.99 a pound which for 8# came to $84.29! I had never seen such a huge price tag in the grocery store!

I will be cooking it tomorrow, keep your fingers crossed that I don't ruin it!

Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

Steve got the medicine pack off his nose yesterday. Looks gruesome with stitches all around, but will heal. He gets some stitches removed today and more tomorrow and from his neck incision where they took the graft. Hope he is better soon. He hasn't complained once! His back was all twisted up from sleeping in the recliner as he had to sleep w/o it touching anything or risking bumping. That is getting better, but his back is screwed together from neck to tailbone so I know how much it must have hurt.

I just finished this doily for Maybelle, a dear friend and she came to get it and brought me a beautiful pink breast cancer ribbon bracelet that she made!

Thumbnail by haighr
Laurel, DE(Zone 7a)

We have moved over here, please come join us!


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